Sol Summary – December 10th


Summary Title: The first 3 crew EVA on Mars

Author’s name: Makiah Eustice

Mission Status: Crew conducted an EVA with 2 crew members out and only one member on base, mopped the Science Dome.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew conducted first 3-crew member EVA to explore and map the regions of communication strength. We planned contingency plans for loss of signal and navigation. Afterwards, the crew mapped the locations of perceived path by each crew member against the estimated path based on recorded GPS coordinates. The rest of the day was relaxed and quiet, taking time to clean the mudded floor of the Science Dome and have computer-based work on our projects.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow an driving/walking EVA is planned. Crew projects will continue collaborative projects.

Anomalies in work: The observatory was open most of the day. It closed once we restarted the generator.

Weather: Cold, muddy from snow melt.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.

EVA: EVA crew went, by foot, to Kissing Camel Ridge East to explore the limits of walkie talkie comms in certain regions. Comms checks were performed every minute between HabCom and EVA, and GPS coordinate was exhanged every few minutes. EVA was planned for 2 hours and was conducted in exactly 2 hours.

Reports to be file: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, GreenHab Report, Pictures Report, Journalist Report, HSO Report

Support Requested: N/A

Sol Summary – December 9th

Crew 200 Sol Summary Report 9-Dec-2018

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Reduced crew EVA planning, replenishing supplies, and fixing tunnels

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning we rejuvenated a bit. We ate breakfast two hours past our usual meal time. We had a long and engaging conversation with Shannon on a variety of topics, including how to conduct EVAs during this reduced-crew mission. As today was our transition day between our nominal and extended missions, we returned to Hanskville to replenish gas and water and to throw out the non-burnable trash. After that, we fixed some of the tunnels connecting to the RAM and GreenHab to make sure they are extra safe. We can’t wait to to return to Mars this evening for our extended mission!

Look Ahead Plan: We plan to safely conduct our first reduced-crew EVA tomorrow and begin to map out the radio communication zones around the habitat. We will also keep track of what methods work best for thoroughly cleaning the ScienceDome floor. We brainstormed numerous project ideas today and will begin to focus on the most practical and meaningful ones starting tomorrow.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies.

Weather: Clear, sunny, and cool

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


Reports to be filed: N/A

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 8th

Crew 200 Sol Summary Report 08-DEC-2018

Sol: 6

Summary Title: First solar observation, mission extended for reduced
crew members

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: Mission is completed. A proposal was made to extend
the mission with a reduced crew number of three people who will work
toward a relatively new set of objectives. Proposal was approved.

Sol Activity Summary: We woke up today to the smell of lobster
biscuits and herb garlic butter. Several crew members had been
salivating over that box of lobster biscuits since Sol 1, so it was a
celebratory meal that marked the end of our nominal mission. The skies
were clear today and our crew astronomer was kind enough to show
several crew members how to use the solar observatory. After cleaning
and bag packing, we drove to Hanksville to share lunch together and
part ways. Four crew members continued to Grand Junction, while three
crew members returned to the habitat. It was hard to see the crew
split into half, but the three remaining crew members are determined
to use what they have learned from the full team to make the extended
mission worthwhile at both a personal level and team level.

Look Ahead Plan: The reduced crew members will plan new and modified
research projects and brainstorm possible reduced crew EVAs.

Anomalies in work: N/A

Weather: Warmer than recently, snow melting, clear and sunny skies.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.


Reports to be file: N/A

Support Requested: N/A

Sol Summary – December 7th

Sol: 5

Summary Events: Final day of Sim for Whole Crew. Day focused on completing projects

Author’s name: Oakley Jennings-Fast

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Engineering check completed with Crew Engineer and Crew Astronomer. Each crew member focused on completing their projects. The crew members, who completed their projects, aided the others in their projects. Crew Astronomer taught two of the crew members who are staying for a second week of sim how to run the Solar Observatory. Fresh lettuce was harvested for the crews’ final meal all together on sim.

Look Ahead Plan: Midnight tonight, we will end sim. Tomorrow midday, 4 crew members will go back to Grand Junction to fly home on Sunday. Three crew members are staying an additional week and have coordinated with Shannon.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Cloudy, no precipitation

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: N/A

Support Requested: None

Mission Support Crew 200 Sol Summary December 6th

Sol: 4

Summary Title: A productive day of science, EVAs, visitors, and outreach.

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: All crew members happy, healthy, and productive.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew ate all meals together. Science projects
continued throughout the day. Two EVAs were conducted. Crew members
welcomed more visitors to the habitat. Group photographs were taken
with crew members holding banners from girl scout troupe from Qatar.

Look Ahead Plan: No EVAs tomorrow; crew members will focus on research projects.

Anomalies in work: None reported.

Weather: Cold with snow and mud on the ground.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.

EVA: Early EVA consisted of four female crew members and was led by
female crew commander. Destination was about one mile north of the
habitat. Soil samples were collected. Later EVA consisted of three
crew members with media guests. Destination was hill next to the

Reports to be file: N/A

Support Requested: N/A

Sol Summary – December 4th

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Safety training, middle school outreach, and science experiments

Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter

Mission Status: Crew practiced emergency training, science experiments underway, public outreach underway

Sol Activity Summary: We discussed and acted out various
emergency/health scenarios, such as strokes, electric shock, hypothermia, fire, and CPR cases. Safety checklist was completed in regards to fire alarms, CO alarms, and medical kits. Microscopes were inspected. Questions about living on MDRS and Mars from eighth graders were answered. Personal experiments were underway.

Look Ahead Plan: Weather-pending EVAs for drone mapping and infrared camera shots will be conducted. Science experiments will continue.

Anomalies in work: No astronomy possible due to cloudy conditions.

Weather: Cold with snow and mud on the ground.

Crew Physical Status: No crew members reported physical problems today.


Reports to be file: N/A

Support Requested: N/A

Sol Summary – December 3rd

Health and Safety Officer Report
Lindsay Rutter, Health and Safety Officer of Crew 200

Crew 200 Sol Summary Report 03Dec2018

Sol: 1
Summary Title: Introduced guests and fixed solar observatory Author’s name: Lindsay Rutter
Mission Status: All crew members are healthy and productive. Sol Activity Summary: We interacted with guests and fixed solar observatory. Look Ahead Plan: We will do science most of the day tomorrow. Anomalies in work: Solar observatory had issues that needed fixing. Weather: Unexpected snowy weather created muddy and slippery ground. Crew Physical Status: One crew member felt headache due to cold weather, rested, and has no more symptoms.
EVA: No EVAs today due to inclement weather.
Reports to be file:
Support Requested:

Sol Summary Report – November 15th

Crew 198 Sol Summary Report 11-15-2018

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire

Author’s name: MacLovin’ (but Call me Ishmael)

Mission Status: it was the best of times it was the worst of times, it was age of wisdom it was age of Aquarius. Age of Aquarius.

Sol Activity Summary: Drove Curiosity rover to 88 miles per hour, went back to day 1 of our mission and encountered ourselves.

Look Ahead Plan: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We are going to live on! We are going to survive! Today we celebrate our independence day!

Anomalies in work: mouse

Weather: Today is the winter of our discontent

Crew Physical Status: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

EVA: medical contingencies

Reports to be file: Operations, Green Hab, Journalist, EVA Request, EVA Report, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary Report Nov 14th

Crew 198 Sol Summary Report 11-14-2018

Sol: 4

Summary Title: A Traumatic Day

Author’s name: Jayne Paulson

Mission Status: alive

Sol Activity Summary: Celestial navigation, sleep deprivation, and successful EVA

Look Ahead Plan: continued development of teamwork during EVAs

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Beautiful, sunny

Crew Physical Status: Crew passed Physical Readiness Test

EVA: medical contingencies

Reports to file: Operations, Green Hab, Journalist, EVA Request, EVA Report, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None at this time.

Sol Summary – November 13th

Crew 198 Sol Summary Report 13Nov2018

Sol: 3

Summary Title: A Successful Rocket Launch!

Author’s name: Jayne Paulson

Mission Status: Successful Launch and Retrieval of the MDRS Survey Rocket!

Sol Activity Summary: We learned about orbital mechanics and successfully launched a high powered rocket to 8,311 feet

Look Ahead Plan: It’s like Christmas everyday- we never know what it’s going to be!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Beautiful, sunny

Crew Physical Status: Crew passed Physical Readiness Test

EVA: Rocket Launch

Reports to be filed: Operations, Green Hab, Journalist, EVA Request, EVA Report, Sol Summary, Crew Bios

Support Requested: None at this time.

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