Sol Summary – March 2nd

Crew 223 Sol Summary Report 02-03-2020

Sol: 1 Summary Title: Giant leap into martian routine

Author’s name: Aurélien Mure – Crew Commander

Mission Status: Crew 223 discovering sim

Sol Activity Summary:

The crew woke up at 6:50am as it will during the whole mission. The sport session began at 7:00am. It was the first long session for 5 members of the crew. They were really motivated and did a great workout session. We went through the breakfast as a large family! The crew took time to prepare the first EVA for an hour. In fact, Supaero crews have special EVA checklist and protocols taking time. Blandine, Clément, Luc and I went out to change the LOAC and MegaAres batteries and start exploring. We went to Marble’s Ritual and explored until Phobos Peak. It was a great training EVA and the whole crew was perfectly handling the operations.
For lunch Valentin cooked homemade pasta with fresh pesto sauce and deep fried zucchini flowers.
I think we are going to spend two amazing weeks in terms of food! In the afternoon each crew member worked on its own experiments or reports after having spent half an hour playing cards together. Then the crew started the language human factor experiment at 4:00pm. We went through the training to emergency equipment Blandine gave us.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow we will go on EVA in the morning if the weather allows it.

The EVA will be focused on familiarizing the rest of the crew to the protocoles and to the routine of battery replacement for the LOAC and MegaAres.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny and warm all day (-2°C at 7:00am, about 11°C at 2:00pm)

Crew Physical Status: All crew members safe and sound


Reports to be file: Journalist Report, Operations report, Food Inventory, EVA Request, Green Hab report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – March 1st

Crew 223 Sol Summary Report 01-March-2020

Sol: 0 Summary Title: Starting up with little troubles

Author’s name: Aurélien Mure – Crew Commander

Mission Status: Crew 223 ready to go on Sim

Sol Activity Summary:

Both crews woke up at 6:00 am. 222 left at 7:00, it was a strange feeling to let our friends go after having spent a single night with them. We could have talked for hours!

Valentin and I started to empty the transportation tank into the Greenhab tank with issues with pipes. The rest of the crew prepared the breakfast.

At 8:00 we were finally ready for our first sports session. It was a real pleasure to share this first crew moment and a good way to get in a good shape before the beginning of the sim.

To continue the morning Florian and I went to the LOAC and the MegaAres to change the batteries. It was an opportunity to train Florian to the LOAC procedure.

Meanwhile, Marion and Valentin went to the Hollow Mountain gas station to fill up the transportation tank. They had trouble with the tank of the Habcar but they fixed it with a little delay.

After having lunch we have been through the training from the director about the rules and the sim. We went outside to be trained to the rover and the ATV’s.

Before closing the door and beginning the sim, it is a tradition in Supaero crews to have a sincere discussion about concerns and expectations for the mission. It was a strong team-building moment.
5:45 pm: The door is closed, the MDRS pressurized, the crew ready.

The crew has started to write down reports and Valentin worked in the Greenhab to harvest some lettuce.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow will be our first day on Sim, we will go on EVA in the morning if the weather allows it.
The EVA will be focused on familiarizing the crew to the protocols and to the routine of battery replacement for the LOAC and MegaAres.

Anomalies in work: Habcar gas tank cap broken
Weather: Cloudy in the morning, about 11°C then windy (up to 14m/s) and sunny at sunset.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members safe and sound


Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, Green Hab report, Crew Bios

Mission plan and Food inventory will be sent tonight or tomorrow depending on how fast we write it down.

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 29th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 29-02-2020
Sol: 13
Summary Title: Martian friendship
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: Crew transition with Crew 223

Sol Activity Summary: We woke up at 5:30 am and enjoyed the sunrise from
Hab Ridge. Then we headed to Loa to get the HabCar back. On our way
back, we met the crew 223 in Hanksville. That was an intensoe and joyful
moment to see our friends, seven people we prepared this mission with !
Then we spend the afternoon getting water for the tanks and explaining
each member the keys of his role. We will enjoy all a burger together
tonight, our first Earth food, and their last !

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will leave the campus very early, and we
wish a very good mission to our friends of crew 223.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: cloudy and warm
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound
EVA: none
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations report, GreenHab
Report, Astronomy Report, Photos Report, Photo
of the day, Mission Checklist
Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary Report – Feb 28th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 28FEB2020

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Last martian day

Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou

Mission Status: Sim ended, ready to receive crew 223

Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the crew woke up with the last matinal workout session. Then four of us went on the last EVA, exploring the area of Copernicus. The day was very similar to our other sols, but it was the last !

In the afternoon, we cleaning the Hab in order to prepare the crew transition. At 6pm, we opened the airlock that we closed at the same hour two weeks ago. We all took a deep breath, we are back on Earth after two wonderful weeks on Mars that taught us a lot.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we will wake up very early to enjoy the sunrise from the ridge. Then we will prepare the arrival of crew 223, prepare them a nice martian lunch, get water and food for their rotation. This day will be intense.

Anomalies in work: none

Weather: sunny

Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound

EVA: Exploration of Hab Ridge

Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, Photos Report, Photo of the day

Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary Report – February 27th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 27-02-2020
Sol: 11
Summary Title: A calm Hab
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: all things running, and crew transition ready

Sol Activity Summary: After the matinal workout session, four of us went
on EVA to explore Candor Chasma, that was the last EVA for three of us.
In the afternoon, we worked on different activities : installation of
seeds in the culture tower, GreenHab cleaning, human factors experiments !
At 4pm, our HSO Nicolas leaved the Hab to Grand Junction and will be
back tomorrow afternoon.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be the last day of sim, we will prepare
the arrival of our friends of the crew 223. We will also take time to
clean the station. The last EVA team of our rotation will explore the
area around Copernicus Highway.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: sunny
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound
EVA: Exploration of Candor Chasma
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations report, GreenHab
Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photos Report, Photo
of the day
Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary – February 26th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 26-02-2020
Sol: 10
Summary Title: An other martian day
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: all things runnning, preparing the end of the rotation

Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the crew woke up with a matinal workout session. Then four of us went on EVA to explore Hab Ridge, this. That was a calm and sunny day on Mars. In the afternoon we performed the bomb defusal cooperation game for the third time. Before the end of the afternoon, the HSO and the engineer get outside to take care of one of the ATVs. For dinner, we will taste the wonderful cucumber of the greenhab we are talking about for some days now.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we will have our last real martian day together, because one of our crewmembers will leave tomorrow evening to get back to Earth.
We will continue the experiments and prepare the rotation with crew 223.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: sunny
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound
EVA: Exploration of Hab Ridge
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photos Report, Photo of the day
Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary – February 25

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 25-02-2020
Sol: 9
Summary Title: Liberative day
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: all things running

Sol Activity Summary: In the morning, the crew woke up with a matinal
workout session. Then four of us went on EVA to set the LOAC back to its
location. The rainy days are behind us and now all experiments are back
on the field.
In the beginning of the afternoon, some of us took a short nap while the
others were in the solar observatory or in the GreenHab to work on the
The day was very liberative because we went out for exploration for the
first time in 4 days and also because our HSO prepared us a very
liberative activity in the end of the afternoon in which we danced and
shared a moment to be more confident with ourselves and the others.

Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow we are plannning a long EVA. ALso we will start to prepare the
arrival of crew 223, which will continue most of the experiments we are

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: sunny and windy
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound
EVA: LOAC back to experiment site and exploration of the North, between
Reservoir Dam and Cowboy corner.
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations report, GreenHab
Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photos Report, Photo
of the day
Support Requested: nothing to report

Sol Summary – February 24th

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 24-02-2020
Summary Title: The beginning of a new week on Mars
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: all things running well
Sol Activity Summary:
This morning was a very hard awakening, with the return of the matinal
workout session. After a long breakfast with pancakes, we worked on
experiments : music for plants, spacesuit, water monitoring. In the
afternoon we started the second part of our human factors experiment,
based on a bomb defusal game. The goal is to study the way we cooperate
to solve a given problem.

Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow will be very similar to today. Also we hope to be able to go
outside on an EVA to explore and set the LOAC (one of our experiments)
back on the field.

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: windy
Crew Physical Status: all members safe and sound, the shoulder pain of
our crewmember is gone
EVA: Battery replacement of MegaAres, very windy
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Photos Report, Photo of the day,
GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, EVA Request
Support Requested: Trashes in the engineering airlock

Sol Summary – February 23rd

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 23-02-2020
Summary Title: Calm day in the Hab
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou
Mission Status: All things running
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was a calm day in the Hab, with a small EVA in the end of the
afternoon. We spend a lot of time talking and debating about various topics.
This was also the last session of one of our human factors experiments.

Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, we will get back to the habitual planning, and the experiments

Anomalies in work: none
Weather: very muddy
Crew Physical Status: the crew member suffering from the shoulder is not
better nor worse, the rest of the crew is safe and sound.
EVA: MegaARES battery replacement
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations Report, GreenHab
Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report, Photo report, Photo of the Day
Support Requested: Trashes in the engineering airlock

Sol Summary – February 22nd

Crew 222 Sol Summary Report 22-02-2020
Summary Title: Safe in the Hab
Author’s name: Benjamin Auzou

Mission Status: Experiments outside safe and science inside running

Sol Activity Summary:

In the morning, we prepared the short EVA, whose goal was to replace the battery of MegaAres.

The afternoon was dedicated to activities and experiments in the MDRS Campus.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, we will stay in the Hab because of the rain and the mud. This Sunday was supposed to be a day-off in our planning, so we will spend less time on experiments, but because today was very calm, without a long EVA, we will continue some experiments work.

Anomalies in work: Internet issues since 10 am
Weather: cloudy, started raining at 5 pm
Crew Physical Status: one crewmember suffers from a shoulder pain
EVA: MegaAres battery replacement

Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Operations Report, GreenHab Report, Astronomy Report, EVA Report
Support Requested: Water in the GreenHab Tank

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