Green Hab Oficer Atila Meszaros
Sol 6 – 09/11/2017
Ambient (no heating or/cooling): none
Ambient with window/door open: door opened at 08:32; closed at 18:00
Shade cloth on/off: off
Average temperature:
Time | *08:32 | 10:35 | *13:55 | 17:30 |
Temperature inside (°C) | 22 | 36 | 34 | 16 |
Temperature outside (°C) | 8 | – | – | – |
% Humidity | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
*Time when seed of a former experiment where watered. (There are tomatoes, melons, peppers, cucumbers and beans)
Changes to crops: None
Daily water usage for crops: 2 ½ galons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 08:32 and 13:55
Changes to research plants: none
Daily watering and amount of water used: 1 L approximately
Hi, Graeme! Atila in here, yes, like the Hun. I hope you are having an amazing night.
Sol 6 was a very short day at the Green Hab (GH) because we had the visit of Globo Tv, as you should know by now. I started to rearranged everything at first hour, it’s a huge mess. There some many materials! Although, most of them are useless, there are some items that can be very valuable for next crews, but I’ll need more help tomorrow if I want to finish what I am aiming.
Respecting my project. Half of the seeds remain at the GH; the other half is in the growing chamber. For all the seed of the experiment, I’m using less than a liter of distilled water per day.
The project wants to prove that Peruvian native crops can, indeed, germinate and grow on Mars soil. I’m working with quinoa, amaranthus and mustard (as a control).
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