Operations Report – December 15th

Crew 288 Operations Report 12-15-2023
SOL: 5
Name of person filing report: Jeus Meza-Galvan
Non-nominal systems: All systems nominal.
Notes on non-nominal systems: No non-nominal systems.
Spirit rover used: No
Hours: (before EVA)
Beginning charge: (Before EVA)
Ending charge: (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently charging: Yes
Opportunity rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
Curiosity rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: Rovers were not used today.
Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: 16 gallons
Water (static tank): 406 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied: No.
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal.
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios are nominal.
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 4.5 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: On
Basil: 5 g
Arugula: 7 g
Kale: 15 g

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Science dome used to do office work today.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): RAM was not used today.
Summary of any observatory issues: Observatory was not used today. All systems are nominal.
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None.

Journalist Report – December 15th

Lipi Roy, Crew 288 Journalist
Sol 05
With Hunter’s spam fried rice for breakfast, my potato parathas for lunch, and Cesare’s pizzas for dinner, seems like this crew has found their salvation in isolation. In a long, four-hour walking-EVA, it is important to be fed well – before AND after!
Today, Cesare (Commander), Hunter (Geologist), Jilian (HSO), and Jesus(Crew Engineer) walked up to Skyline Rim to collect more geology samples. In the vast expanse of the red planet, the group walked up to Hab Ridge first, where we could spot their tiny faces from the commander’s window. A friendly wave to our friends; awaiting their safe return. We could intermittently hear them play ’20 questions’ to spice up the walk. Great idea, crew!
We welcomed them back with another round of kitchen experiments (which, thankfully, did not go wrong this time). Everyone seemed to enjoy the Indian parathas I made; hope they helped satisfy the exhausted astronauts.
The best part would still be the assortment of four pizzas by our commander – basil/mushroom, meat lover’s, pineapple/spam, and Nutella. Topped up with freshly harvested herbs from the Greenhab (thanks to our GHO, Ryan), what more could someone ask for?

GreenHab Report – December 15th

GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: Turned fan on for half an hour today to cool down the GreenHab. The heater was on automatically, and the door was kept closed.
Average temperatures: 85 degrees peak, 75 degrees on average
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (4 hours)
Daily water usage for crops: 4.5 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __169__ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 4:00 pm
Changes to crops: Harvested a few crops, but no other changes
Narrative: The tomatoes were doing better today. I may have to put a cage on one of the tomato plants soon, I will likely do that tomorrow. The two cucumber plants I was worried about aren’t doing worse, but they aren’t doing better per se. Will observe and look at it tomorrow. I harvested a little bit of fresh basil today and it made our pizza tonight delicious.
Harvest: Basil: 5 g, arugula: 7 grams, kale: 15 grams. Total: 27 grams
Support/supplies needed: None

EVA Report – December 15th

EVA # 5
Author: Cesare Guariniello
Purpose of EVA: Scouting EVA for accessibility and location for drone experiments on HAB ridge, and searching for kaolinite at the bottom of skyline ridge.
Start time: 1100
End time: 1428
Narrative: This EVA is dedicated to our friends at Nanohmics, Inc. The EVA began at 1100 led by Hunter and Cesare and joined by Jesus and Jilian. The crew prepared a limited amount of equipment for the long walk (GPS units, rock hammer, flags, sample bags, notepad with paper and ruler, a map, and the outdoor first aid kit). The crew walked north of the habitat, while observing the emplacement of various layers, then identified the intersection with 1103, Sagan Rd, and began ascending to Hab Ridge. This part of the EVA also had an exploratory function, to assess whether the gentle ascend is easily accessible (it is), and to identify a suitable location for an experiment of transportation of small samples with our drone. We also took panoramic context photos for past EVAs. After a brief stop to collect Gryphaea fossils, the crew began the long walk (about 2 miles) to Skyline Rim. A few stops along the way occurred when interesting examples of gypsum made their appearance. Once at the foot of Skyline Rim cliff, the crew identified a location with diverse samples from the various overlying layers, established a station and collected samples under the direction of our crew geologist Hunter. Two and a half hours into the EVA, the crew began its long and satisfied walk back to the habitat. During the walk back, they picked some old trash and played some MDRS-themed game of 20 questions. They began airlock re-pressurization at 1453.
Destination: Hab Ridge + Skyline Rim
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N516000 E4251500
Participants: Jilian Welshoff (Health and Safety Officer), Hunter Vannier (Crew Geologist), Cesare Guariniello (Commander), Jesus Meza (Crew Engineer)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Walk north and then east from HAB on 1103 up Hab Ridge to the base of Skyline Ridge.
Mode of travel: walking

Sol Summary – December 14th

Sol: 4
Summary Title: A Mystery on Mars and a Disaster in the Kitchen
Author’s name: Jilian Welshoff
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Crew 288 started the day off at 8:00AM for a breakfast of pancakes made by Riley (XO) and Ryan (GHO). They came up with some fun toppings and mix and matched to make the perfect pancake. The crew got heated in a few rounds of Bananagrams to get energy high for another long day of EVAs and Hunter (GEO) lead some group stretches to get our bodies prepped. After popping and locking, 4 crew members, Cesare (CMD), Hunter (GEO), Jesus (ENG), and Lipi (JOU) prepped to go on EVA #4 to Kissing Camel Ridge and Barainca Butte to collect more geology spectrum data. The crew found abundant volcanic rocks of multiple types on the EVA and collected more spectrum data.
The crew that stayed behind had a good time learning proper form for pushups, FINALLY taking showers, and harvesting some parsley and sage for lunch, while remaining responsive and attentive COMs. They (Ryan) attempted to make Carrot cake but created a sugar mass instead induced by an error in the recipe book.
After returning from EVA, the crew got to enjoy the cooking/baking efforts from the rest of the crew and got to take their showers too. Ryan went to the Greenhab to harvest more greens for a salad and dinner. The EVA crew had a debrief to figure out how to execute data collection more efficiently after today’s attempt. While we completed reports and uploaded photos, we had a delicious redemption dinner made by Ryan (GHO) of Pad Thai and await a proper carrot cake in the oven.
Look Ahead Plan: Continue to go on Geology EVAs to collect more data, CO2 continue soldering, begin EVAs for other research, continue collecting data for overall research. Start Greenhab research
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Beautiful day outside, started out cloudy then sunny in the afternoon.
Crew Physical Status: Feeling squeaky clean and ready for a new day of EVA
EVA: Successfully performed EVA #4 to Kissing Camel Ridge and Barainca Butte
Reports to be filed: Eva Report, Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, Operations Report, Sol Summary, Eva Request, Astronomy Report, Photos
Support Requested: None

Operations Report – December 14th

SOL: 4
Name of person filing report: Jeus Meza-Galvan
Non-nominal systems: All systems nominal.
Notes on non-nominal systems: No non-nominal systems.
Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 238.3 (before EVA)
Beginning charge: 100% (Before EVA)
Ending charge: 41% (On return from EVA, before recharging)
Currently charging: No
Opportunity rover used: Yes
Hours: 149.1
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 47%
Currently charging: No
Curiosity rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
Perseverance rover used: No
Beginning charge:
Ending charge:
Currently charging: Yes
General notes on rovers: Rovers functioning properly.
Summary of Hab operations: Everyone (7 people) showered today.
WATER USE: 36 gallons
Water (static tank): 423 gallons
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): On
Static tank heater (on or off): On
Toilet tank emptied: No.
Summary of internet: Internet is nominal.
Summary of suits and radios: Suits and radios are nominal.
Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 3 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: On
Kale: 103 g
Parsley: 8 g
Arugula: 8 g
Cilantro: 7 g
Summary of ScienceDome operations: Science dome used for EVA de-brief and geological sample organization.
Dual split: Heat or AC: On
Summary of RAM operations: (Tools used, work done): Tools retrieved from RAM to repair observatory shutter. Used screwdrivers and small ladder. Both were placed back in the RAM after use.
Summary of any observatory issues: Observatory shutter was repaired. Observatory dome is now functioning properly. Dome is closed.
Summary of health and safety issues: No health or safety issues.
Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: None.

Journalist Report – December 14th

Lipi Roy, Crew 288 Journalist
Sol 04
Four days of EVAs, stargazing, harvesting, and cooking later, I can positively confirm for the entirety of my crew – never again will we ever underestimate the power of a hot shower.
The day began with the tunes of ‘Star Man’ and Riley’s (XO) wonderful pancakes. Filled to the brim with Nutella, syrup, and peanut butter, and energized with Hunter’s (Crew Geologist) crash course of Stretching 101, we were ready for today’s geology EVA.
With an aim to collect volcanic rock samples, Hunter, Cesare (commander), Jesus (crew engineer), and I headed off to the exquisite Barainca Butte; a place whose geological richness would be enough to pique the interest of any geologist. Now, our Hunter isn’t just any geologist, so you can imagine what would have happened! Just kidding, he led the EVA well, often sharing his geology wisdom with us.
“Spot, mark, take ‘before’ photo, take sample, take ‘after’ photo, and repeat” – sounded so simple when Hunter explained it, but add an EVA suit, gloves, and time constraint – and this becomes nothing less than a challenge. Four-and-a-half hours of that later, we came back to a wonderful lunch Riley had decided to surprise us with. Thanks Riley!
It was also supposed to be a delicious carrot-cake afternoon, right Ryan? His ‘switching off the oven lights’ to surprise us, didn’t quite go in his favor because when he unraveled the finished product, it seemed to be less of a cake and more of an overflowing burnt-sugar carrot sauce . A few more minutes of that, and I could have collected another volcanic rock sample from that lava. Cesare and Jilian (HSO) decided to see the silver lining and attempted to eat the sauce. Well, it was a masterpiece in its own unique, slightly burnt, way.
Don’t worry Ryan. These things happen. And as Cesare said – ‘if never make any mistakes, you’ve never tried anything new’! Anyhow, we appreciate the thought behind it; and you did manage to redeem yourself at dinner with a yummy Pad-Thai and with an actual carrot cake.
The biggest highlight still was the hot shower the whole crew was allowed to get today. I understand the importance of water conservation in a mission like this, but I swear, I will never again look at a shower in the same way again.

GreenHab Report – December 14th

Crew 288 GreenHab Report 14-12-2023
GreenHab Officer: Ryan DeAngelis
Environmental control: Heater on automatically. Turned fan on from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm today to reduce high temperatures (99 degrees according to the guage at one point). Door was kept closed.
Average temperatures: 99 peak, but dropped down to 75 after fan was kept going.
Hours of supplemental light: 10 pm to 2 am (four hours).
Daily water usage for crops: 3 gallons
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: None
Water in Blue Tank (200 gallon capacity): __3_ gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 5:00 pm (watered later due to attempt to dry out soil on cucumbers and tomato plants.
Changes to crops: Harvested half a bed of baby kale, some parsely, cilantro, and arugula.
Narrative: I walked into the GreenHab at approximately 11 am, and noticed that it was extremely hot due to it being a very warm day. I turned the fan on to cool it down. I harvested parsley at around 11:30 am. I returned around 5 pm to water the plants, turn off the fan, and harvested a lot of kale, some arugula, as well as some cilantro. Planning to check on the plants one more time this evening before going to bed.
Harvest: Kale: 103 grams, Parsely: 8 grams, Arugula: 8 grams, Cilantro: 7 grams. Total: 126 grams.
Support/supplies needed: Same cucumber plants and tomatoes not doing that well, continuing to discuss with ecology expert and observing (currently seeing if drying out soil is helping).

EVA Report – December 14th

EVA # 4
Author: Hunter Vannier
Purpose of EVA: EVA to obtain volcanic samples in fluvial channel near Barainca Butte.
Start time: 1100
End time: 1530
Narrative: EVA began at 1100 led by Hunter and Cesare and joined by Lipi and Jesus. The crew took Spirit and Opportunity rovers south on Cow Dung Road to Barainca Butte. Spirit started with 100% charge and 238.3 hours. Opportunity started with 100% charge and 149.1 hours. The crew drove south until reaching the beginning of 1101 and parked. The crew unloaded equipment and walked west along the trail and observed numerous volcanic rocks. Approximately ~1200 they established a station to sample one large vesicular basalt boulder. The region contained numerous scattered fist-sized volcanic rocks, mostly basalt but some andesite, which appeared to be transported fluvially. We obtained spectra and documented the sampling with photographs and GPS coordinates; these steps were repeated at subsequent stations. The crew continued walking until reaching Barainca Butte and investigated the area for any other source of volcanic rocks. We then approached the butte and Cesare led sample collection of light toned sedimentary boulder and accompanying sediment, establishing Station 2. The crew observed boulders at the butte base representing multiple stratigraphic units. They then began returning to the rovers. Approximately ¼ of the way back, they established a third station and collected six samples that well represented the volcanic diversity of transported material in the region, but the question remains where exactly they were sourced from. The crew returned to the rovers at 1406 and packed the gear and stowed samples. then stopped at Kissing Camel Ridge on the way back. There, Hunter led the gathering of spectra and samples at 2 geological sites on the north side of the West Camel Ridge, following up on scouting from EVA #3. The team made it back to the HAB with Spirit at 41% charge and 238.3 hours and Opportunity at 47% and 238.3 hours. They began the reentry process for the HAB at 1520.
Destination: Barainca Butte, Kissing Camel Ridge
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Barainca: N519000, E4247300; Kissing Camel: N5180000, E4249500
Participants: Cesare Guariniello (Executive Officer), Lipi Roy (Crew Journalist), Jesus Galvan (Crew Engineer), Hunter Vannier (Crew Geologist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive south on Cow Dung Road and park at intersection with 1101. Then walk west 1-1.25 km. On return to Hab, stopped at Kissing Camel to conduct second set of measurements along the northern base of Kissing Camel Ridge W within ¼ km of road.
Mode of travel: driving and walking (Spirit and Opportunity)

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