EVA Report – April 24th

Crew 297 EVA Report 23-04-2024

EVA #15

Author: Matthew Lynch (Engineer)

Purpose of EVA: Perform an expedition EVA to new areas to bury the NPS on a later EVA. The areas to the west can only be explored via walking. We will also be recovering the unfound NPS from EVA #12.

Start time: 11:28 am

End time: 2:44 pm

Narrative: After a slightly delayed start we left the airlock and entered Curiosity. Driving North until we reached the expected NPS hiding spot we parked the rover and continued on foot. With the exact coordinates for the NPS we recovered it quickly, although it was hidden in an extremely challenging spot by the previous team. At 12:16 pm we returned to the Hab and began our on-foot journey to Skyline Rim. By 12:40 we had reached the top of the ridge line behind MDRS, and continued with our long march across the Amazonis Planitia. We reached the Skyline Rim and proceeded with our ground testing to determine the feasibility of burying the NPS in this region. With testing complete we headed back to the Hab, returning at 2:44 pm.

Destination: NPS Site #4A & Skyline Rim

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 517477N 4254656E

EVA Participants: Matt Lynch (Engineer), Matt Storch (XO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Round

Mode of travel: Driving + Walking

Vehicles you will be using (If applicable): Curiosity

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