Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 14-04-2023
Sol: 12
Summary Title: Last sunset on Mars
Author’s name: Ioana Dimitrova, Crew Engineer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
After a difficult night, the team had to say goodbye to one of its crew members a little bit early. We can’t wait to reunite after the end of the mission!
Our astronauts had a hard time waking up after a short night, but were motivated as ever to complete the last EVA. Three of us took the rovers out to Charitum Montes. Augustin was able to map out the plateau and Ttele and Ioana used the scintillator. Suddenly, they lost sight of the drone and then realized it probably went back to land at its departure point. Augustin had to sprint back to retrieve Ingenuity and make it to base on time. It was pretty intense! They enjoyed the magnificent martian views one last time before coming back to base and eating with the rest of the crew.
The afternoon was dedicated to cleaning, packing and making sure the station is ready for the next crew. We will enjoy a last meal with good company and reminiscence over what a good time we had here. Mars is unforgettable. Time passed so fast during this mission, but at the same time we feel at home here like we’ve lived here forever.
Look Ahead Plan:
The crew will finish packing and cleaning the station. Tomorrow, they will end the simulation and take the CrewCar back to Grand Junction to continue their adventures elsewhere.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory, the battery wires of Opportunity need to be replaced.
Weather: sunny, low -2°C/28°F, high 16°C/61°F
Sol Summary – April 13th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 13-04-2023
Sol: 11
Summary Title: Roller Coaster
Author’s name: Antoine de Barquin , Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was a very productive day for us! We managed to complete two experiments with great success. Agnes ventured to the top of the North Ridge to collect her bacteria, and everything went smoothly. During the excursion, we even had the opportunity to capture some stunning images with a drone. Once back at the Hab thanks to the rovers, we made the last measurements for Thomas’ experiment right next to the Hab. All in all, a job well done!
The second EVA of the day was at Candor Chasma for the rest of the team. This expedition was important to confirm the presence of a cave identified upstream by Augustin’s mapping of the area. We found the cave ( cfr photos of the day ) which confirms the operating protocol of Augustin’s experiment. The four members of the crew stayed in the Hab to prepare the end of the simulation and their experience.
Look Ahead Plan:
For our last Sol on Mars, an EVA is planned in the region of Charitum Montes to finish the Augustin’s mapping. While the rest of the team will finish its experiment in the morning. The afternoon will be reserved for the tidying of the station.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory, the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced.
Weather: partly cloudy, low 10°C/50°F, high 20°C/68°C
Sol Summary – April 12th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 12-04-2023
Sol: 10
Summary Title: Sadly, close to the end…
Author’s name: Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
This morning the boys woke up early for their EVA. The Crew Scientist made some radioactivity measurements in the canyon with the help of the Commander while the GHO and Crew astronomers made some drone mapping of the area. They didn’t find any isotope but the mapping was a success.
In the meantime, the girls took some time to rest. They also cooked a delicious lunch with homemade hummus, pepper tapenade, and cheesy bread, for the great pleasure of the boys.
Right after lunch, a second team got prepared for their EVA to Kissing Camel Ridge W. They drove there and began to look for the cavities found by the GreenHab Officer on his 3D map made by drone mapping on EVA #4. They measured the cavities to check if the measurements were correct on the 3D map. They also found other cavities that didn’t appear on the 3D map. So, they enjoyed the time they had left to make another mapping. They also took the measurements of those cavities to make the same comparison as previously. Our Crew Executive Officer also took the opportunity to take some earth samples to see if she could find some martian microorganisms and compare their viability to one of her extremophiles.
The end of the afternoon was dedicated to everyone’s experiments before getting ready for the reports. Another productive day for our martionauts.
Look Ahead Plan:
Arriving at the end of the mission, our martionauts only have small things to take care of for their experiments. Tomorrow, the Crew Executive Officer will organise an EVA in order to collect her bacteria samples left in North Ridge and bring them back to the science dome where their viability will be assessed and compared to their unexposed analog. After that, the Crew Scientist will finish his radioactivity measurements around the MDRS. He still has 100 measurements to do around the MDRS and it should only take one morning to perform.
Apart from that the crew will continue their own experiments including the 3D printing of drone propellers and the analysis of their data.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory, the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced, and issue with the battery of the suit 2.
Weather: partly cloudy, low 8°C/46°F, high 26°C/79°C
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 11th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 11-04-2023
Sol: 9
Summary Title:
Author’s name: Antoine de Barquin Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was another very hot day and we reached 82°F. That’s why the EVA team started like yesterday at 8am. The purpose of this expedition was to check the bacteria Agnes had deposited on the top of the North Ridge. Two mappings were also made to complete Augustin’s map. Towards the end of the EVA we observed footprints that we believe belong to a feline. We will have to determine which animal it is.
The afternoon was the opportunity for some of the crew members to process the data already collected for our experiments. And for the other part to realize some shots requested by Belgian media.
Finally Gwenael and Augustin worked together on the elaboration of a 3D printed regolith collector in the framework of the collaboration with Lunaria One. The first part will be finished today.
Look Ahead Plan:
To complete Augustin’s study we will go to SOL 10 in the Somerville Overlook region to simulate a coronal mass ejection releasing a large amount of energetic particles into space. The goal of this simulation will be to test the protocol of reaction to this type of incident by quickly using the drone to find an area protecting us from radiation.
A second EVA will be organized in the afternoon.During a Martian mission on SOL 3, the Kissing Kamel Ridge was thoroughly mapped and some interesting cavities were found that could potentially protect humans from radiation. Augustin plans to test the accuracy of his 3D model by taking measurements in the field, with the help of Ttele and GPS data. Agnès will use this opportunity to study microorganisms that may be living in the cavities, comparing them to microorganisms exposed to radiation in the same field. This could contribute to her research on extremophiles and their ability to survive in harsh conditions. The viability of these microorganisms will be compared to those found on Mars.
The regolith collector will normally be finished tomorrow and Gwenael will be able to start testing the propeller on a 3D printer for his experiment
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory and the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced
Weather: Sunny, high 28°C/82°F, low 5°C/41°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request, Astronomer report
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 10th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 10-04-2023
Sol: 8
Summary Title: Make hay while the sun shines
Author’s name: Antoine de Barquin, Commander & Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today was a hot day and we had it in our schedule. That’s why the EVA started an hour earlier than usual. The crew had to get up early to be ready to start at 8am. This allowed us not to be exposed to the sun when it was at its highest
Despite this precaution, taking radiation measurements for Thomas’s experiment around the base was no picnic. The hilly terrain behind the station and the already intense heat slowed down our progress. Finally the EVA was a success and we even had the time to take some drone pictures of the station.
In the meantime, the rest of the crew was preparing some good meals for the day. They tried to improve the bread recipe for the second time. Spoiler alert : it might have worked, they will discover the result at tonight’s dinner. They also tried a new recipe : cinnamon rolls! They were delicious but the dough was too hard. It seems that our martionauts have a new recipe to improve. Finally, they cooked some tuna pasta with tomato sauce with some vegetables that the whole crew ate with great pleasure.
The afternoon was filled with work such as taking pictures of the sun for some, turning some videos for others, or working on their own experiment for others. The time is going by extremely fast and our martionauts still have a lot to do but they all remain very motivated!
Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, the crew will check the bacteria samples that were placed at the top of the North Ridge. They will also take this opportunity to perform some drone mapping as well as making some videos for their video report. The view that they will have of the MDRS will be perfect. The next EVA’s will be planned to continue Thomas and Augustin’s experiments meaning radioactivity measurements and drone mapping. In the MDRS, the crew will also continue their own experiment including data analysis and 3D printing.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory and the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced
Weather: Sunny, high 24°C/75°F, low 2°C/36°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 9th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 09-04-2023
Sol: 7
Summary Title: An adventurous Sunday
Author’s name: Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
After a difficult awakening for the whole crew and some quickly swallowed cereals, three of them were ready for their EVA. The purpose ? Checking the bacteria samples placed at the top of the North Ridge as well as collecting the data recorded by the Arduino attached to the meteorological balloon. Unfortunately for the crew, it didn’t go as planned. It seems that the balloon got hit on a rock making it impossible to inflate anymore. The Arduino was also a bit damaged leading to no data recording. Still, the bacteria were fine and will stay there for a few more days.
After a good lunch, the crew got ready for the second EVA of the day. The martionauts went to Candor Chasma to perform some drone mapping. They had the time to perform four of them before coming back to the Hab. They found beautiful landscapes as well as wild animal footprints. When they came back, they were greeted by Martians standing in front of the MDRS boundary line…
In the meantime, the rest of the crew worked on their experiments and data analysis, including taking pictures of the sun.
Look Ahead Plan:
Tomorrow, the crew will go on EVA to continue the radioactivity measurements for Thomas’ experiment. He still has to make half of the measurements planned. For the next few days, the crew will continue the experiments including 3D printing, checking bacteria samples at the North Ridge, and drone mapping of different places in the desert. All the data collected will then need to be analyzed.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory and the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced
Weather: Sunny, high 22°C/72°F, low 4°C/40°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 8th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 08April2023
Sol: 6
Summary Title: In the spotlight
Author’s name: Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The crew woke up again with the delicious smell of pancakes in which some chocolate chips had been added for the great pleasure of our martionautes. Then, four of them got ready and left for their EVA to the Special Region. After a few hours without any news from them because of the great distance between them and the Hab, the crew got back in touch before coming back. They used their full four hours of EVA to perform drone mapping and radioactivity measurements for Thomas and Augustin’s experiments. They found some interesting cavities in the rock as well as fossilised wood that gave off a mid level of radioactivity.
After their mission, the crew regained strength with an excellent lunch of Asian rice before taking several videos inside the Hab to add to their reportage. Then, they all finished the afternoon by progressing with their own experiments.
Ahead Plan:
For the next few days, the crew will be going every two days to North Ridge to check the bacteria that were placed there yesterday. On Sol 11 the samples will be collected for analysis. The crew will also plan next EVA’s for Thomas who need to make more radioactivity measurements in the surroundings of the MDRS and for Augustin who will continue the drone mapping of several places in the desert. The other experiments will also continue inside the MDRS including the use of the 3D printer.
Anomalies in work: nun-functional robotic observatory and the battery wires of Opportunity needs to be replaced.
Weather: Sunny, high 20°C/68°F, low 4°C/40°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 7th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 07-04-2023
Sol: 5
Summary Title: To sky and beyond
Author’s name: Antoine de Barquin – Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
Today, on SOL 5, we conducted an extravehicular activity (EVA) to install a meteorological balloon on the North Ridge plateau. The purpose of the experiment is to expose bacteria to different conditions of temperature, pressure, and UV radiation. To study this we have placed a sensor under the balloon. The mission went well. The balloon is well in place and all the crew returned to the base on time.
This afternoon we continued the usual rhythm with all the experiments. We worked on the mid-rotation video, choosing interesting videos and making new ones to make sure we show how our mission is going. After that, our Crew Astronomer made all the modifications for future observations of the sun with the telescope. The crew Green Hab Officer made new plantations in the green hab and with help chose different plants to make them dry, and see how we can use them after.
It was a successful day for the mission, we have accomplished important tasks for the simulation.
Look Ahead Plan:
It is planned that the astronomer realizes photos of the sun’s prominence. We also plan to process the data from the balloon and test the viability of the bacteria exposed to the balloon parameters. In Sol 6, an EVA is scheduled at Special Region and Lith Canyon for Thomas to continue his radiation measurements in an old area with a lot of fossils and Augustin will make another 3D mapping.
Anomalies in work: Starlink outage
Weather: Sunny, high 17°C/63°F, low -2°C/29°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request, Astronomer report
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 6th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 05-04-2023
Sol: 4
Summary Title: An interesting and explosive journey
Author’s name: Agnès Dekeyser, Crew Executive Officer
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The whole crew woke up after a really good night of sleep and shared some pancakes and bread for breakfast. Four of them were then getting ready for their EVA with the means of drone mapping and a reportage places. First, Kissing Kamel Ridge W followed by White Rock Canyon. After a little accident with the drone which needed some repairs, the crew lost some time and had to come back without attaining second place. In the meantime, our crew astronomer made some tests with his camera and microphone, coming back with some nice pictures and videos. After small modifications, the parameters tested should be ready for the reportage.
After a good warm lunch and a small card game, the crew members were ready to continue their own experiments going from analysis of data to 3D printing or cultivation of bacteria.
At the end of the afternoon, they were disturbed by a small issue in the science dome. It seems that the solar power system got overcharged a little and the crew had to exhaust it a little bit.
Look Ahead Plan:
The crew will continue working on their own experiments by the means of several EVA’s.
Tomorrow, the crew will expose bacteria to the MDRS environmental conditions and compare the results with their analog staying inside the MDRS. They will also launch a meteorological balloon in order to take some measurements of atmospheric pressure and temperature. Finally, they will begin their reportage with the parameters tested during the previous EVA.
In the MDRS, they will analyze the data and get prepared for the next EVA’s for radioactivity measurements, drone mapping, and monitoring of the weather balloon.
Anomalies in work: Power system overloaded by power of sun. Need to be handled.
Weather: Sunny, high 11°C/52°F, low -6°C/21°F
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: See above
Reports to be filed: Journalist report, Greenhab report, Operations report, EVA report, EVA request
Support Requested: None
Sol Summary – April 5th
Crew 279 Sol Summary Report 4-5-23
Sol: 3
Summary Title: When the experiments come out of the box
Author’s name: Antoine de Barquin – Crew Commander
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary:
The day started well with a good smell of pancakes to wake us up after our evening team building on Sol 2. We made small games in order to reinforce the group spirit. The excitement to start the day was at its peak. It’s the big day to start the EVA experiments after the 2 training sessions. We did our first EVA of 3 hours to work on our experiment. It took place around the MDRS and we had 2 objectives for the expedition. Two members of the crew were working on the crew scientist experiment which consists in measuring the radiation with a scintillator at different predefined points. The rest of the group was working on a 3D mapping of the base with a drone for the GreenHab Officer experiment.
The first 3D printer tests in the RAM were a success. This marks the beginning of the astronomer’s experiment using the printer.
The rest of the crew continued to work on the experiments already underway in the base.
Look Ahead Plan:
In Sol 4 we will take an EVA to Kissing Kamel Ridge W and White Rock Canyon to perform a low-level mapping of the area with the drone. Augustin and Thomas will be able to start linking their experiments and matching the radiation measurements with the 3D mapping to create an interactive view.
Anomalies in work:
A headset needs to be repaired
Weather: Sunny and cold, low -3°C/27°F, high 8°C/46°F
Crew Physical Status: Optimal
EVA: See above
Reports to be file: Sol Summary, Operations Report, Journalist Report, GreenHab Report, Astronomer report
Support Requested: None at this time.