Sol Summary

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 13Feb2022

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Quiet Sundays

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Compared to last Sunday, this one was definitely more of a calm one. We kept busy, yes – an EVA was done to set up atmospheric experiments that weren’t ready to go out at the start of the mission, and the usual things that have to be done on the daily were managed quite simply – but we all got some rest. I made a mess of the kitchen, but one very much worth it – I’ve gotten a hell of a lot closer to a great Martian Burger than I did last time. The afternoon was spent on playing games, getting a little work done, and before we knew it we had to go hurry back to write our reports.

Look Ahead Plan: Getting back into that final week in full gear.

Anomalies in work: None to be noticed

Weather: Fair

Crew Physical Status: All is well

EVA: One performed quickly and efficiently

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, EVA Request, Journalist Report, Photos, HSO Report, Operations Report, Science Report

Support Requested: None in particular

Sol Summary Report – February 12th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 12Feb2022


Summary Title: Not so busy weekend

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: While a team of three made their way to the Special Region in order to take the drone out for a spin (among other things to accomplish during the EVA), the rest of the crew was busy in the Hab and the RAM, some trying different setups for water recycling implements, others working on 3D prints and wiring for another atmospheric experiment.

The afternoon felt calm, with most of the crew taking some time, each at their own moment, to rest from the week and the numerous EVAs performed during those past days. Work was still performed for those who needed things done, and the fact of the matter is that days are too few to be spent idly, so there will be another EVA tomorrow to get more work done, and so on and so forth. But for now, it’s going to be more about group games and relaxation exercises.

Look Ahead Plan: Setting up additional atmospheric experiments tomorrow, making a nice big meal for Sunday lunch.

Anomalies in work: None to report.

Weather: Fair

Crew Physical Status: All is well

EVA: One, performed nominally

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, EVA Request, Journalist Report, Crew Pictures, HSO Report, Operations Report, Astronomy Report,

Support Requested: None in particular

Sol Summary – February 11th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 11Feb2022

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Tirelessness

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Had this been a standard, two-week rotation like the one I did the first time I was at MDRS, today would basically be the time for a farewell to sim, and for planning for getting back onto good old Earth. Seen from this angle, it’s clear that I want to try to get as much done in these few remaining days as I can, while wrestling with the fatigue of the past two weeks.

There’s still a lot to work on on the atmospheric experiment side – some instruments had issues from the trip, and fixing them took a while, but it’s looking like we’ll get at least a solid week of data before handing them over to the next crew, also from Supaero. And there’s still some places to get the drones running on, and 3D maps to be made.

Meanwhile, we went to the Special Region today – far further North than I did two years ago, and there we saw a diversity of landscapes and terrain that will probably prove fascinating on Pierre’s drone shots, and, if he manages to process them as well, 3D maps. The afternoon was spent finishing up on the human research experiments, and while we’re looking forward to a slightly busy weekend, it’ll still be a time of calm in comparison.

Look Ahead Plan: Finishing up work on the atmospheric experiments we still haven’t installed yet, catching a little rest.

Anomalies in work: None to report

Weather: Shockingly warm

Crew Physical Status: All are well

EVA: One, carried out nominally

Reports to be filed: Astronomy Report, Sol Summary, HSO Report, Operations Report, Journalist Report, Crew Pictures, EVA Request, EVA Report

Support Requested: None in particular.

Sol Summary – Feb 10th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 10Feb2022

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Pretty well grounded

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Another day, another EVA to North Ridge, another “Hey Clément, see if you can get some pictures of us up there from the Hab!”. Talk about a picturesque place – while every picture out of the window looks awesome, I probably have to find another photographic endeavour. Besides, we’ve gotten through a first thorough test of how well our crewmembers handle the 3D maps our drones got.

Later on in the Hab, we’ve been looking at the busy part of the mission regarding our human science research, with two very time-intensive, and a little tiring, experiments scheduled on the same two days for the first time. That means everyone’s always doing something, and you can tell from the stillness in the Upper Deck.

Look Ahead Plan: Waiting expectantly for those batteries of questionnaires and computer tests to be over for the week tomorrow night. Trying to get in a big EVA to the Special Region.

Anomalies in work: Another spacesuit (2nd version) has had some issues, with the crewmember using it having little ventilation soon after leaving on EVA (no matter how they set it on the dial). Trying to find a definitive reason for it, but it just looks like the batteries are very tired from use in cold weather, and perhaps age.

Weather: Warm

Crew Physical Status: All fine

EVA: One, nominal besides battery issues.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, EVA Request, HSO Report, Operations Report, Journalist Report, Crew Pictures, Astronomy Report

Support Requested: We just wanted to make sure when water would be replenished. We should be right on the money with our water management if it comes on Saturday, Sunday should be fine too.

Sol Summary – February 9th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 09Feb2022

Sol: 9

Summary Title: Into the thick of it

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: In what I hope will remain the one and only “Horror Episode” report, it’s a necessity to admit that today has been more memorable from its somewhat disgusting than for the other successes it’s seen, for the many there’s been.

I feel the need to spare you most of the events and stick to their conclusions. I’d started a rather drawn out and creatively narrated retelling of the awful things we’ve had to do today, after which I thought to myself “Clément, this is a terrible idea”. So to keep to the results: the toilet’s tank likely has some impacted material that’s stuck in there. Warm water and numerous flushes out have not got us far out of it, so that’s not over. Regarding the rodent situation, everything has been fixed.

On to the successes: the 3D maps made by Pierre have generated some great new possibilities for EVA prevision. The accuracy of these things astounds me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if, in some years, every crew had a lightweight drone capable of making 3D maps and finding routes automatically before every EVA.

Look Ahead Plan: Continuing 3D Map testing tomorrow, pursuing work.

Anomalies in work: Some rodent-based issues already worked out with the Station Director and Assistant Director. Spacesuit issues detailed in Operations Report.

Weather: Is it still February?! (very warm)

Crew Physical Status: A tiny bit grossed out but overall fine

EVA: One done, carried out nominally.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, EVA Request, HSO Report, Operations Report, Journalist Report, Crew Pictures

Support Requested: As the diagnostics of the spacesuit appear to be faulty batteries, and as the backups in the EVA Room are also marked as dead, we’re probably going to need some more.

Crew 240 Sol Summary February 8th

Crew 240 Sol Summary

Sol: 8

Summary Title: Business is bloomin’

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: We were lucky enough to go down to see the Moon(s) this morning on EVA, on a warm and pleasant morning, and the rainbow of colors we witnessed filled our minds, but not our stomachs, which fortunately were quickly filled by the nutritious meal cooked up by the crew members who were still in the Hab while we were out.

Under the warm microclimate of the GreenHab, a colony of spirulina algae have started to grow. In the meantime, Julie and I recorded a piece of audio for the outreach work we do in local schools around Toulouse. In all, work is going well.

Look Ahead Plan: Giving another shot to the 3D mapping-based EVAs, doing 3D prints for necessary pieces of experiments.

Anomalies in work: Spacesuit batteries were abnormally low, and François has begun looking into it as this led to very low output of the ventilation.

Weather: Warm

Crew Physical Status: All fine

EVA: One, nominal besides the aforementioned spacesuit issues

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, EVA Report, EVA Request, HSO Report, Operations Report, Journalist Report, Pictures

Support Requested: None besides the aforementioned.

Sol Summary – February 07th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 07Feb2022

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Getting back in gear

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Following a week spent toying with the original mission planning to adjust to varying EVA times and duration, and a weekend of rest breaking the rhythm, the most important part of starting this second of three weeks is getting a strong rhythm back and sticking to the plan. With a day heavy with an EVA, several human sciences experiments to perform, 3D printing to start, and a lot more, timekeeping was of the essence.

Fortunately for us, everything went smoothly – the EVA went without an issue (and I’ve got to add, seeing crew members up on Hab Ridge from the inside is always fun), there have been massive upswings for the work of Maxime, our astronomer, who is now busier than ever, and we still managed to fit our zillion activities well enough so that our HSO could have us get a small meditation session before heading out to write reports.

Look Ahead Plan: A slightly less busy day tomorrow, with some leeway to have some more relaxing activities during the afternoon. Another crack at the North Ridge with Pierre’s updated and well processed 3D data. Finally fixing the missing piece of one of our atmospheric study experiments so we can take it out in the field at last.

Anomalies in work: None to report

Weather: Fair and warm.

Crew Physical Status: crewmember who had hurt themselves in a fall are doing better, with some bruises

EVA: One performed, went smoothly.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Astronomy Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Request, Journalist Report, Crew Pictures, HSO Report

Support Requested: None in particular. Thanks for the salt!

Sol Summary – Feb 6th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 06Feb2022

Sol: 6

Summary Title: A well deserved rest

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: All of us slept in except myself, who woke up at 5am to take advantage of the night’s extra data to download data for Maxime’s remote astronomy observations. Fortunately for me, I went right back to sleep for a couple of hours. Unfortunately for Maxime, the literal gigabytes of data we’d accumulated were of no use, as the telescope had issues and only recorded noise. It was with great luck that he at least managed to catch a few images of the Sun during the day while the Musk telescope was pointed the right way.

Days are seldom fully idle however, and we still got a small routine EVA done for battery change, finally achieved or first 3D printed objects, and a part of the crew spent the afternoon doing questionnaires and tests for the work we do with two French universities. Nevertheless, it was still overall a fairly relaxing day, and we’re looking forward to pizza night for dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: Pizza night for dinner. (also, using the 3D printed piece for the water recycling and printing new pieces that we had in our backlog). Scheduling some remote astronomy observations that will hopefully function well.

Anomalies in work: Issues with the remote observations made at the observatory in New Mexico – of 6 observations made, none of them had functional data, possibly owing to an issue with the dome or the sensors.

Weather: Fair.

Crew Physical Status: A crewmember had a fall in the stairs between lower and upper deck, and got away with some bruises and pain but nothing major, very fortunately.

EVA: One, very efficient, only to switch batteries on an atmospheric science instrument.

Reports to be filed: Astronomy report, Science Report, EVA Report, EVA request, Operations Report, HSO Report, Sol Summary, Journalist Report, Crew Photos

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – Feb 4th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 05Feb2022


Summary Title:

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Since our workouts are only on weekdays and the EVA was a little late in the morning, most of the crew enjoyed sleeping in – to some degree, as most awoke by 8:30, and I somehow stuck to my usual 6:45 by what I assume was sheer force of habit. I also found time to get some pancakes going – thanks Shannon for the advice, they were perfect!

The EVA was one I’d done two years ago: stepping into Candor Chasma. I’d always thought the term “unforgettable” was fuzzy, and more figurative than anything else. This proved me wrong. I remembered rocks I’d stepped on, trails I’d walked on and formations I’d photographed years ago like it was yesterday. I’m happy the rest of the EVA team found it as remarkable as I did.

This start of the weekend after this tiring week, a big and the occasion to sleep in meant that most of the hab was idling in bed for the better part of the afternoon. Nevertheless, recycling of shower water chugged along well, and the 3D printer finally ran correctly – I’d diagnosed an issue with the mechanics of motion of the system along the Y axis, and Maxime and François cleverly fixed it. We’re planning an evening based on cohesion games and relaxation exercises.

Look Ahead Plan: A good night of sleep tomorrow morning. Started 3D printing of a piece I need to setup an experiment outside.

Anomalies in work: None noticed

Weather: Fair, end of EVA felt quite hot inside the suits but not surprisingly so.

Crew Physical Status: The extra sleeping time and rest really improved physical and mental states across the crew.

EVA: One to Candor Chasma, which went without any significant issue besides us noticing some human activity along the way and taking steps to evade it.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, HSO Report, Journalist Report, Crew Photos, EVA Report, EVA Request, Astronomy Report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – Feb 4th

Crew 240 Sol Summary Report 04Feb2022

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Ups and Downs

Author’s name: Clément Plagne

Mission Status: All nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

Day started by getting the toilet back in good working order as given by Shannon, with no issue in particular.

After looking at it from below and waiting for Pierre to 3D scan it, we finally attempted a climb of North Ridge today. Doing this from the North, to give us an unfamiliar start, it took many attempts find a suitably safe place to begin the ascent, which unfortunately was cut short after I dropped my radio and lost contact with the rest of the team. Return was fine, battery change on the experiments went well, and in all, the EVA was still quite successful and honestly a solid workout. As a bonus, the crewmember that had bad back pain is now feeling great, thanks to some adjustments to the suit – thanks Scott!

We think we’ve finally go to the bottom of the 3D printer issue, and we now think it’s mostly a mechanical thing caused by both the hits the printer must have taken during its flight a year back, and the low temps in the hab. We’ll be trying to fix it. In the meantime, Maxime got his first solar observations today – the dome rotation is limited (a few degrees before locking up), and we think something might be up with the gears (battery wasn’t the issue), but observations could be done at the right hour. Julie also started up on some botany in the GreenHab.

Look Ahead Plan: For the third day in a row, I know, but getting something out of the 3D printer. Trying to put out a good exploration/lookout EVA, and getting a smidge more rest as we’re not doing the morning workouts on the weekends.

Anomalies in work: None to report.

Weather: Almost warm during the EVA but comfortable

Crew Physical Status: Fine. Pierre had a small nosebleed during the EVA, but barely noticed it.

EVA: One done in the afternoon, partial success (return home before reaching final point due to user discomfort). Issues with headsets during EVA.

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Crew Photos, Journalist Report, HSO Report, Ops Report, EVA Report, EVA Request (note: is an Astronomy report warranted if Maxime just used the observatory?)

Support Requested: We’ve been trying to cook basic pancakes on the skillet for days now and it’s been hell all the way through – no matter how much oil or whatever the heat, it sticks like hell. This might seem trivial but I still feel it’s a shame not to be able to do this sort of basic cooking. Are there any other cooking implements available?

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