Sol Summary Report Jan 11

Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 11-01-2020

Sol: 6

Summary Title: A Clear Day of Great Adventure

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: For the first time since touching down on Mars, Crew 219 awoke to clear skies and a visibly rising sun. Thanks to those clear skies, our R. Raphael actually got astronomical
observations! EVA #11 moved out first, making quick work of navigation and sample collection. Samples were transferred to the Science Dome for analysis, and after a lunch of fresh cornbread and assorted leftovers, EVA #12 took Spirit and Curiosity north to yet unexplored terrain. After their departure, more sample analysis continued in the science dome, and to everyone’s joy EVA #12 returned with some samples of yet-unidentified potential life forms! For a crew from the
Astrobiological Research and Education Society, potential biological samples bring a whole new form of excitement. H. Blackburn is making gnocchi for dinner, and the whole crew is looking forward to a
Command-mandated DONSA!!! (Day Of No Scheduled Activities)

Look Ahead Plan: DONSA – rest, recreation, and perhaps some maintenance if necessary

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and clear, with daytime temperatures hovering around freezing

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA #11 – S. of Marble Ritual (0518600/4250300)

EVA #12 – E of Tank Wash (0519400/4253800)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
EVA Report 11 & 12
Astronomy Report
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
Research Report
Journalist’s Report
Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:
– Refer to Operations Report

Sol Summary – January 10th

Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 10-01-2020

Sol: 5

Summary Title: Frozen Fog & Tang-glazed Cinnamon Rolls

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: The morning broke with the entire valley
shrouded in thick fog, dropping visibility next to nothing. By the
time EVA #9 was intended to depart, the morning sunshine had burned
off much of the fog, but ground conditions did not appear to support
safe maneuver conditions, so we decided to cancel it. The crew instead
busied themselves with science and maintenance, while H. Blackburn
prepared a wonderful lunch of pork sausage chili and fresh-baked
cornbread. The team for EVA #10 ate lunch and moved out on schedule,
achieving both their maneuver plan and sampling schedule. On the way
back, they recovered R. Raphael’s experimental mirror emplacement for
analysis. Upon their return they found another surprise, courtesy of
H. Blackburn – steaming hot chocolate and Tang-glazed cinnamon rolls –
a real treat! With full bellies, some crew members took a nap, while
others refined their reports for the evening Comms window. This
evening will consist of relaxed socialization while crew members
recoup for another Sol of hard work tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: We anticipate two EVA’s, and will continue ongoing
scientific analysis and maintenance operations.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and foggy in the early morning, followed by clear,
sunny, and frozen conditions the rest of the day

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA #9 – Cancelled at Commander’s Discretion

EVA #8 – Geologic Sample Collection South of Mid Ridge Planitia

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

EVA Report 10

EVA Requests 11 & 12

Operations Report

GreenHab Report

Research Report

Journalist’s Report

Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested: Refer to Operations Report

Sol Summary – January 8th


Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 08-01-2020

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Pancakes, Fresh Bread, Sunshine, and Snow Flurries

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Sol 3 began with N. Hadland and A. Perez preparing a delicious pancake breakfast for the crew, followed by the departure and early return of EVA #5. Afterwards, the crew settled into science and maintenance tasks, punctuated by periods of novel reading. By 1230 hours, all hands went below to help EVA#6 prepare for departure. While they were out H. Blackburn baked a couple loaves of fresh bread, which would be summarily consumed after the EVA’s return. The crew spent their time before Comms troubleshooting radios and thawing water pipes (again). In great news, Crew 219 now has well established troubleshooting procedures to keep water flowing from the static tank to the loft tank.

Look Ahead Plan: We look forward to two more sampling EVA’s and will continue maintenance and science work around the campus.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and overcast all day, with temperatures below freezing. There was a brief moment of sunshine towards sundown, which was quickly replaced with cloud cover and light snow flurries.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA #5 – Geologic Sample Collection SW of Hab Ridge (0517500/4250100)

EVA #6 – Geologic Sample Collection around Phobos Peak (0519500/4250100)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary

EVA Reports 5 & 6

EVA Requests 7 & 8

Operations Report

GreenHab Report

Research Report

Journalist’s Report

Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:

Outpost is tracking current Support Request

Sol Summary – January 07

Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 07-01-2020

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Research, Research, Research

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Sol 2 marks our full plunge into scientific research. With our mission plan published, we spent the day starting and continuing experiments, and conducted two more EVA’s for sample collection. Other features of the day include fresh bread and cobbler by the Lead Science Officer, and whispers of a showing of The Martian after the Comms window.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow holds plans for two more proposed sample collection EVA’s, maintenance on a couple EVA suits, continued sample processing in the science dome, and continuation of our other experiments.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and overcast all day, with temperatures below freezing.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal


EVA #3 – Geologic Sample Collection near North Ridge (0518600/4250900)

EVA #4 – Geologic Sample Collection around Kissing Camels (0518100/4249300)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
EVA Reports 1 & 2
EVA Requests 3 & 4
Operations Report
GreenHab Report
Research Report
Journalist’s Report
Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:

(Carried over from previous day)

Sundries: Paper towels
Medical: C-Spine needs to be replaces (broken/misshapen)
12x Medium Gauze Pads
Anitbiotic Ointment

Sol Summary – January 06th


Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 06-01-2020

Sol: 1

Summary Title: "I have 5 high-def pictures of a toilet. Awesome!"

Author's name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary: Sol 1 began with inclement weather and EVA delays at the Commander's discretion. Instead, Crew 219 spent the morning polishing our mission plan, conducting maintenance tasks around campus, reorganizing and consolidating sundries, and preparing materials for scientific work. After a lunchtime reevaluation of the weather, both EVAs were cleared to go, and both were conducted to standard. The late afternoon consisted of sample processing in the science dome, herb harvesting in the GreenHab, report writing in the hab, and the successful execution of a toilet procedure provided by the Director.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow holds plans for two proposed sample collection EVA's, maintenance on a couple EVA suits, and continued sample processing in the science dome.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cold and foggy with intermittent light flurries in the early morning, to cold and overcast in the afternoon, with temperatures still holding just above freezing.

Crew Physical Status: 1 minor infury (Non-EVA) annotated in today's HSO report

EVA: EVA #1 - Terrain Familiarization and Sample Collection at Marble Ritual (0518700/4250700)
EVA #2 - Terrain Familiarization and Sample Collection at Marble Ritual (0518700/4250700)

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
EVA Reports 1 & 2
EVA Requests 3 & 4
Operations Report
HSO Report
GreenHab Report
Research Report
Journalist's Report
Mission Plan
Updated HSO Pre-Mission Checklist
Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested:

Sundries: Paper towels
Medical: C-Spine needs to be replaced (broken/misshapen)
12x Medium Gauze Pads
Anitbiotic Ointment


Sol Summary – January 5th

Crew 219 Sol Summary Report 05-01-2020


Summary Title:

Final Countdown to Launch

Author’s name: Dave Masaitis

Mission Status: Preparing for sim

Sol Activity Summary: Today Crew 219 spent much of the day conducting
pre-mission training, completing a proficiency quiz, inventorying food
and filling water, and of course, heating frozen pipes. Most
importantly, all maintenance attempted was completed and water got
filled, even in the loft tank. We will spend the evening polishing our
mission plan, and then we’re off to bed early, to start our simulation
fully rested.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow will consist of two EVA’s to get researchers
out into areas of interest for sample collection, as well as orienting
the whole crew to our region of operations. We will also be closely
monitoring our water delivery system, though today’s work gave us some
good techniques to get water flowing despite our continuous cold
weather. We will be using down time around the campus to finish our
initial inventories. If time allows in the evening, we will also be
testing through our UAV in an attempt to make it operational after

Anomalies in work: None at present

Weather: Dominantly overcast and cold, with sporadic light flurries of snow.

Crew Physical Status: Nominal – No injuries


Reports to be file:

Sol Summary

Journalist Report

GreenHab Report

Operations Report

Photos (Including Photo of the Day)

Support Requested: See operations report

Sol Summary Report – Jan 04th

Crew 218 Sol Summary Report 04-JAN-2019

Sol: 13

Summary Title: Close Encounters of the Florida Tech Kind

Author’s name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Making New Friends.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew 218 vigorously cleaned the Hab before our new Crew 219 came around. The afternoon was spent training them in general crew operations, and then in specific job duties. The evening was spent taking some collaborative pictures, and an last meal at Stan’s Burgers Shack.

Look Ahead Plan: Flight Home to Earth

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy and 30 degrees.

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: none

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa

Geologist, MDRS 218

Sol Summary – January 03rd


Sol: 12

Summary Title: Mars Stars

Author's name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Sad that our mission is coming to a close.

Sol Activity Summary: Today we had our last EVA ( :( ) and then started the long process of packing and cleaning for the next crew coming tomorrow.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we look forward to finishing cleaning and welcoming Crew 219!

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Foggy and cloudy, around 30 degrees

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: EVA #12 this morning was our last EVA of the mission. They went north on Cow Dung Road for continued radio signal and weather observations.

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report, EVA report, science report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa

Geologist, MDRS 218

Sol Summary – January 02nd


 Sol: 11

Summary Title: Mars Stars

Author's name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Can't wait until we recieve our Hollywood Walk of Fame Star!

Sol Activity Summary: Our friendly neighboorhood Martian film crew came to document our daily life and some beautiful Mars landscapes. They followed us on our two EVAs (being very respectable of allowing us to still acomplish our work), and after we shared cookies, mission patches, and stories of travel.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we will perform our last EVA, and then start cleaning and preparing for the end of our Mission.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partly Cloudy , around 34 degrees

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: EVA #10 this morning went to marble ritual for seismic tests. EVA #11 this afternoon went to the same location as EVA 8 of yesterday, Galileo road.

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report, EVA report, EVA request, science report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa

Geologist, MDRS 218

Sol Summary – January 1st

Sol: 10

Summary Title: MARSching Into the Next Year

Author’s name: Pat Pesa

Mission Status: Best Crew of the Decade!

Sol Activity Summary: We once again embarked on two EVAs to continue catching up on our research from the first week. However we still ran into some troubles in the second EVA because we did not allow for enough time so that the Rovers were fully charged and thus the second EVA was limited to walking range of the Hab.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow along with more EVAs we also are expecting some TV crew to document the station and what we do on a daily basis.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Partly Cloudy , around 34 degrees

Crew physical status: Healthy

EVA: EVA #8 this morning went to Galileo Road where we performed some more seismic tests and a decision making matrix test. EVA #9 this afternoon was cut short due to Rovers not being fully charged yet, but there was still some research done close to the Hab.

Reports to be filed: sol summary, commander report, operations report, greenhab report, journalist report, EVA report, EVA request, science report

Support Requested: none

Pat Pesa
Geologist, MDRS 218

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