Greenhab Report – January 20th

GreenHab Report

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez


Environmental control:

Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 18:20
Inside temp at working hour: 14° C
Outside temp during working hours: 14° C
Inside temperature high: 27° C
Inside temperature low: 14° C
Inside humidity: 63 %RH

Inside humidity high: 63 %RH
Inside humidity low: 23 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:

For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: We can see more little tomatoes and more little beans. The quinoa is growing.

Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 17:50

Changes to research plants: none

Aquaponics: Atila is assembling it. He is waiting for the amount of water to fill the tank, this is necessary to do the test.

Narrative: Today, I had to calibrate the lysimeter again, but is already working. Tomorrow It is expected to replant quinoa over the soil that it is tested.

Sol Summary – January 20th

Crew 187 Sol 8 Summary Report 20JAN2018

Sol 8

Summary Title: The Scientist

Author’s name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Hello Earth!

How is everything going on there?

Yesterday we slept late after our intention of watching The Martian. Pay attention to the word “Intention”, every Martian slept on the sofas before the movie was over. So today we woke up a little late, and started our daily exercises at 8:15 led by me, and because the days are not perfect, in the middle of the exercise routine a crew member suddenly fell to the floor. For 10 seconds we did not know if her tears were nerves, pain or just laughter. Everything is fine! Then we ate breakfast and every Martian started to work in their projects. Besides, Luis and I checked the status of the Astronomy laptop. At 9:10 a resupply food arrived from Earth… Thanks for it!!! We celebrated it with a delicious lunch cooked by Danton, a traditional Mexican fried beans with scrambled eggs with chili was the magic lunch of this Martian day! Culture, customs, experiences, and so on were the topics that we debate during our lunch.

David is working in his project in the Greenhab, meanwhile Oscar found his place in the lower deck. Every Martian is finding his/her favorite place in our home.

Before the darkness arrived, Crew 187 decided to go near the observatory through the tunnels to see the clouds of the Martian sky. No matter how long we are here, the Martian surface doesn’t stop to amazed us.

Ad Astra,

Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Commander Crew 187 – MDRS

Look Ahead Plan:

We are waiting for tomorrow… We are going to El Dorado Canyon again! The lucky Martians are Oscar, Tania, Luis and David.

Anomalies in work:


Weather: Temperature: 5°C, Mostly Cloudy, Winds speed: NNE 33.8 KPH, Humidity 56%, Barometer 29.74 in

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, GeenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, Science Report, Astronomy Report and Journalist Report.

Support Requested:

In the Science dom, a Salinity tester was found. We are wondering if we can us it.

The salinity tester that we found is a Kelway soluble salts tester, model SST.

Operations Report – January 19th

Operations Report

Subject Line: Crew 187 Operations Report 19JAN2018

Crew 187 Operations Report 19JAN2018

SOL: 06

Name of person filing report: Luis Diaz

Non-nominal systems: None

Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator system limping along with a now-nominal routine.

Generator (hours run): 13h 53min

Generator turned off, charging battery at 8:02

Generator turned on at 19:25

Solar— SOC

@ 08:38: 30%

@ 04:41: 99%

Diesel: It can’t be measured. Explained in general notes and comments.

Propane: 97%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV): 4.75 Gallons

Water (trailer): 125 Gallons

Water (static): 200 Gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used: No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used: Yes

Water Meter: 01299134 Gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: – Gallons

# Hours the ATVs were used today: –

Notes on ATVs: ATVs were nominal.

Deimos rover used: No

Hours: 101.8 h0

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Yes

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.

Hours: Director discretional hours

Beginning charge:

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Maybe

Spirit rover used: No

Hours: 12.1h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: No

Hours: 5.5h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: No

Curiosity rover used: No

Hours: 39h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: Since the diesel level indicator does not work it can’t be measured. It looked to be almost empty, that’s the reason today we got a refill of 15 gallons. It is expected that it can be repaired in the coming days.

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: All nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of ScienceDome operations: All nominal

Summary of RAM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: Given the presence of clouds during the morning and with little possibility of charging the battery of the solar panels, adding to this the small amount of diesel, the crew decided to follow protocols to save electricity for the night.

However, we received a diesel refill on time and the solar panels got the light from the sun sufficient to let the batteries be charged.

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: We are looking for a small buzzer to use as an alarm for the level sensor of the water tank. Any idea where to find it?

Journalist Report – January 19th

Crew 187 Journalist Report 19JAN2018

Sol 07
The Martian

When we lived in Peru, Colombia, and Mexico, the days passed like simple hours where our biggest worries have no place on Mars. Since we arrived on this planet we realized that the food would be better than expected, in large part by our chef. But today in the morning we discovered that our bags and cans of food are disappearing faster and faster.

Although according to calculations we will manage to keep our stomachs almost full before having to return to home. If there is one thing we are sure of, it is that when we will be back in our home, we will have learned to value much more what we have because on Mars we take advantage of every grain of rice even the last. It is possible that in the next few days we use a system of tasks and chocolate exchange for food rations.

We know that with our provisions we can still give ourselves certain luxuries such as continuing to eat meat for six days, being able to make bread for another five and taking hot soups for the cold days that ahead.

We decided to divide the cupboard according to the food we can eat daily because, in fact, 80 percent of our conversations are about the food we could prepare and the desire for fast food we feel. The bascule already shows results in some of us.

The cold was also the protagonist in the seventh Sol. It seemed that the energy systems would not be enough to sustain us for the rest of this day and the next. According to mission control, there is a high probability that rain and snow will be present in the area, so in Sol 8 we prefer to stay in the habitat to continue with the projects.

After an episode of approximately two Earth hours, we have managed to recharge our fuel tank in order to maintain electricity in the habitat. Balance: two crew members bathed in diesel for what of course they took advantage taking their respective shower.

Without success, we have been able to achieve the goal of watching movies at night. “With faith” today we can watch some film accompanied by popcorn or canchita although at the time we are already listening to a sound coming from our stomachs so we wait for the culinary delights of the crew scientist.

A week away from this desert planet we prefer not to think about how classic and boring our routines may seem. We miss you Earth, but not so much.

LATAM II will continue to inform.

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Sol 07
Misión rescate

Cuando vivíamos en Perú, Colombia y México los días pasaban como una sucesión de horas en donde nuestras mayores preocupaciones no tienen cabida en Marte. Desde que llegamos a este planeta nos dimos cuenta que la comida sería mejor de lo esperada, en gran parte por nuestros cocineros. Pero hoy por la mañana hemos descubierto que nuestras bolsas y latas de comida desaparecen cada vez más rápido.
Aunque según cálculos lograremos mantener nuestros estómagos casi llenos antes de tener que volver. Si de algo estamos seguros es que cuando estemos de vuelta en nuestro hogar es que habremos aprendido a valorar mucho más lo que tenemos porque en Marte hasta el último grano de arroz hemos aprovechado. Es posible que los próximos días se cree un sistema de trueque de tareas y chocolate a cambio de raciones de comida.

Sabemos que con nuestras provisiones aún podemos darnos ciertos lujos como seguir comiendo carne durante seis días, poder hacer pan durante otros cinco y tomar sopas calientes para los días fríos que se avecinan.

Decidimos dividir la alacena de acuerdo a la comida que podemos ingerir diariamente porque a decir verdad el 80 por ciento de nuestras conversaciones tratan sobre la comida que podríamos preparar y el deseo por la comida rápida que sentimos. La báscula ya presenta resultados en algunos.

El frío también fue protagonista en el séptimo sol. Parecía que los sistemas de energía no serían suficientes para mantenernos durante el resto de este día y el siguiente. Según control de misión existen grandes probabilidades de que la lluvia y nieve se haga presente en la zona por lo que en Sol 8 preferimos resguardarnos en el hábitat para continuar con los proyectos.

Luego de un episodio de aproximadamente dos horas terrestres hemos logrado recargar nuestro tanque de combustible para poder mantener la electricidad en el hábitat. Saldo: dos tripulantes bañados en diésel que por supuesto aprovecharon su respectiva ducha.

Sin éxito hemos podido cumplir el objetivo de ver películas por la noche. “Con fe” el día de hoy podremos mirar algún filme acompañado de palomitas o canchita aunque en estos momentos y escuchando un sonido proveniente de nuestros estómagos ya esperamos las delicias culinarias del crew scientist.

A una semana de abandonar este planeta desierto preferimos no pensar en lo clásicas y aburridas que podrán parecernos nuestras rutinas ahora. Te extrañamos Tierra, pero no tanto.

LATAM II continuará informando.

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Green Hab Report – January 19th

Crew 187 Green Hab Report 19JAN2018

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez

Environmental control:
Ambient with door opening

Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 18:45
Inside temp at working hour: 16° C
Outside temp during working hours: 4° C
Inside temperature high: 26° C
Inside temperature low: 14° C
Inside humidity: 60 %RH

Inside humidity high: 61 %RH
Inside humidity low: 23 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:
For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: None

Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 18:05

Changes to research plants: none

Aquaponics: Atila is assembling it

Narrative: Today, we have put the tarp over the crops of region 8. The day was cold until the afternoon when the door was opened.

EVA Report – January 18th

Crew 187 EVA Report 19JAN2018

Good evening Mission Support…!! Here is the EVA Report for 19JAN2018.

Purpose of EVA: Aerial mapping of MDRS campus

Participants: Danton, and Cynthia

Narrative: Today the crew had a short EVA. All the main goals were successfully attained. The EVA consisted of taking aerial and ground footage of the MDRS campus. The images were taken by the Spark drone used by the crew. The footage was taken at altitudes of 20, 25, 40 and 50 meters above ground level. Images will be provided with the daily reports. The EVA window requested was 2 hours, but the activity lasted 35 minutes. The two members of the expedition were using Exo Suits.

No incident or anomaly was sustained during the EVA.

Thank you so much…!!

Oscar Ojeda – EVA Officer

Sol Summary – January 19th

Crew 187 Sol 7 Summary Report 19JAN2018

Sol 7

Summary Title: Clocks
Author’s name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo
Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Earth, how is everything going on there?

Today we decided to start a little late and sleep one more hour because yesterday everybody looked tired after the activities involved to have a home on Mars and do an excursion, so at 08:00 everybody was in the lower deck to do exercises led by Tania, she made us do real exercises! Then we ate cereals for breakfast.

During the day, I met every Martian in order to know how their projects going on. Their projects have different kinds of topics like augmented reality applications, space suit simulators, communication, psychology tests, agriculture, astronomic pictures, and so on.

Today, Danton and I had our EVA to create a 3D Map of the MDRS. It’s splendid the pictures and videos that you can get using a drone.

Until now, this day was the most terrestrial day that we ever have since we arrived at Mars, when we realized that we were almost out of diesel, we activated our protocols of emergence turning off everything that is possible to turn it off (the power of the Greenhab of course not!); allowing to charge the batteries using the solar panel as soon as possible. We were planning to use the energy that we got at night, moreover, we were willing to sleep in the Greenhab because is warm and we wanted to transmit our heat to the plants. We are on Mars; we have to take care of every plant that we have. Fortunately, Shannon arrived at 15:20 and saved our Martian lives with 15 gals of diesel. Every Martian worked together to accomplish the vital activity to refill the tank with diesel and we got it! There are a lot of probabilities to have a stormy day tomorrow and now we are ready for it!

Days before the crew listened a woman yelling, today talking with Shannon about it and the mountain lion’s footprints that we saw in El Dorado Canyon; we can say that we are not alone in the MDRS, around us there are cougars (they yell like a woman).

What a crazy day! … Now every Martian is writing their reports for Capcom, then we are going to eat a dinner together and start to plan our next EVA for Sunday because, for the weather, tomorrow will be inside the Hab.

We want to visit El Dorado canyon again!

Ad Astra,
Cynthia F. P.
Commander Crew 187

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, every Martian will work on their science project.
Anomalies in work:

The diesel tank was almost over. We refill it with 15 gals more that Shannon brought us.

Weather: Temperature: 5°C, Fair weather, Winds speed: NNE 19 KPH, Humidity 41%, Barometer 29.86 in

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, GreenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, and Journalist Report.

Support Requested:


Journalist Report – January 18th

Sol 06
Road to El Dorado

When we lived on Earth the movies always showed the Italian chef throwing the pizza through the air looking like it is possible with moderate difficulty. Pizza with chicken, meat, and cheese is possible on Mars, but could we call it homemade? What is our home now?

After a thorough survey of the crew, we found that family, friends, manners, pets, and food have become part of the constant thoughts before closing our eyes at night. Although on the other hand and at the same time the Earth so far has left us free to habit this planet and again, what is our home now?

But these landscapes and conditions cannot be wasted so for the second time since our ship crossed the Martian skies a team of our astronauts has come out to conquer an unnamed canyon in these lands for which we intend to name as Latin American legend, a mystical and mythological city that would awaken the curiosity of visitors, El Dorado.

Our Dorado was more than a rock formation and showed evidence of life in ways that according to recent studies are physically similar to what on Earth is known as cougars and deer. We do not want to go ahead but it could have been a lunch scene in the afternoon. Adrenaline was in the air. However, the crew acted cautiously and left the site to avoid close encounters of the third type

After a long day the somewhat tired crew has worked all afternoon in their respective areas to advance the projects and meet their objectives so that when the day to return to the blue planet come, we can return victorious and just as Earthlings and now Martians.

LATAM II will continue to inform.

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Sol 06
El camino hacia El Dorado

Cuando vivíamos en la Tierra las películas siempre mostraban a los chef italianos lanzando la masa de pizza por los aires pareciendo que el giro se lograra con una dificultad moderada. La pizza de pollo, carne y queso es posible en Marte aunque ¿podríamos llamarla casera? Es decir, ¿cuál es nuestro hogar ahora?

Después de una encuesta exhaustiva a la tripulación hemos encontrado que la familia, amigos, costumbres, mascotas y comida se han vuelto parte de los pensamientos constantes antes de cerrar los ojos por la noche. Aunque por otro lado y al mismo tiempo la Tierra tan lejana nos ha dejado libres para habitar este planeta y de nuevo, ¿cuál es nuestro hogar ahora?

Pero estos paisajes y condiciones no pueden desperdiciarse así que por segunda vez desde que nuestra nave atravesó los cielos marcianos un equipo de nuestros astronautas han salido a la conquista de un cañón sin nombre en estas tierras para el cual tenemos la intención de nombrar como una leyenda latinoamericana, una ciudad mística y mitológica que despertara la curiosidad de los visitantes, El Dorado.

Nuestro Dorado resultó más que una formación rocosa y nos mostró evidencia de vida de formas que según recientes estudios son físicamente parecidas a lo que en la Tierra se conoce como pumas y ciervos. No queremos adelantarnos pero podría haberse tratado de una escena de almuerzo por la tarde. La adrenalina estaba en el aire. No obstante la tripulación actuó cautelosamente y se retiró del lugar para evitar encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo

Luego de un largo día la tripulación un tanto cansada ha trabajado toda la tarde en sus respectivas áreas para adelantar los pendientes y cumplir sus objetivos para que cuando llegue el día de volver al planeta azul podamos regresar victoriosos, igual de terrícolas y ahora marcianos.

LATAM II continuará informando.

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist