Journalist Report – January 24th


[Sol 12]


It seems that the first week on Mars we tried to get used to the weather, landscapes and silence. In the middle of our last week, the laughs and happiness of the crew interrupt the void of this desert. And it’s not because we look forward to our rocket travel home, it’s because we now share something no other humans have experienced.

Before noon our space cowboys traveled to red hills and white sand dunes. There the team found rocky treasures and the indicated terrain to test the small Guache, a Colombian rover with the ability to take care of the pockets of its creators without affecting their results. Successful suspensions.

Also there with a landscape that combines the inert orange of the sky and the crimson mountains of the fourth planet taking advantage of the benefits of the distant terrestrial satellites managed to draw maps in three dimensions to help future astronauts on Mars to recognize the zones and learn more of these seductive grounds.

As each afternoon we have enjoyed our food together, they say that with a full stomach, conversations flow easier, our feelings and emotions. Then the human nature of digestion forced us to leave the coexistence to rest in our spaces.

What precedes the end of the day is a stellar marathon from the cloudless Mars. Earth, we can see you. We can see you and miss your good things, but also the bad things like when happiness comes before sadness, like when warm tones are the only colors that surrounds you and awaken in us the sound of birds in the morning or waves crashing on the coast .

This quiet night, the stars shine for us, we are still here Mars.

LATAM II will continue to inform

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Sol Summary – January 24th

Crew 187 Sol 12 Summary Report 24JAN2018

Sol 12

Summary Title: Counting Stars

Author’s name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Hello Earth!

How is everything going on?

We have a few days left on Mars. It’s amazing how fast the days pass when you’re comfortable in one place. We ate breakfast together while we speaking about the life and a lot of things. Later, we did the psychological tests of Danton’s project. Just before noon, our Martian explorers were ready to start their adventure. At 11:45, Atila, Oscar, David and Danton started their depressurization. Nine minutes later, they left the habitat and disappear in the horizon. At 12:30, the Martian explorers arrived at Quary Rd. Oscar’s rover was tested and Danton’s drone flew to make a 3D mapping of the area. Five minutes before 14 hrs, the Hab received the explorers and we ate a vegetarian lunch together, cooked by the Martian Chef, Oscar. At least for one day, we knew the feeling of eating as our favorite as our favorite Martian vegetarian, David.

In the afternoon, The Martians took a nap while Oscar was reading Artemis from Andy Weir and I was working on my project (programming and recognizing objects).

Before CapCom, the crew went to the observatory and use the Celestron telescope. The view of the moon and the Orion Nebula from Mars is wonderful. Currently, everybody is doing a report for CapCom, After the sign-off, we are going to come back to the Observatory to continue watching the starts from Mars, therefore, tomorrow wait for an Astronomy Report!

Ad Astra,

Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Commander Crew 187 – MDRS

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow, The Martian explorers are going to Candor Chasma Canyon. The lucky Martians are Atila, Tania, Luis and David. Meanwhile, Tania, Luis and I are going to Cowboy’s corner in the Extraordinary EVA.

Anomalies in work:


Weather: Temperature: 5°C, Fairweather, Winds speed: calm, Humidity 41%, Barometer 30.35 in

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Today’s EVA:

Location: Quary Rd

Duration: From 11:45 until 13:55

Purpose: Usage of rovers for battery discharge, aerial mapping of terrain, testing of mid-range EVA protocols, testing Oscar’s rover.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, GeenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report and Journalist Report.

Support Requested:


Sol Activity Summary:

Operations Report – January 24th

Crew 187 Operations Report 24Jan2018

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Luis Jose Antonio Diaz Lopez

Non-nominal systems: None.

Notes on non-nominal systems: Generator system limping along with a now-nominal routine.

Generator (hours run): 12.6h

Generator turned off, charging battery at 09h:20m

Generator turned on at 19h:00m

Solar— SOC

@ 09:27: 30%

@ 18:01: 57%

Diesel: 98%

Propane: 90%

Ethanol Free Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV): 0 Gallons

Water (trailer): 0 Gallons

Water (static): 200 Gallons

Trailer to Static Pump used: No

Water (loft) – Static to Loft Pump used: Yes

Water Meter: 01302161 Gallons

Toilet tank emptied: No

ATVs Used: None

Oil Added? No

ATV Fuel Used: None.

# Hours the ATVs were used today: 00h 00min

Notes on ATVs: None

Deimos rover used: Taked by the director to testing due the recently battery problems.

Hours: 102.3 h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Maybe

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director only.

Hours: Director discretional hours

Beginning charge:

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Maybe

Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 13.8h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: No

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 6.5h

Beginning charge: 99%

Ending charge:

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 5.2h

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: –

Currently charging: Yes

HabCar used and why, where? No

General notes and comments: None

Summary of internet: All nominal

Summary of suits and radios: All nominal

Summary of Hab operations: All nominal

Summary of EVA operations: All nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations: All nominal

Summary of Science Dome operations: All nominal.

Summary of RAM operations: Not Operational

Summary of health and safety issues: All nominal

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None

Greenhab Report – January 24th

GreenHab Report

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez


Environmental control:


Ambient with door opening

Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 18:01
Inside temp at working hour: 17° C
Outside temp during working hours: 0° C
Inside temperature high: 29° C
Inside temperature low: 13° C
Inside humidity: 94 %RH

Inside humidity high: 99 %RH
Inside humidity low: 21 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:

For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: I have found more cucumbers, tomatoes and beans.

Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 17:20

Changes to research plants: The plans of quinoa over the lysimeter are withered.

Aquaponics: Atila is assembling it. He is waiting to find out the amount of water needed to fill the tank. This is necessary to do the test.

Narrative: Sol 12- The greenhouse makes us remember the Earth and all the commodities that we have there, but the beautiful view of the red mountains of Mars across the glass of the door, make us to feel sad because of the fact that we are going to leave very soon. The planet where we are living on is one of the most beautiful experiences of our lives.

Sol Summary – January 23rd

Crew 187 Sol 11 Summary Report 23JAN2018

Sol 11

Summary Title: Space Odyssey

Author’s name: Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Hello Earth!

Every day more in Mars feels more tired than the day before, but come on!… It’s tired to explore a new planet, to have a clean home here, to advance in our projects, and so on!

At 09:50, an earthling visited our home in Mars, bringing 300 gallons of diesel, which added to the 200 we already had, now, we have 500 gallons of diesel. Enough for the rest of our stay on Mars … Thanks Earth! At 10:00, Tania, Danton, Oscar and I started getting ready for today’s excursion. The adventure started at 10:35, we went driving in the main road until Special Region, where we realized that we were not in the place that we were supposed to be. Therefore, we came back… OMG! The entrance to Lith canyon is not very clear, so we were driving until the White Moon when we realized that we realized that we were not in the place that we were supposed to be… again! As it’s said in our homes in Earth, the third is the defeated one. So, this time we could find the right way to Lith Canyon, a way in the middle of desert. We were driving around 20 minutes after left the main road. When finally, around 12:15 we arrived to the final destiny the Commander, The HSO, EVA Officer and the journalist started the expedition to immerse inside Lith Canyon. At 14:45 finished the expedition and after that, at 15:05 the we stopped to take some data and recollect specimen of salt in the middle of way. At 15:25, we finally arrived at the hab without problems however with a delay of 30 minutes. When the first expedition arrived the second expedition with the Greenhab, XO and the Crew Engineer left the hab at 12:40 with the objective to test the curiosity, opportunity and Spirit rovers. The second crew arrived 16:50 to the hab without problems.

Moreover, it’s important to mention that David and Luis built and installed an alarm to prevent that the water tank exceeds its level. They used an ultrasound sensor, a nano arduino, a transistor and an horn of a damaged radio.

Finally, the crew decided to relax at the night to be ready for the next adventure.

Ad Astra,

Cynthia Fuertes Panizo

Commander Crew 187 – MDRS

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow there will be a short excursion. Our Martian explorers are going to Special Region.

Anomalies in work:

It’s in the Sol Summary.

Weather: Temperature: 0°C, Fair weather, Winds speed: calm, Humidity 51%, Barometer 30.40 in

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, GeenHab Report, Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, and Journalist Report.

Support Requested:


Journalist Report – January 23rd


Sol 11

The hours of sleep have lengthened in recent days as fatigue begins to be present. Knowing that today four crew members would travel to the distant Lith Canyon, it was a priority to have enough energy and hydration, a full breakfast. We already know that the food will be enough. Sorry Crew 188, it’s important to eat well.

Less than an hour later covered with up to three layers of clothing designed by the best engineers on Earth – or that you can buy in any supermarket of a certain American chain – our astronauts left the habitat in their motorized vehicles to conquer the canyon and impose on the extreme temperatures of the red planet.

After driving on the roads the secondary road seemed difficult to identify but after an hour and a half the end of the road appeared. During the next two hours there was a dance between dodging rocks and thorny plants. It was like a combination between the dry plains and deserts from Africa together with the red mountains of Mars, like an adventures and expeditions documental

It was not easy, for the first time since we arrived the scorching heat and little traces of the uncomfortable human perspiration appeared.

The allowed time of the expedition was diminished more and more and the entrance of the deep cannon continued distant. It is not recommended to mix fatigue, space suits, solar radiation and bags that together reach up to 5 kilograms, take note astronauts.

Finally the walk stopped and after admiring a quarry and flying our little friend the crew decided to walk back to the vehicles. The landscapes were not so impressive but if anything we are sure is that any geologist would envy the memories of today.

Although returning to the road took less time than thought, their bodies were already fighting the situation. Seeing the vehicles at a distance became the greatest joy of the day which filled them with more energy. That energy, the last breath that is given before achieving the impossible. And although one of the explorers tripped every two meters in her attempt to get there, the four boarded safely back home.

During the way back and having in their eyes the wonders and colours of Mars, it is not difficult to inspire yourself and let your mind fly. It is amazing how such different people coordinate themselves no matter how difficult it is and manage to work under one goal when the passion is so great, it is the effect of space.

Now here relaxed and all together we realize that each one reflects a certain personality that complements to form a single system that works surprisingly. Every characteristic such as seriousness, calmness, awkwardness, the good and the bad make us oneself. The countdown is starting but we know that back in Earth our ties will continue there, with faith!.

LATAM II will continue to inform

Tania Robles, MDRS Crew 187 Journalist

Greenhab Report – January 23rd

GreenHab Report

Hernán David Mateus Jiménez


Environmental control:


Ambient with door opening

Shade cloth on

Working Hour: 19:30
Inside temp at working hour: 17° C
Outside temp during working hours: -2° C
Inside temperature high: 32° C
Inside temperature low: 14° C
Inside humidity: 56 %RH

Inside humidity high: 57 %RH
Inside humidity low: 16 %RH

Hours of supplemental light:

For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM

Changes to crops: none

Daily water usage for crops: 8.5 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 19:15

Changes to research plants: The plans of quinoa over the lysimeter are withered

Aquaponics: Atila is assembling it. He is waiting for the amount of water to fill the tank, this is necessary to do the test.

Narrative: none

Crew Photos – January 22nd

Dear Mission Support,

I send the pictures of today. We took a lot of photographs of our EVA. Photo of the day: 517100 4256400 22Jan2018 Four nationalities

Sorry for the delay and expect a lot more tomorrow. (Also a video) Thank you