EVA Report – January 27th


Crew 220 (MAU) EVA Report 27JAN2020

EVA # 8

Author: Johannes Svensoy, MD

Purpose of EVA: Martian Medical training EVA

Start time: 1030

End time: 1230

Narrative: The morning was spent on medical lectures by Dr.Shawna and Dr.Svensoy at the MDRS Hab. Especially focusing on P-MARCH-P for first assessment of trauma patients and secondary survey including full check of patient. We also went through SAMPLE for patient history and METHANE for calling in the incident.

The crew members were eager to test their skills on the simulated patient and on our medical manikin. Realistic training was conducted in proximity of the MDRS Hab in the sunny and windy Martian terrain. Simulated exercises included a dislocated knee after fall and crushed lower limbs after rover accident. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device invented by one of the crew members was used for transferring the patient to safety. The Golden Bubble pressurized medevac device can be used for suit breach and for doing medical procedures out in the Martian field.

The crew members did well and expressed valuable learning points. Accidents will happen here on Mars we are glad to have the opportunity to train on these situations before real situations rise.

At the end of the EVA crew members Matt and Shawna went over to the MAU station on an Engineering EVA to secure the area because of heavy wind.

Destination: MDRS Station and proximity.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250050,518500

Participants: HabComm: Morgan and Marufa (MDRS). EVA Crew: Shawna, Connie, and Matt Wise.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS proximity

Mode of travel: On foot.

Support Requested: No support requested during EVA.

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