Journalist Report – April 26th

"A time would come when Men should be able to stretch out their Eyes …. they should see the Planets like our Earth." Christropher Wren, Inauguration Speech, Gresham College, 1657

Today’s only, and last, EVA took place mid-day. Its goal was to geologically observe the region that appears purple from orbit. This location has also been referred to as Purple Mountain. Wind conditions escalated as the Crew of Sarah, Pawel, Matt and Matt drove Opportunity and Curiosity to North Ridge. They walked to the southwest part of North Ridge and on the way up observed green shale, various colors of regolith, and tan sandstone. They were able to observe large areas of sandstone that had fallen from the higher layers. On the way back, while in Rovers, a light rain graced the final EVA.

Tomorrow, after 12 days of rigorous simulation, our crew of six will emerge from our Mars habitat. Inside the habitat our crew navigated through challenges, from managing limited resources to maintaining physical and mental well-being. Each crew member carried with them valuable lessons and experiences, ready to contribute to the ongoing quest for space exploration.

We, Crew 297, bid farewell to life on Mars, and to a rare, fortunate and productive two weeks at MDRS. We wish to thank all MDRS personnel for their support and to thank the state of Utah for the use of this unique Marscape on Earth.

Dave Laude
Crew 297 Journalist/Engineer

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