Commander Report Jan 04th

Crew 219 Commander Report – 04-01-2020

On time, On Target

Crew 219 had a smooth trip to the Hab, where we met a cheerful Crew 218 preparing lunch. After some hearty soup and some laughs, we broke off by respective job roles to be trained by our predecessors. The members of 218 were thorough and informative, patiently answering all of our questions. We took some group photos and moved out for dinner at Stan’s. We are immensely grateful for the warm and hilarious welcome that 218 gave us, and we are eagerly looking forward to beginning our mission.

Dave Masaitis

Commander, Crew 219

Crew Photos Jan 04th

Attached are the photos for our training and transfer day with Crew 219! The pic of the day is “01042020 Admonishing_the_Throne.JPG.”

Hope your weekend is going well!

Ben Durkee, Crew 218 Journalist

Operations Report Jan 04th

Crew 218 Operations Report 4-Jan-20

SOL: 13

Name of person filing report: Luz Maria Agudelo Urrego

Non-nominal systems: NA

Generator: run

Hours run: 13

From what time last night: 1730

To what time this morning: 0630

List any additional daytime hours when the generator was run: N/A

Solar— SOC % (Before the generator is run at night: 45%

Diesel Reading – 73%

Station Propane Reading – 59%

Ethanol Free Gasoline: N/A

Water (loft tank) (gal): 48

Water Meter (units): 0147332,0

Water (static tank) (gal): 175

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes

Water in Green Hab (gal): 68

Water in Science Dome (gal): 0

Toilet tank emptied: No

Deimos rover used: Still in the workshop


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Sojourner rover used: Assigned to director


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Spirit rover used: Nominal

Hours: 122.7

Beginning charge: (Before EVA):

Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging):

Currently charging: Yes

Opportunity rover used: Still in the workshop


Beginning charge:

Ending charge:

Currently charging:

Curiosity rover used: Nominal

Hours: 128.1

Beginning charge:

Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before charging):

Currently charging: Yes

Notes on rovers: Opportunity and Deimos off-site for maintenance.

ATV’s Used: (Honda, 300, 350.1, 350.2, 350.3): No

Reason for use: N/A

Oil Added? No

# Hours the ATVs were used today: 0

Notes on ATVs: N/A

HabCar used, and why, where? No

CrewCar used, and why, where? Used to pick up Crew 219 in Grand Junction.

General notes and comments: Crew 219 arrived at the hab. They are healthy and ready for the rotation.

Summary of the internet: Nominal

Summary of suits and radios: Nominal

Summary of Hab operations: The pipe from the static tank through the loft tank is working now, Yeaaah! There are mice in the house.

Summary of Science Dome operations: Nominal

Summary of RAM operations: Nominal

Summary of any observatory issues: Nominal

Summary of health and safety issues: Nominal

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: NA

Green Hab Report – Jan 04th

Crew 218 GreenHab Report 04-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Dr. Jonathan R. Buzan and Crew 219 GreenHabOfficer Cynthia Montanez

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 20.8°C; 19%


Floor Unit: 15°C

Electronic: 23.6°C

humidity 18%


Floor Unit: 18°C

Electronic: 24°C

humidity 18%


Floor Unit: 16°C

Electronic: 21.1°C

humidity 19%


Floor Unit: 15°C

Electronic: 22.2°C

humidity 19%

Max: 25.0°C; 22%

Min: 16.7°C; 17%

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 6:00PM-11:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 6.4Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – ~68 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:



Change to crops: None.


1st sprouts: N/A

Harvest: N/A

Commander Report – Jan 04th

Crew 218 Commander Report – 04-01-2020

Back home and ready to pass the torch

After a few hours on Friday evening and Saturday morning spent cleaning our habitat and the rest of campus, we welcomed the next MDRS crew.

We are tired but happy of our mission, which was very successful even when facing adversities, but also happy to get ready to step back on Earth, while wishing a wonderful mission to our friends from Florida Tech. After training them, we all went to get dinner at Stan’s Shack. Now we are getting ready for our last night here. Thanks again to all the people who supported us before and during this mission. Boiler up

Cesare Guariniello,

Commander 218

Sol Summary Report – Jan 04th

Crew 218 Sol Summary Report 04-JAN-2019

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Close Encounters of the Florida Tech Kind

Author’s name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Making New Friends.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew 218 vigorously cleaned the Hab before our new Crew 219 came around. The afternoon was spent training them in general crew operations, and then in specific job duties. The evening was spent taking some collaborative pictures, and an last meal at Stan’s Burgers Shack.

Look Ahead Plan: Flight Home to Earth

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy and 30 degrees.

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa

Geologist, MDRS 218

EVA Report – January 03rd


EVA #: 12

Autor: Luz Maria Agudelo Urrego

Purpose of EVA: weather observation; Radio measurements; EVA and EMU evaluation project; Reliability and maintenance

Start time: 10:18

End time: 12:25

Narrative: Shefali, Ben and Luz Ma, drove Curiosity and Spirit along Cow Dung Rd, and stop before the original destination, Brahe, to assure the charge of the rovers Curiosity and Spirit was enough for the way back to the Habitat. They took weather observation, radio measurements, performed a reliability scenario, and explored the canyon. An engineering EVA was performed at the end of the excursion.

Destination: Along Cow Dung Rd

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 517950, 4253860

Luz Ma
Crew 218

Science report – January 03rd

Crew 218 Science Report 03-JAN-20
Crew Science Officer: Dr. Jonathan R. Buzan

1. Decision Making in support of autonomy for crew EVAs:

No EVA: nothing to report.

2. Mars surface weather:

Measurements were collected during today’s EVA.

3. Subsurface structure on Mars:

No EVA: nothing to report.

4. Detecting radio signal strength:

Field measurements were collected during today’s EVA.

5. EVA workload analysis:

Survey data was collected for today’s EVAs.

6. EMU (Extravehicular Mobility Unit) ergonomic assessment:

Survey data was collected for today’s EVAs.

7. Environmental Stresses over MDRS habitat and Crew Members and projection over Martian Terrain:

Interior measurements were expanded to 2nd floor hab. Plans to take measurements at night with state room door open.

8. Messier and other space objects for outreach:

Cloudy: nothing to report.

9. Reliability and maintenance:

Simulated malfunction of ENG. LuzMa’s radio.

10. Medical readings in preparation for future crew-wide project:

No EVA: nothing to report.

11. Collection of clay, shale, and hematite samples:

No EVA: nothing to report.

12. Media and outreach:

Nothing to report.

Glassware check out: None

A reminder to all crewmembers: There’s a $300 fine for using any glassware material without MDRS Mission support permission.

GreenHab Report – January 03rd


Crew 218 GreenHab Report 03-JAN-20

Crew GreenHab Officer: Dr. Jonathan R. Buzan

Environmental control: Heating.

Shade cloth (40% and 30%) on.

Average temperature: 21°C; 19%


Floor Unit: 15°C

Electronic: 23.6°C

humidity 18%


Floor Unit: 15°C

Electronic: 20.5°C

humidity 20%


Floor Unit: 14°C

Electronic: 19.9°C

humidity 20%

Max: 25.1°C; 22%

Min: 16.9°C; 17%

Hours of supplemental light: Light system 6:00PM-11:00AM.

Daily water usage for crops: 6.4Gal.

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank – ~74 Gal.

Time(s) of watering for crops:



Change to crops: None.


1st sprouts: N/A

—Gnat Spray used on all plants.

—Snow peas have dried out. Soil was moist. Not sure how to proceed.

Harvest: N/A

Sol Summary – January 03rd


Sol: 12

Summary Title: Mars Stars

Author's name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Sad that our mission is coming to a close.

Sol Activity Summary: Today we had our last EVA ( :( ) and then started the long process of packing and cleaning for the next crew coming tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we look forward to finishing cleaning and welcoming Crew 219!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Foggy and cloudy, around 30 degrees

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: EVA #12 this morning was our last EVA of the mission. They went north on Cow Dung Road for continued radio signal and weather observations.

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report, EVA report, science report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa

Geologist, MDRS 218
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