Crew 227 EVA Report April 5th

Crew 227 EVA Report 05/04/2022
SOL: 9
Name of person filing report: Jean Jacobs
Purpose of EVA: Experiment of broken leg fixator on EVA and exploration of the moon like D area.
Start time: 9:00
End time: 1:30 pm
Narrative: The EVA team set out North to Brahe Hwy and helped Cyril gather its data on soil dielectric properties. Once this was done, the team dropped back Audrey at the HAB to prepare for her lex fixing experiment. Unfortunately, this was not enough as the broken leg could not be fixed within time constraints. The other bone was however superbly assembled by Ignacio.
Destination: Moon like D area around Brahe Hwy
Coordinates: 4254500 N ; 516000 E
Participants: Julien, Cyril, Audrey, Cheyenne, Ignacio
Roads and routes per MDRS map: Cow Dung Rd 0110, Brahe Hwy 1774
Mode of travel: Perseverance, Curiosity, Spirit

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