Sol Summary – May 24th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-24-2024
Sol: 12
Summary Title: The End
Author’s Name: Prakruti Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Complete
Sol Activity Summary:

Avery and Kristina:
For Sol 12, the last sol, it was a productive day! Avery and Kristina used the morning to get final imaging done at the Musk Observatory, which yielded two sets of images. Afterwards, they closed the observatory for the final time. Following this, everyone got to work cleaning the Hab before their journey back to Earth. For example, Avery, Rishabh, Pari, and Kristina helped take inventory of the food and cleaning items of the Hab. Avery also helped sort and take out the trash, as well as put away dishes and vacuum.

For the last day here, Rishabh assisted in cleaning the lower level of the hab as well as cleaning up the RAM. He finished his project up and the videos are done processing. After this, he worked to film a thank you video for donors with Pari. He later did food inventory with Avery, Kristina, and Pari. Now he is doing his research summary.

Noah, Aravind, and Pari:
Today, Pari, Noah, and Aravind cleaned out the science dome and finished up their experiments there. They’ve picked out some samples to send out for spectroscopy analysis–including 3 materials found at MDRS during EVAs. They cleaned out the radishes and cleared out the entire area. Then, they finished their research analysis for the samples. Lastly, they also filmed a thank you video for donors. Pari worked with Avery, Kristina and Rishabh to do food inventory as well.

To MDRS: thank you so much for having us.

Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Commander

Journalist Report – May 24th

Hello Mission Control,

It’s officially the end of our stay. The Bevonauts are officially analog astronauts and we couldn’t be prouder.

Today we had a lot of last day chores to do and that was mainly it. We concluded the experiments in the science dome and are having a few samples sent out to an external lab for spectroscopic analysis! We cleaned up the area and dumped out all the samples we no longer need. We also took the leaves from the radishes and the plants for further lab analysis. However, our measurements are done and we have some good news (see research summary :D).

The astronomy team processed two images today! They also wrapped up their project. Rishabh finished up his map as well. We had a lot of good and complete results!

We also filmed a video for our donors and sponsors today.

MDRS, thank you for welcoming us. We have enjoyed our stay and learning and growing here as scientists and engineers.

Bevonauts out <3

Thank you!

Best Regards,
Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan & the Bevonauts

Operations Report – May 24th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-24-2024

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: None
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 41 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 178.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet) (was also refilled today)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: No suits or radios used.

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Final soil analysis was conducted.

Summary of RAM operations: Measuring tape used.
Summary of observatory issues: NA

EVA Report – May 23rd

Hello Mission Control,

Crew 299 EVA 10 Report 5-21-2024

EVA #12

Author: Kristina Mannix

Purpose of EVA: Collect final samples from Marble Ritutal.

Start Time: 2:00 PM

End Time: 2:45 PM

Narrative: The crew drove to marble ritual, then took samples and drone footage at marble ritual.

Destination: Marble Ritual


518750, 5251000 (Marble Ritual)

EVA Participants: Kristina (HSO), Pari (Commander), and Rishab (Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving

EVA Report – May 23rd

Crew 299 EVA 10 Report 5-21-2024

EVA #11

Author: Aravind Karthigeyan

Purpose of EVA: Travel to Hab Ridge to get interesting pictures and to see the Hab from a higher elevation. We also tested the UV detector and Geiger counter at different elevations.

Start Time: 10:18 AM

End Time: 11:47 AM

Narrative: EVA crew embarked on a hike up Hab Ridge. We started on a riverbed which eventually led us to a more path-like area up the ridge. We were eventually able to get to the highest local elevation and then were able to see the Hab and have people in the Hab see us and take photographs.

Destination: Hab Ridge


518000, 4250000 (Hab Ridge)

EVA Participants: Noah (Biologist), Avery (XO and Astronomer), and Aravind (Chemist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Hab Ridge Trail

Mode of travel: Walking

Journalist Report – May 23rd

Hello Mission Control,

I can’t believe we have one more full day left here! It’s been an incredible journey and I am so grateful to have been a part of it and for my team, they are truly the best.

Today we started the day with our last two EVAs. The first one was a walking EVA with Aravind, Avery, and Noah. Myself and Rishabh were on comms for it. They were actually behind the hab so we got great pictures of them at a higher altitude. They had a successful EVA and came back.

Then, Kristina, Rishabh and I went on Crew 299’s very last EVA! It was bittersweet as Avery said. She was on comms the entire time and we drove to Marble Ritual and walked around the area to get some sample that the science bros and I had to confirm. We also got a SICK shot of us driving back with the drone. Looking forward to sharing that.

Then, we spend the rest of the day split in our subgroups. Rishabh helped Avery and Kristina with a bit of their code. The astronomy team processed four new images. They even reprocessed their first solar image with their new experience! Avery would also like to express how bittersweet this ending is, but how grateful we are to have had it in the first place.

In the science dome, we were able to finish one document and start two more analysis ones for the PDMS samples and the ones we believe will sustain life.

Other than that we are now going to have mac n cheese!

Thank you,
Pari & the Bevonauts

Sol Summary – May 23rd

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-23-2024
Sol: 11
Summary Title: The Martian
Author’s Name: Prakruti Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

Aravind, Avery, and Noah went on a walking EVA across Hab Ridge. Rishabh and I were on comms. They were in the area behind the hab eventually able to see the Hab and me and Rishabh. They took a lot of cool pictures of the ridge and valleys across it. They were also able to take a picture of us on the Hab Ridge from the Hab.

Then, we took a short break before preparing for mine, Kristina, and Rishabh’s EVA. During this break, the astronomy team (Avery & Kristina) assembled and were working through their code. And the science dome team (me, Aravind, and Noah) were classifying samples and deciding what I would bring back from the next EVA.

Avery was on comms while me, Rishabh, and Kristina went on our EVA. We drove to Marble Ritual and walked some areas there. Rishabh taught Kristina how to use the drone and they got more footage. We also got one last soil sample from the area that I needed to confirm certain results we were working on! Then, we decided to get some content for our socials and donors and drove back. Rishabh was able to film us with the drone while driving back.

Then Noah, Aravind, and I went back to the science dome and prepared the new sample in the jar and started working on our analysis. We finished the volcanic activity analysis and impact. Now we are working on the sustainability samples and the PDMS ones.

The astronomy team processed four sets of solar images!

Operations Report – May 23rd

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-23-2024

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: Curiosity
Start hours:183.8
Start charge:100
End charge: 76
Currently charging: yes

Start hours:190.5
Start charge:100
End charge: 80
Currently charging: yes

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 19 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 218.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: Radios 1-6 used. Suits 7,8,and 10 used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and analyzed. Radishes were watered and checked in on. Soil was further analyzed.

Summary of RAM operations: Measuring tape used.
Summary of observatory issues: NA