Sol Summary – November 21th

Sol: 8
Summary Title: Hiking on Mars
Author’s name: Jas Purewal
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Spent the morning doing training, which included crisis management and VR first aid. The crew engineer categorized her rocks for a carry capacity test for her Pleiades anchor. In the afternoon the EVA crew headed out to the sea of shells, parking the rovers near the overlook on Brahe Hwy and walking the rest of the way. Today’s EVA was by far the most strenuous yet, but well worth it for the biological samples that were collected.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVA’s planned for tomorrow. A morning EVA on foot to nearby Gateway to Candor. Afternoon EVA for engineering demo and biological sample collection at Cowboy Corner.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Rather nice. Sunny, clear. No rain.
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: EVA 8 – XO, HSO and Biologist went to the Sea of Shells via the Overlook on Brahe Hwy for biological sample collection. Curiosity and Spirit were driven on Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy, stopping just before the Overlook. Once at the overlook, the rovers were parked and the crew headed out on foot to The Sea Shells. Samples collected included: ice; mud next to ice; 3 plant samples; 1 salty rock; 3 samples of dirt from roots of three plants; 3 plant samples.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Journalist report

Support Requested: none

Sol Summary – November 20th

Sol: 7
Summary Title: Biologist down
Author’s name: Jas Purewal
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Read about lichen and did research on how to identify lichen. Planted 18 plants. Commander, Communications officer and Engineer did a walking EVA at 2:45pm to Hab Ridge Rd N. Searching for hydrous minerals. Conducted an emergency exercise that simulated a crew member fainting. The crew performed admirably.
Look Ahead Plan: Morning crisis communication education and VR first aid training and scenario 3. 1:30pm to 4:30pm EVA to Sea of Shells via the Overlook on Brahe Hwy 1572.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Rather nice. Sunny, clear. No rain.
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: EVA 8 – Commander, Communications officer and Engineer did a walking EVA at 2:45pm to Hab Ridge Rd N. Searching for hydrous minerals. Found many sea shells, they were not collected but rock samples were collected.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Journalist report

Support Requested: none

Sol Summary – November 19th

Sol: 6
Summary Title: Lichens on Mars
Author’s name: Jas Purewal
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Crew headed out for a morning EVA to “The Peanut” via Cow Dung Rd and Galileo Rd. Collected 5 lichen samples that appeared to be different.
In the afternoon the crew had a round table session to talk about challenges and opportunities for women in STEAM followed by a discussion about being authentic as women in our professional life. We simulated an ankle break and how to treat it.
Look Ahead Plan: Make slides of the lichen collected to look at under the microscope. Commander, Communications officer and Engineer will do a walking EVA at 3pm to Hab Ridge Rd N. Searching for hydrous minerals.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Rather nice. Sunny, clear. No rain.
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: EVA 7 – Crew headed out for a morning EVA at 8am to “The Peanut” via Cow Dung Rd and Galileo Rd. Collected 5 lichen samples that appeared to be different.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Journalist report

Support Requested: none

Sol Summary – November 18th

Sol: 5
Summary Title: Misstep on Mars
Author’s name: Jas Purewal
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Crew headed out for a morning EVA to the junction of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy to test the recently serviced rovers. Opportunity overheated on the return leg of EVA. The crew waited for ~ 10 mins but Oppy still didn’t start. They left Oppy in the field and returned back to the hab. As there was more time left in the EVA, the EVA crew learnt that they should have waited another 20 mins for Oppy to cool before returning. Lesson Learned. The rover keys were brought back to the hab and left in the RAM for the outpost team to retrieve.
In the afternoon the crew reviewed the EVA and lessons learned. Discussed mission and EVA planning. Did VR first aid training and practised splinting a broken ankle. We also spent some much needed relaxation time, played chess and made Mac n Cheese (with a kick). The crew Biologist made LB and PDA plates in the Science Dome.
Look Ahead Plan: One morning EVA planned from 8am to 10:30am. XO, HSO and Biologist taking Spirit and Curiosity to explore “The Peanut” via Cow Dung and Galileo Rd to collect biological samples with a focus on lichen and any soil around plants. In the afternoon we will do more VR first aid training and team development training. The crew biologist will analyse the collected samples and use the LB plates to grow collected samples in the Science Dome.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Rather nice. 42F, sunny, clear. No rain.
Crew Physical Status: Good
EVA: EVA 6 – Crew headed out for a morning EVA at 9:30am to the junction of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy to test the recently serviced rovers. Opportunity overheated on the return leg of the EVA. The crew waited for ~ 10 mins but Oppy still didn’t start. They left Oppy in the field and returned back to the hab. As there was more time left in the EVA, the EVA crew learnt that they should have waited another 20 mins for Oppy to cool before returning. Lesson Learned. The rover keys were brought back to the hab and left in the RAM for the outpost team to retrieve.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Journalist report

Support Requested: Retrieval for Opportunity rover

Sol Summary – November 17th

Summary Title: First harvest
Author’s name: Izabela Shopova
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Two EVAs – collecting samples from White Rock Canyon and on-foot orientation expedition near the Hub. In the morning we completed the second session of the First Aid training, the crew engineer repaired the kitchen sink drain, and in the afternoon the crew scientist planted mushrooms and harvested the first batch of microgreens for our dinner salad.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we have planned two EVAs back-to-back in the afternoon and will continue working on on-going projects.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Clear, sunny and warm for the season.
Crew Physical Status: Nominal.
EVA: Two successful EVAs: Morning EVA with Opportunity and Perseverance to White Rock Canyon; Afternoon EVA on-foot in the area of the Hub.
Reports to be filed:
Commander’s report
EVA report
EVA request
Operations report
Sol Summary report
Support Requested: None
Thank you, Mission support.

Sol Summary – November 16th

Sol: 3
Summary Title: Intertribal Space conference
Author’s name: Izabela Shopova
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
We had a late start today giving us an extra hour of sleep in the morning to compensate for the late night, watching the recorded Artemis launch. After breakfast, we completed the first part of the VR First Aid training and our commander supported the Intertribal conference as planned. There were no questions from the conference. The afternoon EVA highlighted some communication issues which we discussed in the debriefing before dinner. Crew scientists collected samples for research and the crew took amazing photos.
Look Ahead Plan: Two EVAs tomorrow as planned and continued work on other projects
Anomalies in work: Radio contact was lost during EVA. The crew on EVA was able to communicate with each other but CapCom couldn’t hear them.
Weather: Cold, sunny and clear.
Crew Physical Status: Good. The crew is making an effort to drink more water and keep hydrated.
EVA: Successful afternoon EVA to White Rock canyon for biological samples collection.
Reports to be filed:
Sol Summary
Operations Report
Commander’s Report
EVA Request
EVA Report
Support Requested: None

Thank you Mission support

Sol Summary – November 15th

Sol: 2
Summary Title: The birthday party
Author’s name: Izabela Shopova
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Our first full day in sim started at sunrise. The crew engineer checked the suit batteries’ voltage before breakfast. While retrieving the multimeter from RAM Crew journalist made a mistake and opened the front door, which broke the sim accidentally. Realizing the mistake we closed the door and went out through the rare airlock.
At breakfast, the crew had a serving of the first batch of our homemade yogurt in addition to home-baked biscuits, dry fruits, cheese, and ham, while discussing the plans for the day.
The two EVAs to Marble Ritual went well. The crew tested our EVA checklist and had some good lessons learned. It was very exciting to be on our first non-supervised EVAs. The weather was brilliant – cold and clear. We took millions of great photos and videos, including one taken with a drone.
Between the two EVAs the crew threw a surprise party for our Commander’s birthday with a chocolate cake and a birthday card.
Look Ahead Plan: Plan for tomorrow includes First Aid training, support for Intertribal Space conference, and an afternoon EVA
Anomalies in work: Accidental break of sim by mistake in the morning. One of the headphones is giving us trouble.
Weather: Cold and clear, sub-zero temperatures.
Crew Physical Status: Optimal – High spirits, good health, optimistic, elated.
EVA: Two successful EVAs
Support Requested: pillows, trash bags, cleaning product for helmets and please retrieve the garbage we have left in the rear airlock

Thank you , Mission support

Sol Summary – November 14th

Summary Title: We are in sim!
Author’s name: Izabela Shopova
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The morning was dedicated to training with Dr Rupert and after a short lunch break, the crew suited up and tested the two types of suites.

The main activity in the afternoon was our first EVA for a test drive and to familiarise ourselves with the area. Dr Rupert pointed out interesting locations for our crew scientist to visit and helped us navigate by our maps.

Back in the Hub we officially started the simulation at 1600. Had dinner and reviewed our plan for Sol 2.

Look Ahead Plan:
Crew 268 will do two EVAs in Sol2 for familiarisation and prospecting for biological sample sights.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Sunny and cold, very good for EVAs
Crew Physical Status: Feeling good, no health issues and concerns, in high spirits
EVA: Successful training EVA. Drove 3 rovers.
Reports to be filed: No outstanding reports
Support Requested: N/A

Sol Summary – November 11th

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Last day on Mars
Author’s Name: Laurène Delsupexhe
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Today marked the end of our simulation. As usual, Paula went to water the plants. Cristina had baked a nice piece of bread. The Morning was mainly dedicated to cleaning the station. Laurène had an LGM session with a friend and then went on a final engineering EVA. Meanwhile, Marta prepared lunch. At 2pm, the simulation came to an end. Sergii kindly took us to the overlook for a last Mars exploration : the views were spectacular.

Look ahead plan: N/A

Anomalies at work: N/A

Weather: Sunny, 5°C

Crew Physical Status: Good

EVA: 1

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request

Support Requested: None, thank you Mission Support!

Sol Summary – November 10th

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Winter is coming to Mars

Author’s Name: Cristina Vazquez Reynel, Crew Exec Officer and HSO

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today the crew woke up at 8am full of energy and had a nice breakfast together.

The crew had a busy day ahead with Laurene, Paula and Marta having braided sessions with their friends and family and two EVAs planned.

The day started by preparing for the EVA experiments and cleaning in the RAM and GreenHab. Just before lunch, Laurene and Cristina went out for the first EVA of the day, they tested the robot close to the Hab and went to explore the amazing views of Skyline Rim. Unfortunately, the test failed and no useful data was collected this time. Following their return to the Hab, Paula and Marta got ready and went out for the second EVA, they successfully repeated the test with the robot and spent some time exploring and taking nice pictures with the beautiful sunset.

After the cold EVAs, with temperatures below 0°C, the crew gathered for a hot chocolate and started preparing the reports of the day.

Look ahead plan: Tomorrow the crew is planning a full day preparing for the end of the simulation and a special trip to the Overlook.

Anomalies at work: N/A

Weather: Sunny, 3°C

Crew Physical Status: Good

EVA: 2

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, Commander Report, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request

Support Requested: None, thank you Mission Support!

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