Crew 240 EVA Report 02Feb2022
EVA # 3
Author: Clément Plagne
Purpose of EVA: Setting up atmospheric experiments
Start time: 09:10
End time: 10:15
Narrative: Drive went well with equipment securely loaded at the back of our rovers. Setup was quicker than expected, though still tough physically, and logistically due to some mistakes in protocol for setting up our weather station. This will require further checks as we go along.
Destination: Crossing between Entrance Road and Cow Dung Road
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):
518 300, 425 5000
Participants: Clément Plagne, Maxime Jalabert, Marion Burnichon, François Vinet
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Rovers Perseverance and Curiosity, foot