Crew 293 GreenHab Report 07-03-2024
GreenHab Officer: Mathurin FRANCK
Environmental control: (heater, fan, door open?) Heater/fan turning on automatically
Average temperatures: between 70°F- 90°F
Hours of supplemental light: 10pm-2am
Daily water usage for crops: 8G
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): 188 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 10:00 am 5:00pm
Changes to crops:
Today, I spent a lot of time in the GreenHab, I have:
Put additional soil at the base of tomatoes to cover the roots.
Removed damaged leaves from tomatoes and cucumbers.
Put some dry grass at the base of cucumbers to maintain enough humidity during the day.
Limited the space taken by sunflowers.
Replanted red cabbage (to give them more space to grow).
Replanted onions
Seeded peas
Replanted cherry tomatoes
Pollinated cucumbers
Clean everything and removed unnecessary / too old plants. I now have some free space to replant the radish, the red cabbage and the onions I have left.
Harvest: (include which crop and mass in grams):
5g of mint
50g of Cilantro
26g of radish
Support/supplies needed: /