Greenhab Report – February 5th

Crew 221 GreenHab Report 05FEB2020

GreenHab Officers: Jessica Todd

Environmental control: Heating. GreenHab door shade cloth (40%) (30%) on.

Average Temperature: 19°C

10:12 am

Floor Unit: 21°C

5:59 pm

Floor Unit: 17°C

Hours of Supplemental Light: 19:30 to 00:00

Daily water usage for crops: 14.7 gallons

Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A

Water in Blue Tank: 252.7 gallons

Time(s) of watering for crops: 2

10:12 am = 4.2 galleons

5:59 pm = 10.5 galleons

Changes to crops: NA.

Narrative: Crew Journalist Hemani took over morning watering today as the GreenHab Officer was off on an early EVA, collecting soil for some botany experiments. We harvested some butter letter and lettuce for our Mexican dinner feast! Evening watering was good, gave the plants a healthy watering as the soil was very dry for a few of the beds.

Harvest: 7g Butter Lettuce, 11g Lettuce

Support/supplies needed: N/A

Other Notes:

Watered the succulents and aloe. They don’t look any worse but not much better either. I would love some advice on how to help these succulents recover. Photos of the strawberry plants are attached to this email. As we were using the herbs and lettuce tonight for dinner, will spray the bug-infested beds tomorrow with the pesticide.

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