Operations Report – April 15th

Crew 192 Operations Report 15Apr2018


Name of person filing report: Richard Blakeman

Non-nominal systems: None

Generator (hours run): 12 hours

Solar ‒ SOC 84%

Diesel – 75% fuel

Propane – 64% (telemetry reported by Shannon) psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – Approximately 4 gallons left in one and the other is empty

Water (trailer) – Empty, tank being cleaned in RAM.
Water (static) – 815 gallons (two external tanks)
Trailer to Static Pump used – No
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – Yes
Water Meter: 133514.4

Toilet tank emptied: Yes. Emptied today, 15 April.

ATV’s Used: Blue ATVs #1, #2

Oil Added? No but checked and OK.

ATV Fuel Used: 5%

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 0.5

Notes on ATVs: All working well and ready for use, gas filled up today, all at 100%.

Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 119.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: No

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 38.2
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 98%
Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 29.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: No
Hours: 25.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: No

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: A quiet day at the hab.

Summary of internet: 0MB at 1900.

Summary of suits and radios: Suits all charging, two one-piece suits and two two-piece suits used. Radios working fine. Spacesuit 9 ventilation wasn’t working yesterday, but worked today. May have just needed a charge/charging port may not have been inserted all the way. All good.

Summary of Hab operations: Stand-down day, crew relaxed around the hab. Also took the opportunity to perform some training. See commander’s report.

Summary of GreenHab operations: Plants watered twice.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: None

Summary of RAM operations: Trailer water tank prepped for additional cleaning in the RAM.

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: None

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 15Apr2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone


To simulate a medical emergency requiring evacuation while on an EVA. Additional objective is to tow an ATV using an ATV.


Narrative: Two crew members went out on EVA and called in a medical emergency. The doctor was dispatched and an extra crew member stayed IVO the HAB to support the single crew member left inside the HAB or the doctor as required given a 5 person crew.

Upon RTB we faked an ATV with a problem which could not be fixed. The crew the practiced towing the ATV into the compound.

Blue ATVs #1 and #2, Rover Spirit

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 15Apr2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone


To simulate a medical emergency requiring evacuation while on an EVA. Additional objective is to tow an ATV using an ATV.


Narrative: Two crew members went out on EVA and called in a medical emergency. The doctor was dispatched and an extra crew member stayed IVO the HAB to support the single crew member left inside the HAB or the doctor as required given a 5 person crew.

Upon RTB we faked an ATV with a problem which could not be fixed. The crew the practiced towing the ATV into the compound.

Blue ATVs #1 and #3, Rover Spirit

Sol Summary – April 15th

Crew 192 Sol Summary Report 15Apr2018

Sol 7

Summary Title: It’s Not Possible, It’s Necessary

Author: Victoria Varone

Mission Status: Today was a half-stand down day for the crew.

Sol Activity Summary: One medical emergency simulation EVA in the afternoon, which taught the crew the basics of how to handle a medical emergency when out in the field on Mars. Crew doctor Ashok Narayanamoorthi shared the rules of what to do and what not to do, the most important being to remain calm.

The afternoon consisted of a debrief, some knot-tying lessons with the Commander, a Martian Matinee (we watched "Interstellar"), and some more fun cooking for dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: We’re aiming for some solid EVAs this week, exploring the stretches of the Martian terrain.

Anomalies in Work: None

Weather: Warm, partly sunny early in the day, cloudy in the afternoon.

Crew Physical Status: All crew are physically healthy and safe.

EVA: See EVA Report.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Photo Report, Commander’s Report

Support Requested: None

Maintenance request: Almost out of bleach, could use a refill.

Commander Report – April 15th

Terrific day of rest and training combined. Crew slept in and the pancakes were a big hit. We held extensive knot training on how and where to tie knots. The crew was maybe a little too enthused about tying things up… ;*)…..they all progressed to a single handed bowline rapidly. A simple life saving knot.

IMPRESSED: Great training and plan on the part of our Doc. (Blue 02- Ashok) He planned and executed a superb medical training plan without a hitch and everyone learned something.

LEARNED: Lessons from training include and are not limited to…reduce communication during work to that which is imperative because people need two hands to drive or work and it is difficult to respond when working if not essential. We need to do knot training regularly and we will every day. When towing an ATV heavy person should be on operating vehicle. We all learned….SLOW IS SMOOTH …AND SMOOTH IS FAST.

~Dituri sends

Warm Regards,

Joseph Dituri, PhD(c)
CDR, U.S. Navy Diving Officer (ret)

Crew Photos – April 14th

EVA Report – April 14th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 14Apr2018 – Sol 6

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi


To explore the Kissing Camel Ridge – West region. Conducted
reconnaissance and survey mission of the geology and communications capability with primary habitat. Continued the mission to explore Zubrin’s Head.


Two person EVA to explore a new site and further explore one already seen. Going over sites we’ve already been to always reveals something new and exciting.

Blue ATVs #1 and #3

EVA Report

EVA #10 – 14Apr2018 – Sol 6

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone
– Explore Road 1104 and the surrounding area
– Hab skirt removal upon return

1500 – 1800

Three person team explored the road and stopped several times to explore the interesting structures. Some of the hiking was difficult which assisted in the fogging study.

Red ATV, Blue ATV #2, Curiosity Rover

Journalist Report – April 14th

Tomorrow we burn the dead horse…

In Navy tradition when a sailor was hired for a cruise the captain would pay him half of his wages upfront and tell him to go mind his p’s and q’s…. minding his p’s and q’s meant that he should pay his bar tab for his pints and his quarts.

As today is the start of our approximate midway point…tomorrow we are working for ” pay ” as opposed to worling for free…;*) We celebrate with festivities. In old days they would burn a wooden horse as a gesture of half way complete.

Today we had a great breakfast followed by exploration EVAs which further the science we continue to work. (Studies about weight loss, fogging and muscle loss)

The afternoon EVA had a 3 person party come across a cow in the road. The commander…in the face of a forced vegetarian life style… was caught salivating over the meat…but alas the cow moved on along with his hopes of a T-bone steak.

We had a terrific meal of spaghetti and each shared a tequila story…you all know you have one…;*).

The crew never went through the forming or storming stages since we are well versed and acquainted….we jumped right into norming and quicky progressed into PERFORMING. This well oiled machine is going to take a half day safety stand down and eat Chocolate and banana pancakes…then do a little medical training and then wrap up with a short ATV tow exercise. Shouls be back in the house at 3 pm and do a MOVIE night….Doc is going to try to pop dehydrated corn for popcorn….;*)

Warm Regards,

Joseph Dituri, PhD(c)
CDR, U.S. Navy Diving Officer (ret)

Director – IBUM

Sol Summary – April 14th

Crew 192 Sol Summary Report 14Apr2018

Sol 6

Summary Title: Here Comes the Sun

Author: Victoria Varone

Mission Status: The crew is now halfway through their mission! We were very excited to get back to EVAs after the last 2-3 days of strong winds and cold temperatures.

Sol Activity Summary: Today consisted of two really great EVAs for Crew 192. The weather started off cool and sunny and gradually became warmer, remaining clear and beautiful all day.

At the end of the second EVA, we started work on a hab repair request to remove the skirting from all the way around the hab. Some of it has been removed and the rest will be worked on during our second week in sim.

We ended up the day with an Italian meal of pasta and salad. Ciao bella!

Look Ahead Plan: Some stargazing at night (we’ll be using some red astronomy lights for night vision), a half-day’s break tomorrow plus a medical simulation EVA, some more planning for hab repairs and EVAs for next week.

Anomalies in Work: None

Weather: Warm and sunny.

Crew Physical Status: All crew are physically healthy and safe.

EVA: See EVA Report.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary Report, GreenHab Report, EVA Report, EVA Request Journalist Report, Photo Report

Support Requested: See Operations Report

Maintenance request: See Operations Report

Operations Report – April 14th

Crew 192 Operations Report 12Apr2018


Name of person filing report: Victoria Varone

Non-nominal systems: Internet. WiFi was down for most of the day, every member of the crew was getting a “WiFi Connected, but No Internet” message. It’s holding now after being reset but we will keep monitoring it.

Generator (hours run): 12 hours

Solar ‒ SOC 84%

Diesel – 75% fuel

Propane – 66% (telemetry reported by Shannon) psi.

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – Shannon told us we were not to worry about this gas. We have no knowledge of the gas or that 5 gallon container.

Water (trailer) – Empty, tank being cleaned in RAM.
Water (static) – 850 gallons (two external tanks)
Trailer to Static Pump used – No
Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used – Yes
Water Meter: 133477.4

Toilet tank emptied: No. Last emptied April 11, 2018.

ATV’s Used: Red ATV, Blue ATVs #1, #2, and #2

Oil Added? No but checked and OK.

ATV Fuel Used: 20%

# Hours the ATVs were Used today: 6

Notes on ATVs: All working well and ready for use.

Deimos rover used: No
Hours: 119.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: ASSIGNED TO DIRECTOR
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: No
Hours: 31
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 29.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 25.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 91%
Currently charging: No

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: Crew is doing well and having a great time going on EVAs and cooking together.

Summary of internet: 697MB at 2040.

Summary of suits and radios: Suits all charging, 3 one-piece suits and 2 two-piece suits used. Radios working fine.

Summary of Hab operations: Two successful EVAs, inspected and tested Musk Observatory (first day of acceptable weather), lots of cooking.

Summary of GreenHab operations: See GreenHab report.

Summary of ScienceDome operations: None

Summary of RAM operations: The trailer water tank remains in the RAM for additional cleaning.

Summary of health and safety issues: None

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: Spacesuit 9’s ventilation fan is not working. It worked during our first EVA but is not charging.