GreenHab Report – April 8th

GreenHab Officer: Cheyenne Chamart
Environmental control :
Average temperatures: 90°F
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: N/A
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank (full – not used) gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: N/A
Changes to crops: N/A

Narrative: Today was the last day in the GreenHab, I am sad to say goodbye to this place and to my plants! I took the last measurements and pictures of them, cleaned, and tidy the GreenHab and threw away what needed to. It was very hot, again I let the door open. Only the crops that were in potting soil grew in the Greenhab (contrary to the ones in the Science Dome and in the Grow Tent), as it was very hot and with 10 mL I gave to every one of them, the water quickly evaporated in the GreenHab and wasn’t available to the plants.

I had a wonderful experience during this simulation, and I will forever remember the scent, heat and ambiance of the GreenHab !

Thank you CapCom for your support during these two weeks, martian salutations !
Harvest: N/A
Support/supplies needed: Nothing.

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