EVA Report – November 22th

EVA # 10
Author: Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Emergency response scenario – minor ankle injury.
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 11:00 AM
Narrative: XO and HSO initiated a walking EVA to the Gateway to Candor region by way of Cow Dung Rd. Upon arriving at the destination, the EVA team simulated a one-way communications failure with the habitat as well as an ankle injury. As the HABCOM for the EVA, the commander sent a rescue team consisting of the Crew Engineer and Crew Biologist to the Intersection of Cow Dung Rd and Gateway to Candor via rovers (Oppy & Curi). Two crewmembers — CDR and Communications Officer — remained at the habitat. The rescue team also brought a first aid kit, splinting materials, and a jacket for additional warmth. The HSO and rescue crew attempted to immobilize the ankle injury. All four crew members returned to the habitat via rover.
Destination: Gateway to Candor
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4252000
Participants: Initial team — XO, HSO; Rescue team — BIO, ENGR
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
Along Cow Dung Road by foot
Mode of travel: Walking (Rescue team via rover)

EVA # 11
Author: Elizabeth Balga for Judith Marcos & Caitlyn Hubric
Purpose of EVA:
Primary: In-situ demonstration of anchor device carrying capacity
Secondary: Biological sample collection.
Start time: 2:00 PM
End time: 4:00 PM
Narrative: CDR, ENGR, and BIO completed an EVA to Cowboy Corner. ENGR prepared for and performed an engineering demonstration of the Pleiades instrument. During sample collection with the instrument, it broke in two locations — along the handle and along the arms — which informed the weak points of the device. The Crew Engineer was able to visually confirm that the device’s operation was affected by accumulation of debris, as suspected. BIO collected seven unique samples including ice, plants, and soil from the roots of said plants. Additionally, BIO noted upon return that Percy’s left rear tail light was out.
Destination: Cowboy Corner
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4253000
Participants: CDR, ENGR, BIO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
Along Cow Dung Road to Cowboy Corner by rover
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Percy, Spirit)

EVA Report – November 21th

EVA # 8
Author: Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Biological sample collection.
Start time: 1:30 PM
End time: ~4:15 PM
XO, HSO, and Biologist went to the Sea of Shells via the Overlook on Brahe Hwy for biological sample collection. Curiosity and Spirit were driven on Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy, stopping just before the Overlook. Once at the overlook, the rovers were parked and the crew headed out on foot to The Sea Shells. Samples collected included: ice; mud next to ice; 3 plant samples; 1 salty rock; 3 samples of dirt from roots of three plants; 3 plant samples.
Destination: Sea of Shells with stop at Overlook
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84):
Overlook: 516000, 4254000
Sea of Shells: 516000, 4255000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
North on Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Brahe Hgwy (1572 W)
Stop at Overlook
Brahe Hwy (1572 N) to Sea of Shells
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Curi, Spirit)

EVA Report – November 20th

EVA # 8
Author: Izabela Shopova
Purpose of EVA: Searching for hydrous minerals — clays, sulfates, silica — and/or carbonate salts. Obtaining additional rocks for engineering demonstration (for use with mechanical anchor prototype). Exploring area nearby habitat under alternate lighting.
Start time: 2:45 PM
End time: 4:00 PM
The crew went to explore the area around the Hab and the top of Hab Ridge to search for hydrous minerals. We followed a dried river bed for the first part of the expedition, then turned west and climbed up the side of the ridge. We were able to identify and collect all 3 of the minerals we were searching for. And in addition, we came across a big deposit of seashells at the top of the ridge. After taking photos of the locations of our discoveries, we turned around and walked back to the Hab, taking a longer route to the east. We ended the EVA with a walk around the base and a visual check, confirming that the tunnels and external walls don’t show any new damage, before entering the airlock and completing the EVA.
Destination: Hab Ridge Road
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000, 4251000 to 518000, 4250000
Participants: CDR, COMM, ENGR
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
Walking north from Hab via Sagan Street (1103) to Hab Ridge Road North (518000, 4251000). Then south along Hab Ridge Road (518000, 4250000). Returning via the same path

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – November 19th

EVA # 7
Author: Jas Purewal
Purpose of EVA: Biological sample collection (focus on lichen and any soil around the roots of plants encountered)
Start time: 8:00 AM
End time: 10:15 AM
The crew went to explore “The Peanut” area for biological samples. We took Curiosity and Opportunity via Cow Dung Rd and Galileo Rd. Once on Galileo Rd we explored “The Peanut” on foot for an hour and a half. The crew biologist collected 5 different samples of lichen. After successfully collecting the biological samples the crew returned safely back to the hab at 10:05 and did a walk around the hab to inspect it and check propane levels before entering the airlock and completing the EVA.
Destination: The Peanut
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520000, 4253000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
North on Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Galileo Rd (1104) on Rover
Proceed to The Peanut on foot
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Oppy, Curi)

EVA Report – November 18th

EVA # 6
Author: Izabela Shopova (Narrative), Elizabeth Balga (Hotwash Notes)
Purpose of EVA: Rover work (per Dr. Rupert). Engineering sample (rock) collection.
Start time: 9:30 AM
End time: 11:00 AM
The EVA started on time and as planned the crew was driving 3 rovers – ‘Opportunity’, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Curiosity’ – to test them after their servicing.
Weather was clear and sunny, and the rovers performed well. Crew noted the position where radio connection with the Hub was lost and switched to channel 2. Reaching the established goal of the expedition – the intersection of Cow Dung Road and Brahe Rd – the crew stopped, noted the battery performance, took photos and explored the area for 15 minutes.
On the return back to the Hub the crew stopped after crossing a river bed to explore and take photos of local vegetation for the crew biologist. Soon after continuing with the return drive ‘Opportunity’ lost power and stopped. Red light came up on the dashboard indicating overheating.
Hotwash Notes:
Bottom line up front — In the future, the team should better utilize available time on EVA in the event of an anomaly. Crew was prioritizing safety and sim, but should also prioritize mission critical equipment based on available time.
EVA team initiated return from Brahe intersection around 10:02 AM
Oppy’s battery was around ~75% upon initiating return, best battery performance of the 3 rovers
EVA team stopped at mud flat on the return trip. Departed mud flat around 10:12 AM
En route back to habitat, Oppy broke down around ~10:15 AM
Oppy was located at the rear of convoy and broke down on a slope (slightly downward)
Driver noted that the red light on the dashboard was illuminated. May have turned on earlier but difficult to see with spacesuit, glare, and steering wheel
Driver waited with rover for ~10 minutes TOTAL while crewmates returned to spot & pursued troubleshooting
Tried to start rover again two times (about 5 mins between each attempt), no joy
There were no communications with the hab or outpost at the location of rover breakdown. The
Team wanted to re-established comms in case of additional instructions from HABCOM or Outpost, but did not want to split up and strand a crew member per protocol.
Ultimately team had additional time (20 mins) to spare before EVA end, so could have spent another 10 minutes waiting before abandoning
Note: Times validated during hotwash with HABCOM and photos
Additionally, had tow rope but no training/protocol for towing
Also concern with towing for risk to remaining rovers since breakdown occurred in gulley
Crew left tow rope with abandoned rover to assist with recovery
Crew brought keys back to station per protocol
Crew abandoned the rover and initiated return around 10:25 AM
Crew entered the airlock around ~10:35 AM
Destination: Intersection of Cow Dung Rd and Brahe Hwy.
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000, 4255000
Participants: CDR, COMM, ENGR
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:
North on Cow Dung Rd (0110) towards Brahe Hwy on Rover
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Oppy, Curi, Spirit)

EVA Report – November 17th

EVA # 4
Author: Izabela Shopova
Purpose of EVA: Return to collect additional biological samples. Additional exploration of sites prospected during EVA #3 on Sol #3.
Start time: 10 AM
End time: 12 PM
Narrative: The crew went to the White Rock Canyon to collect more samples. Comms with CapCom were lost on the way and crew changed to channel 2 for communication between themselves. We set off on foot exploring and noted petrified wood and many types of rock in the area. Crew collected multiple lichen and regolit samples, checked two rock overhangs for life and took photos of the area. Found the expedition route ended back at the vehicles, where the two drivers made a tri-point u-turn and departed on time. Midway we reestablished radio contact with CapCom and returned to the base right on time. Commander Jenni checked the propane level before joining the rest of the crew in the airlock.
Destination: White Rock Canyon
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520000, 4248000
Participants: CDR, COMM, BIO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to White Rock Canyon on Rover
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking (Oppy & Percy)

EVA # 5
Author: Judi Marcos
Purpose of EVA: Collect rocks for use with mechanical anchor prototype. (Note: Later engineering EVAs (Week 2) will use prototype in the field.)
Start time: 2:30 PM
End time: 4:00 PM
Narrative: Second crew decided to do a walking EVA on road 1103, wrapping around on to Hab Ridge. At the beginning of the EVA, the crew did a walk around of the hab for inspection. The hab continues to be in good condition. While on the EVA, we were able to see an amazing view of the land around after hiking to higher ground. We also retrieved a variety of rocks regarding shape and size. These sample rocks will be weighted to test carry capacity.
Destination: Hab Ridge Road North
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000, 4251000 to 518000, 4250000
Participants: XO, ENGR, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Walking north from Hab via Sagan Street to Hab Ridge Road North (518000, 4251000), then south along Hab Ridge Road (518000, 4250000). Returning via the same path.
Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – November 16th

EVA # 3
Author: Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Prospecting for and initial biological sample collection
Start time: 1:30 PM
End time: 4:00 PM (actual end: 3:30 PM)
Narrative: Three crew members embarked on the first biological sample collection EVA. Upon approach of “Kissing Camel Ridge ”, the crew experienced difficulties with the communication system when communicating locally between EVA participants. After consulting with HABCOM and the OUTPOST, the crew switched to Channel 2 and local communications issues were resolved. With concurrence from HABCOM, the crew proceeded to their destination White Rock Canyon. Along the road, Martian life (cows) and beautiful views were enjoyed. At the destination, BIO trained XO and HSO on proper sample collection and labeling practices. The crew collected eleven organic and inorganic samples including live plants, and BIO scouted several additional sites for future sample collection.
Destination: White Rock Canyon
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520000, 4248000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to White Rock Canyon on Rover
Mode of travel: Spirit & Curiosity

EVA Report – November 15th

EVA # 1
Author: Jenni Hesterman, Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Familiarization with spacesuits, communications system, and rovers
Start time: 1000
End time: 1100
Narrative: The crew took overshot Marble Ritual, executed a three point turn without breaking the berm and arrived at the target area. We set off on foot exploring and noted petrified wood and many types of rock in the area.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4251000
Participants: CDR, COMM, ENGR
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking

EVA # 2
Author: Caitlyn Hubric, Elizabeth Balga
Purpose of EVA: Familiarization with spacesuits, communications system, and rovers
Start time: 1430
End time: 1530
Narrative: Attempted to fly our drone today, winds were too high, crash landed but in good condition. Will try again in future EVA. Scouted the area around Marble Ritual for plant life, found 5-6 different plants of interest to sample the dirt/substrate around the roots. Found the presence of an orange organism on the northside of rocks, which looked like a lichen, would like to return to scrape a small amount to look under the microscope.
Destination: Marble Ritual
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 519000, 4251000
Participants: XO, BIO, HSO
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Rd (0110) to Marble Ritual
Mode of travel: Rover, Walking

EVA Report – November 11th

EVA # 15
Author: Laurène Delsupexhe
Purpose of EVA: End of mission engineering EVA
Start time: 12:10am
End time: 12:30 pm
Narrative: The Crew Engineer did a final Engineering EVA to report if there had been any change to the exterior of the station: there are no updates to bring since the previous engineering EVA. After leaving the hab, Laurène went around it, then around the Green Hab, behind the Science Dome, around the solar panels and the observatory and behind the station before finally going around the RAM and heading back.
Destination: MDRS
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000-518000
Participants: Laurène Delsupexhe
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: N/A
Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – November 10th

EVA # 13
Author: Laurène Delsupexhe
Purpose of EVA: Experiment with robot Lazarus + Exploring Sagan Street
Start time: 11:50am
End time: 1:40 pm
Narrative: The crew left the main Hab at 11:50am with the robot and tested 3 times the same straight path of 10m close to the observatory. After that, they left the equipment in the airlock for the team in the Hab to download the data and recharge the battery. Meanwhile, Laurène and Cristina headed towards the North Ridge in order to reach Sagan Street. The Mission Support Crew contacted them to let them know the testing of the robot had not properly worked. As there was still an hour and a half in the EVA and the crew was already halfway to Sagan Street, they decided to continue the exploration part of the EVA. They reached their destination, took some samples to test later on and headed back to the station by the same way they arrived. They ended their EVA as soon as they came back to the station and decided that Paula and Marta will redo the test during their EVA.
Destination: Sagan Street
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251500-516500
Participants: Cristina Vazquez and Laurène Delsupexhe
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Sagan Street, 1103
Mode of travel: Walking

EVA #: 14
Author: Marta Ferran
Purpose of EVA: Experiment with robot Lazarus + Exploring
Start time: 2:40pm
End time: 5:30pm
Narrative: Paula and Marta left the main Hab at 2:30 PM with Lazarus, the visual odometry robot developed by Dronomy. The crew tested 4 times the same straight path of 12 m close to the MDRS. Once finished, the crew came back to the Hab and left the robot equipment in the airlock. After that, Paula and Marta continued with their exploration around the MDRS. The sky was gorgeous and so, the crew took amazing pictures of the red planet. After almost 3h of EVA, the crew headed back to the Hab and started working on Lazarus’ files.
Destination: Around MDRS
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4251000-518000
Participants: Marta Ferran and Paula Peixoto
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: N/A
Mode of travel: Walking

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