GreenHab Report
Trisha Randazzo
December 4, 2017
Environmental control: (Choose which is appropriate and explain further if needed)
Ambient (no heating or/cooling)
Ambient with window/door open
- No wind, door open starting at 11:00
- Plants looked a bit warm so will open door a before 10:00 tomorrow
- Functioning nominally
- Not available
Both heating and cooling
- Nominal
Shade cloth on/off
- On
Average temperature: (N/A until new sensor is delivered)
- N/A
Changes to crops: Note all emergence of seedlings, death of seedlings, etc
- Same tomato is still doing poorly, but watering it
- Some tomato plants were a bit dropping, possibly due to the heat. Will open Hab door earlier than 11:00
Daily water usage for crops:
- Complete with no issues
Time(s) of watering for crops:
- 1:00 PM
Morning research observations: (Currently not operational)
- N/A
Changes to research plants:
- N/A
Daily watering and amount of water used:
- 2 gallons for all soils
Aquaponics: (Currently not operational)
- N/A
Narrative: Any other information you want to share
- Paper-whites are looking good!!
Support/supplies needed:
- Awaiting: