Sol Summary – March 10th

Crew 189/190 Sol Summary Report 10 Mars 2018

Sol 20/0

Summary Title: Welcoming our Belgian neighbours

Author: Louis Mangin / Maximilien Richald /Michael Saint Guillain

Crew Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:
Hab cleaning in the morning, debriefings, trip to Green Mars, meeting
with university Rover team. Then arrival of crew 190 from Belgium and
knowledge transfer.

Look Ahead Plan: Briefings for crew 190, installation, trip back to
Grand Junction for crew 189.

Anomalies in work: –

Weather: Partly cloudy, very warm.

Crew Physical Status: Fine.

EVA: –

Reports to be file:
Operation report

Support Requested: –

Sol Summary – March 6th

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 06 Mar 2018

Sol 16

Summary Title: TV stars

Author: Louis Mangin

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:
Today was another special day: a journalist duo came from Washington
to shoot a report for the news on a French national TV. They were very
curious and friendly and should have taken great shots of Lith Canyon
and the station. The reporter followed us wearing a spacesuit during
the EVA. Let’s hope the result looks great!

The afternoon was quieter: human factors experiments, astronomy,
experiments, video editing, demonstrations/interviews for the

Look Ahead Plan: Emergency procedures training vol. 2 in the morning,
small EVA in the afternoon to deploy Solar Panels, GPS guidance
system, shoot missing footage for the rotation video

Anomalies in work: –

Weather: Sunny.

Crew Physical Status: Fine.

EVA: Lith Canyon + Battery change

Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Officer
EVA report
EVA request
Astronomy report

Support Requested: –

Sol Summary – March 5th

Here is the Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 05 March 2018

Sol 15

Summary Title: Beginning of last martian week

Author: Victoria Da-Poian

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary: We began our last week on Mars. Today’s EVA was dedicated to air sensors experiments and to localization experiment. The EVA was not really successful (cf EVA report) but we still have one week left to work on this! In the Hab today, I was pleased to cook a salad (salad, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes!): it was delicious! I took care of the greenhab as Jérémy was outside and as the previous Crew 175 Greenhab officer, I spent some time enjoying the vegetables smells! Then, we spent time working on our experiments (human factors experiment, virtual reality filming…)

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we will welcome two French television journalists (TF1). They will spend the day with us from our physical training to our afternoon activities.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Fine

EVA: 11th

Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Officer

Support Requested: None


Crew189 Commander

Sol Summary – March 4th

Sol 14

Summary Title: The last Sunday on Mars

Author: Victoria Da-Poian

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Today was our second day-off and our last Sunday on Mars. We took time for ourselves and worked on some experiments. This day-off was really appreciated by the whole crew.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will be the beginning of our last week on Mars. Everyone seems really motivated to work hard during these last days and to welcome the journalists on Tuesday!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny and windy

Crew Physical Status: Fine

EVA: None

Reports to be file:




Greenhab Officer

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – March 1st

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 01 March 2018

Sol 11

Summary Title: The first EVA without veterans

Author: Victoria Da-Poian

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, the crew woke up lately (35 minutes late) , and we decided not to do our physical exercise as an EVA was planned at 9am. After our breakfast, Alex (EVA leader), Jérémy, Laurent and Benoit went outside to perform their first EVA without Louis or me in the team. I have to say I was quite worry to let my “little martians” go outside without Louis or me. The EVA went well even if we faced some radios issues (our Habcom Gabriel was hardly able to communicate with the EVA team …) The afternoon was dedicated to our human factors experiments (the competition is really funny to observe).

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we will all work on our outside experiments (MegaARES and LOAC), on the radios issues and will explore again Mars. On Saturday, we will welcome a French journalist and everyone seems happy to see a new face. We will all work on our experiments and have our routine (physical training in the morning, human factors experiments, bread competition…)

Anomalies in work: Water leak in the Hab Lower deck

Weather: Cloudy and windy

Crew Physical Status: Fine

EVA: 8th

Reports to be filed:
Greenhab Officer

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 28th

Hello again Capcom,

Here is today’s sol summary:

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 28 Feb 2018

Sol 10

Summary Title: Inside Ops

Author: Louis Mangin

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:
Today started with another general good performance during the sport session: everybody is in good shape and athletic in this crew! After breakfast, four of us spent the morning upgrading the GrenHab by adding the new shade, and cleaning/ reorganizing it. The day went on with work on our experiments: human factor experiments, location, EVA logger, solar panel cleaner.

Look Ahead Plan: Exploration of Lith Canyon, deployment of location and logger systems, human factors experiments, emergency procedures follow up.

Anomalies in work: Water leak in the Hab Lower deck

Weather: Warm and sunny.

Crew Physical Status: Fine.

EVA: –

Reports to be file:
Greenhab Officer

Support Requested: –

Louis Mangin
Crew 189 Commander

Sol Summary – February 27th

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 27 Feb 2018

Sol 9

Summary Title: The day of emergency procedures

Author: Victoria Da-Poian

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary: This morning, after a small issue of alarm (1 hour late on our usual wake up), we had a nice physical training (I was really motivated and did a really nice session!). After our breakfast, Laurent (our HSO) gave us a briefing about the emergency procedures. The afternoon was dedicated to use all this theory during EVA. Louis, Benoit, Gabriel, Laurent and I went outside the Hab to simulate all these emergency procedures. After this interesting EVA, we spent one hour doing the human factors experiment of Gabriel. (I think I am already addicted to this game, and playing with Laurent and Alex is really fun).

Look Ahead Plan: We were already all busy the first days of our second week. Tomorrow, we will all work on our experiments and will not go to EVA. At the end of this week, we will welcome a French journalist and everyone seems happy to see a new face. We will all work on our experiments and have our routine (physical training in the morning, human factors experiments, bread competition…)

Anomalies in work: Water leak in the Hab Lower deck

Weather: Nice and really warm

Crew Physical Status: Fine, still a bit tired from the first week

EVA: 7th

Reports to be file:




Greenhab Officer


Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – February 26th

Hello again Capcom,

Here is today’s sol summary:

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 26 Feb 2018

Sol 8

Summary Title: Getting the rhythm

Author: Louis Mangin

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:
Today started by a quick EVA, to change LOAC’s battery, followed by an exploration of White Canyon. We spent this afternoon working on experiments and cleaning up the Hab as lower deck was becoming very dirty. The crew is now in good shape and the three of us recording our physical performance this morning scored new records in almost every discipline.
Only some of us lack of sleep, but except from this, everybody is doing great! The only thing worrying us is reduced food’s portions, but we start to adapt to lighter meals.

Look Ahead Plan: Emergency procedures training in the morning, in situ testing during a quick EVA near the hab in the afternoon.

Anomalies in work: Water leak in the Hab Lower deck

Weather: Mostly sunny.

Crew Physical Status: Fine.

EVA: –

Reports to be file:
Greenhab Officer
EVA report
HSO report

Support Requested: –

Louis Mangin
Crew 189 Commander

Sol Summary – February 25th

Crew 189 Sol Summary Report 25 Feb 2018

Sol 7

Summary Title: Rest Day

Author: Louis Mangin

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:
We decided to declare two rest days this year because all the lack of
sleep we accumulated last year. No fixed hour of wake up for today,
but everybody was busy by 11:00 a.m. This day was supposed to be free
and dedicated to long run tasks or personal time. In the afternoon, we
split in different team, working in the greenhab to rearrange it,
cooking, producing an encouragement video for school’s student
selected for a TV show. It was also the time for a first individual
debriefing about the sport sessions I organize.

Look Ahead Plan: Change of LOAC’s battery, exploration of White Canyon
in EVA. Experiments repair, backpack change of battery, emergency
procedures inside training.

Anomalies in work: Water leak in the Hab Lower deck

Weather: Mostly sunny, cold.

Crew Physical Status: Fine.

EVA: –

Reports to be file:
Greenhab Officer

Support Requested: –

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