Sol Summary – Jannuary 2nd

Crew 238 Sol Summary Report 02-01-2022

Sol: 320

Summary Title: Arrival

Author’s name: Sionade Robinson, Commander

Mission Status: Training

Sol Activity Summary: We arrived at MDRS early afternoon and spent the rest of the day familiarising ourselves with the MDRS Mission Campus and beginning our training with MDRS Mission support.

Look Ahead Plan: We will complete our training and assessments tomorrow and seek to commence Sim on Tuesday morning.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Clear and crisp

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: TBC after training.

Reports to be filed: Sol and Operations

Support Requested: Training completion and sign off.

Sol Summary – December 29th

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 29-DEC-2021

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Martian Twilight Zone

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Nominal, last day of Sim tomorrow!

Sol Activity Summary: After a late night of battling with emptying the toilet tank, the crew had a late wake-up and a delicious pancake breakfast. We quickly learned that we needed to go into energy conservation mode since the solar panels couldn’t charge while it was cloudy and the propane level for the generator was low.

That meant we spent the afternoon working on research and outreach until our laptop batteries died and playing more Durak in the window lit Hab. Today’s EVA was scheduled for the second half of the afternoon, so the remaining crew continued work on research, outreach, and troubleshooting the toilet issues. And by “outreach”, I mean our Crew Journalist, Ben, filming himself belting out Mama Mia in the Hab living room.

During a quick evening conversation with The Outpost, we had a good laugh at the idea that the last few days have felt like a Martian version of The Twilight Zone with a handful of things breaking or not working how they should (read the Operations report, you’ll understand). After trying out a new Philipino stew for dinner, we will attempt to end the night with Apollo 13… again.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is our last day of Sim, so some of the crew members will be going on the last EVA of the rotation and the remaining crew will be wrapping up the last parts of their research and outreach projects in the Hab.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partly cloudy, temperatures in the high 30s/low 40s F

Crew Physical Status: Nominal (if not a bit hyperactive)

EVA: Today’s EVA to Barianca Butte was successful. Vladimir (GHO) scouted and found three additional Hab locations, while Tyler (SCI) generated a second heat map of the Barianca Butte with different weather conditions

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, and Journalist Report (with photos)

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 27th

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 27-DEC-2021

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Three Cheers for Mancos Shale!

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The day started with an early wake up so the crew could get out the door for an EVA. Executive officer, Cesare, has been chasing a kind of rock called a Mancos shale for the last four years and we were going to get it today on EVA if it was the last thing we did. And we did just that! Cesare’s face lit up like a Martian Christmas tree as we entered the area near Copernicus Hwy that held the precious rock. After returning to the Hab, just about everyone knocked out for an afternoon nap. After waking up, I continued working on my outreach projects, which includes answering questions for an elementary school class and making a MDRS cookbook. We’re ending the night with fresh-out-of-the-oven brownies and Apollo 13.

Look Ahead Plan: EVA scheduled for tomorrow afternoon/morning. There’s a small chance of snow in the afternoon!

Anomalies in work: No anomalies in work

Weather: Partly cloudy, windy, temperatures in the 30s

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: EVA to the moon overlook and the Morrison and Mancos shale boundary was a success. Multiple samples of gypsum and Mancos shale were collected for a research project.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, and Journalist Report (with photos)

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 26th

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 26-DEC-2021

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Windy Afternoon on Mars

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Break of sim this morning when the wind blew open the front airlock door and some of the crew members attempted to close it. Everything else is nominal.

Sol Activity Summary: We awoke this morning to the sound of the wind blowing outside the Hab and listened to it sing us the song of its people during the pancake breakfast prepared by Dylan (ASTRO/DB) and Cesare (XO). The crew quickly started preparing for EVA when the wind kicked it up a notch, the clouds rolled in, and a sprinkle of graupel started to fall. It had been 15 minutes of utter chaos when the clouds pulled back, the graupel stopped falling and the wind quieted down (just a little). With the winds remaining higher than predicted, the EVA was cancelled. But you know what they say, Martian boys make do. Another afternoon around the Hab, playing a Russian card game named Durak, finishing up books, and working on research and outreach projects. The night ended with some hot soup and finally getting around to watching Shrek (…maybe).

Look Ahead Plan: EVA scheduled for tomorrow morning. The remaining crew at the Hab will have free time and continue to work on personal research and outreach projects. With an early EVA start, I’m sure there will be some naps sprinkled in too.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies in work

Weather: Extremely windy with temperatures in the 40s

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: EVA was scheduled for this afternoon but cancelled due to high winds. Same EVA is rescheduled for tomorrow.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, Science Report and Journalist Report (with photos)

Support Requested: None

Crew 236 Commander Report and Sol Summary 24-Dec-2021

[Commander Report, Sol Summary December 24th]

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 24-DEC-2021

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Gotta Get Down on Friday

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: It’s Christmas Eve! We decided to sleep in a little bit this morning. Once everyone emerged from their cocoons, we feasted on a breakfast of latke (potato pancakes) cooked by our lovely journalist and GreenHab officer. There was an EVA scheduled for the afternoon, but due to the wind and rain, it was canceled. Instead, the afternoon was spent catching up on some reading. Crew 236 has quite the spread of reading materials here on Mars, let me tell ya! Tonight, we are having a holiday dinner consisting of homemade lasagna, garlic bread, zucchini “meatballs”, and beignets. Once we’ve demolished the spread, we plan to play card games and maybe watch a movie!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is Christmas Day! A quick EVA is planned for the afternoon and then we will be relaxing and celebrating together.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Rainy in the morning followed by a warm, windy, and overcast afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Feeling fun and festive

EVA: EVA was scheduled for this afternoon but canceled due to rain

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, and Journalist Report (with photos)

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary Report Dec 23rd

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 23DEC2021

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Groundhog Day

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: It’s not Groundhog Day but it feels like we lived yesterday all over again. After having to cut yesterday’s EVA short due to radio issues, we retried the EVA today with the same wake up time, same breakfast, same EVA crew, same destination, but without the radio failure. Meanwhile, the remaining crew at the Hab spent time catching up on research and a few good books. After reuniting over bowls of chicken noodle soup, we continued with research and individual free time. The plan is to watch Airplane on someone’s small laptop screen to top the night off. Too bad the Hab doesn’t have any Bill Murray movies.

Look Ahead Plan: The forecast for tomorrow includes some rain, so we will request an EVA and see if the weather allows for EVA tomorrow. If no EVA is possible, the crew will spend a day inside working on research, outreach and free time.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partly overcast, temperature in the 40s

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Today’s EVA was successful with both research objectives achieved. A crew member’s spacesuit fan died towards the end, but the crew quickly returned to the Hab after.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, and Journalist Report (with photos).

Support Requested: It is very windy tonight so is there anything special we need to do to make sure doors don’t blow open?

Sol Summary – December 22nd

Crew 236 Sol Summary Report 22-DEC-2021

Sol: 3

Summary Title: Naps on Mars?

Author’s name: Kasey Hilton

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Life on Mars? *Cue David Bowie* We don’t know. Naps on Mars? Absolutely. The crew had an early wake-up and a quick breakfast before heading out to on EVA.

Due to a malfunction in comms, the EVA was cut short. The afternoon was spent relaxing and recharging, with 5 out of the 7 crew members taking naps. A bit of work was squeezed in before ending the evening with jambalaya and card games.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, Cesare (XO), Ben (JOU), Tyler (SCI), and Pavi (ENG) will go on a second EVA. The remaining crew members will stay at the Hab and continue to work on research and outreach.

Weather: Partly overcast, temperature in the 30s.

Crew Physical Status: A resounding “WOOHOO!” followed by a few thumbs up from the crew. Everyone is still in good health and spirits.

EVA: Today’s EVA ended earlier than planned due to a radio malfunction that caused a crew member to lose comms. Tomorrow the same EVA will be attempted again in order to complete the desired research.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, Health and Safety Report, Sol Summary, and Journalist Report (with photos), Astronomy Report

Support Requested: Any information about the James Webb launch would be great (if it’s been delayed further, when is the launch scheduled for, etc.)

Sol Summary – November 9th

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Rain on Mars???

Author’s name: Madison Rooth

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning our crew gathered around our kitchen table and discussed our EVA plans over a breakfast of coffee and Cliff bars. EVA Team 1, consisting of CO Crisman, XO Rooth, and MCA Murphy, headed out via rovers Curiosity and Perseverance to Kissing Camel Ridge on the East side at 0900 to sample the regolith for later analysis. Team 1 returned at 1200 and relaxed over a lunch of cheese and broccoli soup.

EVA Team 2 consisting of GHO Montanez, ENG Moga, and HSO Milne embarked for their EVA to the West side of Kissing Camel Ridge at 1300. However, though the wind started at 10 mph at EVA start, it increased to around 15 mph shortly after embarkation with light rain while on EVA, so Team 2 turned around per EVA Briefing and returned to Hab. They arrived back at base at 1340.

After this, the crew worked on individual research for the rest of the day.

Look Ahead Plan: Conduct EVA to West side of Kissing Camel Ridge for EVA Team 2

Anomalies in work: Poor weather lead to an aborted EVA

Weather: Windy with a little bit of rain

Crew Physical Status: All good, 1 minor abrasion during morning EVA

EVA: 2 to Kissing Camel Ridge, the second one was aborted after about 30 minutes

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, HSO report, Images for SOL 1 and SOL 2

Support Requested: None at this time

Crew 239 Sol Summary for November 8th

Sol: 1

Summary Title: First Day of Martian Activity!

Author’s name: Madison Rooth

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Our crew awoke this morning and shared a breakfast of delicious pancakes cooked by Crew Artist Brian Murphy. After this, EVA Team 1 of CO Keith Crisman, XO Madison Rooth, and MCA Brian Murphy embarked to Marble Ritual for a geologic sampling and training EVA at 1000.Team 1 arrived back at the Hab at 1059 and cooled off while preparing EVA Team 2 for their mission to Marble Ritual. EVA Team 2 left Hab at 1332 and consisted of GHO Cynthia Montanez, HSO Emily Milne, and ENG Aidan Moga. Following EVA Team 2’s return to the Hab at 1500, we shared a delicious meal of rice, vegetables, and chicken. ENG Aidan and CO Crisman attempted to fix our waste facility (toilet) due to a freshwater leak). The crew then worked on individual research until dinnertime.

Look Ahead Plan: Conduct EVAs to Kissing Camel Ridge

Anomalies in work: No anomalies

Weather: Sunny and hot

Crew Physical Status: All good

EVA: 2 to Marble Ritual

Reports to be filed: Operations report on it’s way!

Support Requested: None at this time

Crew 239 Sol Summary for November 7th

Crew 239 Sol Summary Report 11-07-2021

Sol: 1

Summary Title: Beginning of sim

Author’s name: Madison Rooth

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: We arrived in Hollow Mountain to fuel the CrewCar at 10:55am and arrived at the Hab at 11:45am. We conducted an overview of the site and met with Shannon shortly after. After system introductions and acclimating the Crew to their new surroundings, two members, XO Madison Rooth and ENG Aidan Moga followed Shannon into Hanksville to fill the HabCar tank with water from Hollow Mountain. Due to difficulties with the hose and pump, it took several hours to pump the water into the Static Tank. After this was completed, HSO Emily Milne and GHO Cynthia Montanez made the second trip into town to fill the HabCar tank and transfer it to the Static Tank. CO Keith Crisman, MCA Brian Murphy, and XO Madison Rooth repaired the window in the Hab’s main door due to it breaking from the high winds.

Look Ahead Plan: Conduct Marble Ritual EVAs

Anomalies in work: No anomalies

Weather: Sunny and windy

Crew Physical Status: All good


Reports to be filed: HSO Report

Support Requested: None at this time

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