Sol: 11
Summary Title: Freezing Mars
Author’s name: Marta Ferran-Marqués, Commander and Crew Scientist
Mission Status: Nominal
Commander Report: The WoMars crew woke up this morning at 8 am. After the commander’s debrief, Laurene and Cristina went to the RAM to clean everything up. Meanwhile, Paula and Marta went to the GreenHab to water up the plants and clean the space. Later in the morning, Laurene and Paula had their last time-delayed communication sessions with their loved ones.
Cristina and Laurene went for an EVA around the surroundings of the MDRS to continue with Lazarus’ experiments – the visual odometry robot developed by Dronomy. After lunch, Paula and Marta also went for an EVA around the surroundings of the MDRS and completed the experiments with Lazarus for the Nerio I mission. The sky was gorgeous today, showing blue, pink and purple colors.
Once back in the Hab, Marta had her last time-delayed communication session with her brother. After writing all the reports, the crew will cook dinner and have a relaxing night!