Greenhab Report November 9th

Green Hab Oficer Atila Meszaros

Sol 6 – 09/11/2017

Ambient (no heating or/cooling): none

Ambient with window/door open: door opened at 08:32; closed at 18:00

Shade cloth on/off: off

Average temperature:

Time *08:32 10:35 *13:55 17:30
Temperature inside (°C) 22 36 34 16
Temperature outside (°C) 8
% Humidity 16 16 16 16

*Time when seed of a former experiment where watered. (There are tomatoes, melons, peppers, cucumbers and beans)

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 2 ½ galons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:32 and 13:55

Changes to research plants: none

Daily watering and amount of water used: 1 L approximately


Hi, Graeme! Atila in here, yes, like the Hun. I hope you are having an amazing night.

Sol 6 was a very short day at the Green Hab (GH) because we had the visit of Globo Tv, as you should know by now. I started to rearranged everything at first hour, it’s a huge mess. There some many materials! Although, most of them are useless, there are some items that can be very valuable for next crews, but I’ll need more help tomorrow if I want to finish what I am aiming.

Respecting my project. Half of the seeds remain at the GH; the other half is in the growing chamber. For all the seed of the experiment, I’m using less than a liter of distilled water per day.

The project wants to prove that Peruvian native crops can, indeed, germinate and grow on Mars soil. I’m working with quinoa, amaranthus and mustard (as a control).

Greenhab Report November 6th

On Sol 3 the Green Hab (GH) was quite nice: I checked the humidity 3 times on the day, every time it has 16-17% (tomorrow I’m going to be more specific with the times). I opened the door of the GH at 10:45 and I closed it at 17:30, it was open because it’s getting pretty hot inside. The temperature inside the GH fluctuated between 25°C-32°C during the day.

Inside the GH there is some seed from a former experiment someone was doing, Shannon told me to water them. I did 2 times today at 10:45 and 15:40, I was about to do a third at 18:20 but they had enough water, I will try to water them tomorrow before 09:00.

Species (common name) Number of bowls
Tomatoes 25
Cucumber 7
Melon 8
Beans 17
Pepper 9

At Sol 4 I’ll have to re-label most of the bowls because it’s a mess. So I’ll let you know how that worked. Also, most of the GH is a mess, so as we doing in the lab I’ll try to rearranged everything. It’s a pretty nice place and I think it can be very useful. We found a red wheelbarrow that we are trying to build up to use it at the EVA’s, but it’s extremely weird, we don’t know if it has missing parts or what, but we can’t finish to build it up. It’s driving me crazy.

Tomorrow I’ll start my project, I’m going to measure the rate of germination of quinoa, amaranthus, and mustard.

Greenhab Report November 7th

Atila Meszaros

Sol 4 – 7/11/2017

Ambient (no heating or/cooling): None

Ambient with window/door open: Door opened at 09:10 and closed at 17:15

Heating: None

Cooling: None

Shade cloth on/off: Off

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 2 gal approximately

Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:54 and 13:30

Changes to research plants: Atila’s project just started today. Tomorrow I will send more feedback.

Daily watering and amount of water used: none


Hi Key! Atila in here. Sol 4 was a very busy day at the Green Hab (GH).

Ok, so let’s start with some crazy data about the GH today:

Time 08:54 11:52 13:30 17:15
Temperature inside (°C) 29 35.5 38 14
Temperature outside (°C) 5 13 14 8
% Humidity 16 16 16 21

*The times in red were when I watered the seed that is still in the lab, they are supposed to be someone else experiment.

Shannon told me to water the seeds 3 times every day, but by 18:00 they were pretty wet, I don’t want them to rot.

On the noon it was extremely hot, jeez! I had to take my shirt off for a while. I was alone, so I guess it wasn’t that weird.

As I told Sylvain on Sol 3, today I re-labeled all the seeds from the former experiment, it was a mess. Now the seeds look great, I didn’t group them, so they still have the random distribution.

I didn’t have enough time to rearrange the GH because I started my experiment today. I’m going to measure the germination percentage and rate of quinoa, amaranthus and two kinds of mustard on a control soil and the mars analog soil. I’ll attach you a picture of the pots. I still have to finish planting the seed I’m going to put on the growth chamber that’s in the Lab. I’m aiming to finish it before dinner.

Also, I’m aiming to make the GH great again by tomorrow afternoon, I’ll let you know how that worked.

Green Hab Report November 8th

Green Hab Officer Atila Meszaros

Sol 5 – 08/11/2017

Ambient (no heating or/cooling): none

Ambient with window/door open: door opened at 10:53; closed at 16: 20

Shade cloth on/off: off

Average temperature:

Time 10:53 12:00 13:40 18:22
Temperature inside (°C) 33 34 34 12
Temperature outside (°C) 5 5
% Humidity 16 16 16 16

*Time when seeds of a former experiment where watered. (There are tomatoes, melons, peppers, cucumbers, and beans)

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 2 ½ galons

Changes to research plants: none

Daily watering and amount of water used: 864 mL approximately

Sol 5 was a pretty lazy day at the Green Hab (GH). Yesterday I worked till 22:00 at the GH and then I was looking for some guides to build a homemade Drip Irrigation System, so I woke up pretty late, plus we had the training for the Rovers and the ATV’s and a 3-hour EVA. It all went awesome! But I didn’t have time to make the repairs I wanted to make on the GH. However, I did repair the GH door that I discovered was a bit lose.

During the last hours of Sol 4, I finished the preparations for my project. Half of the seeds remain at the GH; the other half is in the growing chamber that’s on the Lab. For all the experiment I’m using less than a liter of distillated water per day.

The project wants to prove that Peruvian native crops can, indeed, germinate and grow on Mars soil. I’m working with quinoa, amaranthus and mustard (as a control).

I’ll attach you a picture of the pots!

As I’m aiming every Sol, tomorrow I’m going to rearrange all the GH, because it’s a mess. I’ll let you know how that worked.

Support/supplies needed: none

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