Journalist Report – May 16th

Hello Mission Control,

We started the morning by holding a team debrief. I went over the daily activities that our crew had to complete. Astronomy observatory hours, science dome research, water usage, and other tasks were discussed in todays meeting. Me, Noah, and Aravind spent the day analyzing samples we collected throughout our EVAs the last few days. We have found some patterns and are going to formally summarize it as soon as we are able to confirm our findings with already published papers. We had many productive hours. We came back for lunch and began reading papers related to the topics. Everyone spent the afternoon either analyzing and adjusting code or reading papers. We now await the stabilization of our XO’s health. Enjoy the overwhelming amount of science dome pictures!

Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan (Crew Commander, Journalist, & Bevonaut)

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