EVA Report – April 1st

Crew 208 EVA Report 01-APR-2019

EVA #1

Author: Julielynn Wong

Purpose of EVA: Flight testing of traditional versus new drone controller

Start time: 1100

End time: 1300

Narrative: Crew 208 set up pylons to conduct a flight test in a square pattern (60 feet in length) at an altitude of 20 feet to compare the performance of a standard versus new controller. Crew 208 ENG + HSO did figure-of-8 flight tests with a standard and new drone controller. Crew 208 XO did a hab roof inspection and ENG + HSO flew an exterior hab inspection with a traditional drone controller. Surveys were completed. Open-ended feedback was also recorded.

Destination: Hab

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): n/a

Participants: Dean Jin (XO), Amanda Manget (ENG), David Kim (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: n/a

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA #2

Author: Julielynn Wong

Purpose of EVA: Flight testing of traditional versus new drone controller

Start time: 1430

End time: 1630

Narrative: Crew 208 COM and GHO conducted flight testing in a square pattern (60 feet in length) at an altitude of 20 feet and figure-of-8 pattern to compare the performance of a standard versus new controller. Flight test pylons were returned to Hab. Data collected will be forwarded to controller manufacturer.

Destination: Hab

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): n/a

Participants: Julielynn Wong (COM), Dean Jin (XO), Erika Rydberg (GHO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: n/a

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – March 23rd

Crew 207 EVA Report 23-Mar-2019

EVA #6

Author: Diane Rothberg

Purpose of EVA: Drone map areas that will be used to create a 3D printed map of the MDRS Hab area.

Start time: 10:00
End time: 12:00

Narrative: Two Part 107 drone pilots mapped two areas outlined in Drone Deploy software. First one near Hab. Second one climbed the hill near Pooh’s corners and launched the drone from there.

Destination: Hab area, and Pooh’s Corners

Coordinates 4255000 x 518000, and 4251000 x 518920

Participants: Dean Jin, Tom Baldwin, Diane Rothberg

Road(s) Route 1103 near the Hab and Pooh’s Corners area

Mode of travel: Walking and Rovers (Opportunity + Curiosity)

Crew 207 EVA Report 20 Mar 2019

EVA #7

Author: Julielynn Wong

Purpose of EVA: Allow novice drone pilots to compare a standard versus novel controller to fly a camera drone in a square test flight pattern.

Start time: 14:40
End time: 16:40

Narrative: The weather was clear and sunny.

Two EVA Team members flew the traditional controller first for a test flight in a square configuration (60 ft for each side) at an altitude of 20 feet. Then the EVA team member flew a novel controller for the same square flight test pattern. XO also use the novel controller to conduct a habitat roof inspection. A post-flight survey was completed by all EVA team members.

Destination: MDRS sign

Coordinates: 4250850 / 518100

EVA Participants: Dean (XO), Diane Rothberg (GHO), Tiffany Ni (SCI)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – March 22nd

Crew 207 EVA Report 22 Mar 2019
EVA #5

Author : Julielynn Wong

Purpose of EVA: Allow novice drone pilots to compare a standard versus novel controller to fly a Mavic Pro drone in a square test flight pattern.

Start time: 14:40
End time: 16:40

Narrative: The weather was clear and sunny. All 3 EVA Team members flew the traditional controller first for a test flight in a square configuration (60 ft for each side) at an altitude of 20 feet. Then each EVA team member flew a novel controller for the same square flight test pattern. A post-flight survey was completed by all EVA team members.

Destination: MDRS sign

Coordinates: 4250850 / 518100

EVA Participants: Dean (XO), Tom Baldwin (ENG), Kevin Ho (HSO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – March 22nd

Crew 207 EVA Report 22-Mar-2019
EVA #4

Author: Diane Rothberg

Purpose of EVA: Scout specific areas for launching, flying, mapping and landing drones that will be used to create a 3D printed map of the MDRS Hab area.

Start time: 9:45
End time: 11:45

Narrative: Mapped two areas outlined in drone deploy software. Had drone do video inspection of Hab roof. Had Part 107 novice drone pilots practice flying the drone both manually and automatically.

Destination: Hab area

Coordinates 4255000 x 518000

Participants: Dean Jin (XO), Tom Baldwin (ENG), Diane Rothberg (GHO)

Road(s) Route 1103 staying within 1 km of the Hab

Mode of travel: walking

EVA Report – March 20th

Crew 207 EVA Report 20 Mar 2019

EVA #3

Author : Julielynn Wong

Purpose of EVA: Allow Part 107 novice drone pilots to (1) fly a Mavic Pro drone with a standard controller in a symmetric figure of 8 flight pattern; (2) prepare to conduct an outdoor inspection of the MDRS habitat roof under VLOS in a simulated emergency drill

Start time: 14:40

End time: 16:10

Narrative: Software issues led to the amendment of today’s EVA plan. We modified our plan to move ahead on drone flight testing that was planned for later on this mission.

The weather was clear and sunny. We walked halfway to North Ridge (4251500 N / 518250 W).

A demo flight of VTOL, pitch, yaw, roll, and autonomous landing was piloted by XO using the Mavic Pro in Mode 2 stick configuration. ENG then flew the drone, familiarized himself with the flight controls, and attempted to perform a symmetric figure-of-8 while maintaining altitude, and landed the drone. HSO then flew the drone, familiarized herself with the flight controls, and attempted to perform a symmetric figure-of-8 while maintaining altitude, and landed the drone. The drone remained stable despite high gusting winds present during the entire flight.

ENG and GHO then collected soil samples for analysis using soil sieves 3D printed by SCI and HSO. XO performed a test flight for a bird’s eye view inspection of the MDRS habitat for a planned emergency simulation.

We identified the following useful items to 3D print for an EVA at MDRS:

Headset ear piece

Destination: Halfway to North Ridge

Coordinates: Halfway to 44251500 N / 518250 W (North Ridge); our GPS device ran out of batteries and will be replaced by XO

EVA Participants: Dean (XO), Tom Baldwin (ENG), Diane Rothberg (GHO)

Roads and routes per MDRS Map: Road 1103

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – March 19th

Crew 207 EVA Report 19-Mar-2019

EVA #2

Author: Tiffany Ni

Purpose of EVA: The goal of this EVA was to reach the highest point near Cow Dung Road that directly leads into MDRS from the highway turnoff to help us conduct drone mapping and 3D printing a
high-resolution map.

Start time: 1410h

End time: 1600h

Narrative: After a 5 minute depressurization, our EVA team (Julielynn, Kevin, and Tiffany) checked the state of the rovers – they were charged and ready. Kevin and Tiffany drove Curiosity while Julielynn drove Spirit. Our departure from the Hab was at 1410h. We unplugged our rovers and headed out along Entrance Road and turned onto Cow Dung Road. We continued along Cow Dung Road, passing Kissing Camel Ridge and Zubrin’s Head. We parked the rovers along the right side of Cow Dung Road – 100m away from the Cattle Guard – and began our hike. The hills around Cattle Guard did not appear safe for a hike on foot so we decided to walk to the fence instead. Here, we used the GPS device to determine the exact coordinates for our flight planning software for drone mapping (0520349, 4247084). This is far more precise than the approximated coordinates we initially determined from the map of MDRS. Next, we turned the rovers around and drove along Cow Dung Road. We stopped at Zubrin’s Head and again, using our GPS device, we determined the exact coordinates (0519362, 4248196). We arrived back at the Hab at 1600h with 97% battery for Curiosity (84.4h) and 66% battery for Spirit (85.1h).

Destination: Cattle Guard

Coordinates: Cattle Guard (0520349, 4247084), Zubrin’s Head (0519362, 4248196)

Participants: Julielynn Wong (Comms, EVA Leader), Kevin Ho (HSO), Tiffany Ni (SCI)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving and Walking

EVA Report – March 12th

Crew 206 EVA Report 14 Mar 2019
EVA #14

Author : Jérémy Auclair

Purpose of EVA: The EVA has three purposes :

– Maintenance of the LOAC, replacement of the battery

– Final tests of the simulation space suit on a long EVA

– Exploration and photography of Galileo road and the beginin of Chandor

Start time: 9:22 am

End time: 11:25 am

Narrative: This morning the weather conditions looked perfect : a very
low wind, sunny with some clouds and a higher temperature than
yesterday. After the engineering checks we went straight to the LOAC,
changing the battery took us about 10 minutes. We then took the rovers
to drive to the east end of galileo road. We parked the rovers at 09:55
am at the end of galileo road and started walking down cactus road. We
continued walking for 45 minutes, making small pauses to take pictures
and investigate plants and rocks. Benjamin, who wore the space suit, was
feeling fine event an hour after the begining if the EVA. We arrived at
a relatively big canyon (compared to White Rock Canyon), we went down
and walked down into it. We continued walking for 10 minutes, talking
pictures, and at 10:40 am we decided to head back to the rovers in case
Benjamin started to feel tired or hurt quickly. We took half of the time
to arrive at the rovers. At 11:00 am we got it the rovers and started
driving back to the Hab. On the way back to the rovers I noticed some
nasty rain clouds north of our position, so I decided to make a final
stop at the LOAC position on our drive back to make sure the rain
protection was well attached. I just made a few changes and we drove
back to the Hab. We entered the airlock at 11:20 am and finished the EVA
at 11:25 am.

Destination: LOAC and Weather Station location, Galieo Road and begining
of Chandor Chasma

Coordinates: 518500/425700 (LOAC and Weather Station), 519700/4251900
(East end of Galileo Road)

EVA Participants: Jeremy Auclair (CMD, EVA leader), Benjamin Auzou
(COMMS), Cerise Cuny (HSO)

Roads and routs per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, Galileo Road

Mode of travel: Driving and Walking

EVA Report – March 13th

Crew 206 EVA Report 13Mar2019

EVA #13

Author: Cerise Cuny

Purpose of EVA: This EVA will allow us to do some maintenance on the
LOAC and weather station (hygrometry temperature captor). In addition to
that, we will go on an exploration hike at 518600/4248500 that today’s
EVA teams spotted as an interesting place.

Start time: 9:14 am
End time: 10:42 am

Narrative: After the 5 minute depressurization, we checked the water
levels and the rovers’ batteries. We left the station at 9:26 am and
arrived to the LOAC three minutes later. We placed the hygrometry and
temperature captor at the feet of the LOAC, in the same plastic bag than
the battery to protect it from the rain. We left the LOAC location at
9:29, lost communication with the hab at 9:32 am. We did a first stop
not far before Kissing Camels Ridges, and walked a bit (518214/4249859).
At 9:55 we took back the rover to go farthest to the south. We stopped
at 10:03 am at 519433/4248119. We walked for a bit in canyons but
quickly the wind became stronger. I decided to turn around, to go back
directly to the rovers and to the hab. At some point, we couldn’t hear
very well what people were saying in the radios, and we were pushed by
the wind. We arrived to the rovers at 10:19 am and after an 11 minutes
drive we arrived to the station. We picked up some garbage bags that
were pushed by the wind. We entered the main airlock at 10:37, grateful
to be protected from the cold wind.

Destination: LOAC and Weather Station location, Points of interests in
the south.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518500/4257000 (LOAC and Weather
Station), 518214/4249859, 519433/4248119.

Participants: Jérémy Auclair (CMD), Aurélien Mure (XO), Cerise Cuny
(HSO, EVA leader), Norbert Pouzin (GHO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map : Entrance Road , Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving and Walking

EVA Report – March 12th

Crew 206 EVA Report 12-MAR-2019
EVA #12

Author: Gaspard Thieulin

Purpose of EVA:
After the wind of past days, the LOAC is back in the Hab for inside measurements but we need to redeploy it outside for the last week. We updated the water protection for these rainy days.

Start time: 09:25 am

End time: 11:14 am

This EVA was quite rich in goals, and we successfully fulfilled every one of them. First we headed up to the LOAC and the weather station, using Spirit to drive Norbert and me, and Curiosity with Benjamin and Aurelien and all our heavy stuff. We had to switch the battery of the LOAC and check on the weather station.
To perform the battery switch, I used our "EVA tracking" app, and its new protocol mode. Following simple vocal instructions, we were able to replace the battery without depending on HabCom giving us instructions. While doing so, I noticed the hygrometry sensor of the station was out of batteries, which we will change on the next EVA.
After the first step of the morning, we took back the rovers to go to White Rock Canyon at 0943. We had to use Spirit, knowing its batteries are weaker than the others, so we were very careful about our driving all the way there. In the end, we were able to stop at our planned location with 74% left on spirit and more than 80% on Curiosity at 0958.
We went for a little walk inside and around the Canyon, fulfilling the second goal of the EVA : taking footage for the after-mission movie. While doing so, we had a funny incident with Norbert who found a deep water pound by mistake : his foot went down 50cm according to his words ! Using the "EVA tracking" app, I was even able to note this happened at precisely 1028.
We ended both the walking and the fiming with rovers shots at 1053. We then headed back to the Hab, again being extremly careful to our driving to save some Spirit’s battery, especially knowing it goes down much faster after 70%. Indeed, Spirit arrived to the bar of 60% at 1102, still far from the Hab. On the road, we also had a little issue with Curiosity, stopping for what appeared to be an engine issue, at 1107. Restarting the rover allowed us to safely arrive back to the MDRS at 1110.
In the end, I’m able to say the last purpose of the EVA, proving an "EVA tracking" app can work and be useful, is a success, providing me with detailed data on our EVA.

Destination: LOAC and Weather Station location, White Rock Canyon

Coordinates: 518500/425700 (LOAC and Weather Station), 52200/4247400 (White Rock Canyon)

EVA Participants: Gaspard Thieulin (NG, leader), Benjamin Auzou (COMMS), Aurélien Mure (XO), Norbert Pouzin (GHO)

Roads and routs per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road (South)

Mode of travel: Rovers and Walking

EVA Report – March 11th

Crew 206 EVA Report 11-MAR-2019
EVA #11

Author: Benjamin Auzou

Purpose of EVA:
After the wind of past days, the LOAC is back in the Hab for inside
measurements but we need to redeploy it outside for the last week. We
updated the water protection for these rainy days.

Start time: 09:59 am

End time: 11:04 am

This EVA was , a replay of our EVA#2 of 25th February. The same team and
the same goal.
After our engineering checks (water and rovers), we took Spirit and
Curiosity to drive to the LOAC location. The sky was blue and the sun
was shining on the martian landscape, so the EVA was quiet on the side
of weather.
We managed to install the station and attach it to the ground with pegs
and rocks. It took less time than on EVA#2 and in less than 45 minutes
the weather station and the LOAC were ready to restart their science.
We arrived at the station and entered the airlock at 1059. A successful
one our long EVA !

Destination: LOAC and Weather Station location

Coordinates: 518500/425700 (LOAC and Weather Station)

EVA Participants: Benjamin Auzou (COMMS, EVA leader), Gaspard Thieulin
(ENG), Cerise Cuny (HSO), Jérémy Auclair (CMD).

Roads and routs per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Walking and Driving

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