EVA Report #11 – January 11th

Crew 238 EVA Report 11Jan2022

EVA #11

Author: Robert T. Turner

Purpose of EVA: To collect geologic, bacterial and radiation samples.

Start time:12.20

End time: 15.00

Narrative: The MDRS Crew 238 Sol 9 extra-vehicular activity (EVA) went to the region designated "Baranca Butte," Site J, using the Highway 1101 with a stop planned at "Kissing Camels Ridge E," Site I, on the return to the Hab. The surface EVA participants were:
Executive Officer / Documentarian Pedro Marcellino, Engineer Simon
Werner, and Health / Safety Officer Robert T. Turner.

They utilized rovers Curiosity and Spirit to this transition to this geological site. EVA objectives were: geological sampling, survey and possible sampling of lichen lifeforms and a photographic survey.

This EVA team was designated EVA Team One. Travel to the previously mapped site was completed without incident taking twenty minutes. Once the two rovers were stationary at the main access road, exploration commenced on foot.

This region had an appearance quite Mars-like with orange-to-light brown strata. There were many small stones equally divided between those aforementioned colors and volcanic black rocks with indentions where bubbles of subsurface gas had left their mark on the cooling
rocks. Several possible water-eroded dry stream beds were noted. The smaller stones to pebble-sized rocks presented in an array of various colors from black, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and white.

Crew member Simon Werner sampled various rock samples and took a baseline measurement of the surface radiation. Rock and stone formations at this site suggested with their visual evidence that water must have flowed at this site in the past. There was minor evidence of lichen formations on the western rock facings but not in the frequency noted from previously explored sites on this mission.

As with other sites, the panoramic vistas to the horizon yielded more Mars-like quality. One Mars-like butte, "Baranca Butte," was also photographed with a height reaching an estimated two hundred to three hundred meters, perhaps more.

Crew member Pedro Marcellino had the opportunity to complete a wide array of photographic images of this site as well as crew members, Simon Werner and Robert T. Turner, who worked in their geological assessment of the varied surface samples.

Following completion of this two-hour site survey, all crew members returned to the twin rovers and a further stop was completed at the designated "Kissing Camels Ridge E," site for additional geophotography. After this was completed the EVA Team One made a successful return to the Hab facility without incident or injury.

This ended the planned EVA for MDRS Crew 238, Sol 9, EVA Team One.

Destination: Destination: Area I

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): N519000 and W4247000

Participants: Turner, Werner. Marcellino

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Exit on MDRS Driveway Cowdung Road, then south toward coordinates 520000N and 4247300W. Park and walk west to Baranca Butte. On return to complete a quick follow up stop at Kissing Camels located N518300N and W4249100 to recover further samples and more detailed photographic samples of geographic features.

Mode of travel: Curiosity and Opportunity.

EVA Report – January 10th

BD: this supercedes prior EVA #10 report

Crew 238 EVA Report 10Jan2022

EVA #10

Author: HSO Robert T. Turner

Purpose of EVA: To collect geologic, bacterial, and radiation samples.

Start time:12.20
End time: 14.40

Narrative: The MDRS Crew 238 Sol 8 extra-vehicular activity (EVA) went to the region designated Moon Overlook using the Brahe Highway 1575. The surface EVA participants were: Artist Agnieszka Pokrywka, Engineer Simon Werner, and Health / Safety Officer Robert T. Turner.

These utilitized rovers Curiosity and Opportunity to transition tothis geological site. EVA objectives were: geological sampling, survey, and possible radiation measurements; and, a second object was
obtaining stream bed samples for possible bacteriological culturing.

This EVA team was designated EVA Team One. Travel to the previously mapped site was completed without incident. Once the two rovers were stationary, exploration was initiated on foot.

This region possessed an appearance quite like luna with gray,finely-powdered soil, starkly contrasting with an absence of surface stones as had been noted in other EVA sites. This site featured an enormous crater-like structural depression overlaid with a second impact marking. Small stony ejecta was noted in the vicinity of the upper crater rim that was being explored. Several possible evacuation dry stream beds were noted.

Steep gray angular walls descended to smaller chasma-like structures. Samples initially thought to be shock quartz were first noted on this exploration with samples obtained for further study. Extensive surface photography was completed with a more Mars-like demarcation noted on the panoramic views of the vista horizon, including a presumed possible volcanic butte.

Crew member Agnieszka Pokrywka obtained stream bed soil samples for biological investigation. This site had fewer examples of lichen-like lifeforms as noted in the photographic sampling.

Crew members Agnieszka Pokrywka and Simon Werner conducted a walking descent of the crater rim wall into the depth of the crater-like structure, noted changes in the presentation of presumed multiple drainage ravines. Additional surface rock samples were obtained at the descent site, along with supplemental photography. Following completion of an ascent out of this area, all crew members returned to the twin rovers and completed a successful return to the Hab. This ended the planned EVA for MDRS Crew 238, Sol 8, EVA Team One.

We took a yellowish looking sample from one of the few, thin and more compact layers at the bottom of a crater-like structure, below Widow’s Peak. We are not sure yet, if this is of biologic origin or not. A first analysis of this sample will be done using the microscope in the Science Dome.

The radiation level at Widows Peak using a Geiger counter/dosimeter, "Radex one", Qarta-Rad Inc. Measurement was taken 10cm above ground level over 10 min. The values were refreshed every 15 sec. and have shown a range from 0.26 to 0.29 µS/h. This is roughly twice the level along Cow dung road from HAB towards the North (Measurements taken every 500m along Cow Dung road, ranging from 0.11 µS/h at Marble Ritual …to 0.19µS/h when crossing Tank Wash river bed.

Question: We are uncertain if the Moon, especially around Widows peak, is still the Morrison Formation or already the lower layer of the Cedar Mountains Formation (lower yellow cat)?

Destination: Area D

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): W4254400 by N516000

Participants: Turner, Pokrywka, Werner

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MoonWalk Road up to Cow Dung Road, north to Braher Highway 1572, then west to Braher Highway to 1575

Mode of travel: Curiosity and Opportunity

EVA Report – January 10th

Crew 238 EVA Report 10Jan2022

EVA #11

Author: Sionade Robinson

Purpose of EVA: To record Dr. Sandor’s walk in a temporary Labyrinth near Science Dome on campus drawn under her tuition.

Start time:15.40
End time: 16.25

Narrative: We completed our mission to record Dr. Sandor’s visit and walk in the temporary labyrinth drawn under her tuition.

Destination: Campus north of Science Dome.

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): Campus

Participants: Robinson, Pokrywka, Sandor

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Moon Walk Rd. to existing tracks by the weather station.

Mode of travel: For mobility, Spirit, and then by foot.

EVA Report – January 10th

Crew 238 EVA Report 10Jan2022

EVA #10

Author: HSO Robert T. Turner

Purpose of EVA: To collect geologic, bacterial and radiation samples.

Start time:12.20
End time: 14.40

Narrative: The MDRS Crew 238 Sol 8 extra-vehicular activity (EVA) went to the region designated Moon Overlook using the Brahe Highway 1575. The surface EVA participants were: Artist Agnieszka Pokrywka, Engineer Simon Werner, and Health / Safety Officer Robert T. Turner.
These utilized rovers Curiosity and Opportunity to transition to
this geological site. EVA objectives were: geological sampling,
survey, and possible radiation measurements; and, a second object was obtaining stream bed samples for possible bacteriological culturing.

This EVA team was designated EVA Team One. Travel to the previously mapped site was completed without incident. Once the two rovers were stationary, exploration was initiated on foot.

This region possessed an appearance quite like luna with gray,
finely-powdered soil, starkly contrasting with an absence of surface stones as had been noted in other EVA sites. This site featured an enormous crater-like structural depression overlaid with a second impact marking. Small stony ejecta was noted in the vicinity of the upper crater rim that was being explored. Several possible evacuation dry stream beds were noted.

Steep gray angular walls descended to smaller chasma-like structures. Samples initially thought to be shock quartz were first noted on this exploration with samples obtained for further study. Extensive surface photography was completed with a more Mars-like demarcation noted on the panoramic views of the vista horizon, including a presumed possible volcanic butte.

Crew member Agnieszka Pokrywka obtained stream bed soil samples for biological investigation. This site had fewer examples of lichen-like lifeforms as noted in the photographic sampling.

Crew members Agnieszka Pokrywka and Simon Werner conducted a walking descent of the crater rim wall into the depth of the crater-like structure, noted changes in the presentation of presumed multiple drainage ravines. Additional surface rock samples were obtained at the descent site, along with supplemental photography. Following completion of an ascent out of this area, all crew members returned to the twin rovers and completed a successful return to the Hab. This ended the planned EVA for MDRS Crew 238, Sol 8, EVA Team One.

Destination: Area D

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): W4254400 by N516000

Participants: Turner, Pokrywka, Werner

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MoonWalk Road up to Cow Dung Road, north to Braher Highway 1572, then west to Braher Highway to 1575

Mode of travel: Curiosity and Opportunity

EVA Report – January 8th

EVA # 7

Author: P.J. Marcellino

Purpose of EVA: Drawing of a labyrinth in the dirt in front of the
hab, under guidance from Master Gardener, Psychotherapist, and
certified Labyrinth Society member GHO Sandor.

Start time: 12:30:00 PM MST

End time: 01: 45:00 PM MST

Narrative: GHO Sandor conducted a mid-mission mindfulness
and wellness activity with the entire crew, starting with an attempted
drawing of a labyrinth with two crew members. Initially planned for close
to the Galileo Road intersection, we were informed by the Director that no
markings could be added to the landscape in BLM land. The Director
suggested the terrain in front of the Hab, but this turned out to be extremely
hard ground, and the drawing of the labyrinth was unsuccessful.

Destination: In front of the MDRS front airlock

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 4250500 by 518250

Participants: GHO Sandor (lead), HSO Turner, ART Pokrywka

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: None

Mode of travel: By foot

EVA Report – January 7th

EVA #: 06

Author: P.J. Marcellino

Purpose of EVA: Pokrywka quickly sampled sound from micro-organism activity using an underground contact microphone, and survey/scouted the site for Mars-like characteristics, for filming purposes.

Start time: 15:30:00 MST

End time: 16:00:00 MST

Narrative: EVA started one hour later than expected but was sufficient to scout the location as per the original intention.

Destination: Kissing Camels Ridge (Centre)

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): between 518000 and 519000 by 4249000 and 4250000 UTM NAD27

Participants: ART Pokrywka (lead), HSO Turner

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Opportunity

EVA Report – January 6th

Crew 238 EVA Report 06Jan2022

EVA #3

Author: Sionade Robinson

Purpose of EVA: Geographical sampling and ground vibration data
collection using an underground microphone.

Start time:12.47

End time: 15.30

Narrative: We completed our mission to collect geological samples from
the Special Region Rock samples and landscape features were
photographed, small rock samples collected and identified subsequently
at the Hab. Non vertebrate fossil identified. Vibration data to be

Destination: Special Region

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518250 by 4656000 UTM NAD27

Participants: Engineer Werner, Commander Robinson, Artist Pokrywka

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Moon Walk Rd. to Cow Dung Rd.,
bearing North on Cow Dung past Gateway to Lith Rd. and entering
Special Region within Area C. Walking into Area C and toward Area B.

Mode of travel: Opportunity and Curiosity Rovers, by foot.

EVA Report – January 4th

EVA #2

Author: Sionade Robinson

Purpose of EVA: Rehearsal and recognisance of Marble Ritual site and environs..

Start time:14.00

End time: 14.50

Narrative: On recommendation of Mission Support, our three crew
undertook a rehearsal EVA to the destination specified, using suits,
rovers, maps, coordinates and radios. Various rock samples and
landscape features were photographed, small rock samples collected and
identified subsequently at the Hab.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 38.41N by 110.79W

Participants: HSO Turner, Engineer Werner, Commander Robinson.

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road to Pooh’s Corner where
rovers were parked and then party proceeded by foot.

Mode of travel: Opportunity and Spirit Rovers, by foot.


EVA Report – January 4th

Crew 238 EVA Report 04-01-2022

EVA # 1

Author: Pedro José-Marcellino

Purpose of EVA: Training EVA

Start time: 11:16 AM

End time: 12:26 AM

Narrative: Short training EVA to Marble Ritual, as pre-determined by Mission Support. Based on tasks organized for the day, Team 1 was led by XO Marcellino. The destination appeared to be a short distance away and was found fast. We were told to look for a man-made structure, and thus kept an eye out for a marble structure. But having identified the correct location, we quickly realized there was no such thing. Instead, seeing three sticks with bowls from afar, we discussed the possibility of some sort of ancient Martian ceremony passing glass marbles from a container to the another. Yet, upon closer inspection we realized the bowls were in fact cake pans coloured after the Mars Trilogy books – hinting at a marble cake. Good one, Mission Support.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 38.41 N by 110.79 W

Participants: XO Marcellino, GHO Sandor, ART Pokrywka

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS access to Cow Dung Road, headed N-NE toward Pooh’s Corner where we parked. Proceeded on foot 200 m due E.

Mode of travel: Rover Spirit (lead) and Rover Opportunity


EVA Report – December 30th

Crew 236 EVA Report 30-DEC-2021

EVA # 11

Author: Vladimir Zeltsman

Purpose of EVA: Evaluation of soil and ground conditions for additional potential habitat locations and a geology survey of the Summerville formation/layers

Start time: 9:00 am

End time: 13:30 pm

Narrative: The EVA was originally requested for near and east of the summer view overlook, but changed to Candor Chasma. The coordinates are originally N4253000 W522800 but rescheduled for N4251000 W521000. The crew entered the airlock at 9:15 and headed towards Candor Chasma shortly after. Once both rovers were parked on Galileo, the crew headed east toward the destination. After hiking down into Candor Chasma, 1 location was measured to see if it was large enough for a habitat. The one location was open and had acceptable ground and soil conditions but significant terraforming would be required to make a road and clear the land of all fauna. This leads Vladimir (GHO) to believe that further east into Candor Chasma, there could be locations large and solid enough for a potential habitat location. At 11:15, the crew turned around and headed back to the rovers due to two suit failures. The crew arrived back at the Hab at 12:26. The EVA, although not producing the desired results, is still considered a success, since multiple sites were evaluated.

Destination: Candor Chasma/Region G

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): N4251000, W521000

Participants: Cesare (XO), Vladimir (GHO), Tyler (SCI), and Ben (JOU)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: From the Hab, driving north on Cow Dung Rd to Galileo Rd and Galileo Rd to near area F; walking from area F east to Candor Chasma

Mode of travel: Driving and walking

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