EVA Report Apr 14th

Crew 245 EVA Report 14APR2021

EVA # 3

Author: Dylan Dickstein

Purpose of EVA: Discover emergency shelter locations and perform soil sampling.

Start time: 900 MDT

End time: 1200 MDT

Narrative: After spending five minutes in the airlock, the Crew Scientist and Commander got in the Rover Perseverance and the HSO mounted ATV 1. The EVA crew started heading north on Cow Dung Road and found that about 0.5 km north of Pooh’s Corner, communication between the Hab and the EVA crew became noisy with static. Less than 0.5 km further, all communication was lost. The EVA crew decided to turn around and return to reobtain communication. The EVA crew notified the Hab of the loss of communication further north and inquired about a change in destination. The Hab asked OUTPOST for recommendations on whether to proceed or change destination. OUTPOST informed the Hab that loss of communication is acceptable, so long as the EVA team can communicate among each other. The Hab and EVA crew discussed contingency scenarios if the EVA crew did not return by the end of the EVA window. It was settled that phone communication would be used past the window as a safety mechanism to ensure the EVA team is alright. This would be a purposeful break in simulation to maintain the safety of the participants. The EVA crew then continued north and parked the rover and ATV at the edge of the Special Region. The GPS coordinates were marked on the device and were checked against the target. It was found that the EVA crew was southeast of the destination by approximately 0.4 km. The EVA crew set out on foot and identified a potential emergency shelter location on the way. The location was marked on the GPS and the quality of the shelter was determined. The team found a location within 0.1 km of the target and retrieved two sets of soil samples there. An additional potential shelter was found, but time only allowed for a coordinate on the GPS device to be obtained. The EVA crew gave a 1.5x contingency on the return time (e.g. 25 minutes expected, so 38 minutes were allotted for return time). The EVA crew began the return at the start of the 38 minute window. A few stops were made to mark various points on the GPS and check that the EVA crew was holding up well. The Crew Scientist attempted to reestablish communication with the Hab within 2 km of the location where communication was lost previously. Attempts were made every 30 seconds thereafter. About 0.5 km north of the location where communication was previously lost, the Hab returned our call with static. A coordinate was marked in the GPS device. The EVA team informed the Hab about the highlights from the mission and called when the Hab was in sight. Permission was received for entering the “Hab Zone” (Entrance Road), the rover and ATV were parked, rover power cord reattached, tachometer and battery level noted, and permission to enter the airlock received. The Hab let the EVA team know when five minutes elapsed and suits were doffed.

Destination: Gateway to Lith

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS):

· Destination: 12 S 0518243.330; UTM 4256029.805

· Emergency Shelter 1: 12 S 0518123; UTM 4255729

· Emergency Shelter 2: 12 S 0518239; UTM 4255852

· Waypoints:

o Soil Sample Location 1: 12 S 0518224; UTM 4255901

o Soil Sample Location 2: 12 S 0518223; UTM 4255924

o Northern Edge of Canyon Bluff (Nearest Road): 12 S 0518176; UTM 4255859

o Location of Hab Communication Reestablishment: 12 S 0519154; UTM 4251928

Participants: Olivia Ettlin (Crew Scientist), Alex Coultrup (Health and Safety Officer), Dylan Dickstein (Commander)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map:

· Departure Route: Hab à Road Entrance à Cow Dung Road à Quarry Road à Gateway to Lith

· Return Route: Gateway to Lith à Quarry Road à Cow Dung Road à Road Entrance à Hab

Mode of travel: Rover, ATV, Walking

EVA Report – April 13th

Crew 245 EVA Report 13-04-2021

EVA #2

Author: Shravan Hariharan, Crew Engineer

Purpose of EVA: Practice EVA to Pooh’s Corner, Round 2

Start time: 1100

End time: 1200

Narrative: Immediately after the first EVA Crew returned to the Habitat, it was time for the remaining three crew members to embark on their practice EVA! After discussing lessons learned with the initial EVA crew, the Commander, Crew Engineer, and Crew Botanist all suited up and embarked on EVA. The main goal of this Practice EVA was to formalize EVA protocols, including a medical check by the HSO prior to departure, and an order in which Crew Members should get ready for EVA. Upon arrival at Pooh’s Corner, the Crew practiced their Emergency Shelter Identification procedure – the first shelter was named the Dusty Ditch! After identification of the first shelter, both the Commander and Crew Engineer’s communications systems failed – the batteries of the radios were too low. At that point, it was determined that continuing on EVA was too dangerous, so the Crew Botanist communicated with the Hab, and led the crew back to the Habitat using hand signals. The Crew Commander is currently working on standardizing hand signals in case we have future communications failures. We have learned how to test the batteries prior to departing on EVA, so we are thankful that we were able to experience this failure and learn from it!

Destination: Pooh’s Corner

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518875, UTM 4251175

Participants: Commander, Crew Engineer, Crew Botanist

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Habitat to Entrance Road, left on Cow Dung Road, destination on right in ~0.5 km

Mode of travel: 1 Rover, 1 ATV

Shravan Hariharan, Crew Engineer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 "Team Patamars"
To Mars and Beyond – For All!

EVA Report – April 13th

Crew 245 EVA Report 13-04-2021

EVA #1

Author: Shravan Hariharan, Crew Engineer

Purpose of EVA: Practice EVA to Pooh’s Corner,

Start time: 0900

End time: 1030

Narrative: The three crew members were all extremely excited to participate in their first EVA, and take our first steps on Mars! First words were “We go to Mars together!” from our Executive Officer. The ATV started with a minor amount of choke and the rover worked flawlessly; the ride to Pooh’s Corner was relatively quick. XO observed that riding in the ATV with the two-piece suit could be uncomfortable. The MDRS map was accidentally left in the Habitat, so the remaining Crew Members in the Hab provided verbal navigation. Crew Scientist brought the crew to a location for soil sampling, and the three EVA members took photos and videos of each other to document the occasion. Three samples were collected while practicing the techniques and training one another, although the soil was rockier than expected. After taking some additional photos, the EVA crew drove back to the Habitat. Brief issues such as the Rover being left in “Forward” were quickly resolved, and the Crew returned to the Habitat. We are grateful to the Director for suggesting this practice EVA, as we were able to successfully practice our EVA protocols and operations, such as donning and doffing the suits, collecting supplies, and communicating as a team.

Destination: Pooh’s Corner

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12 S 0518875, UTM 4251175

Participants: Executive Officer, Crew Scientist, Health and Safety Officer

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Habitat to Entrance Road, left on Cow Dung Road, destination on right in ~0.5 km

Mode of travel: 1 Rover, 1 ATV

EVA Report – March 13th

Crew 223 EVA Report 13-03-2020

EVA # 12

Author: Clément Plagne (Journalist)

Purpose of EVA: Dismantling experiments LOAC and MegaARES

Start time: 15:05

End time: 15:43

Narrative: The experiments were dismantled quickly and efficiently in spite of the heavy winds and wet ground.

Destination: LOAC and MegaARES area, off Entrance Road

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 4250800 518500

Participants: Clément Plagne (Journalist, EVA Leader), Aurélien Mure (Commander), Luc Fortin (Engineer), Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz (GreenHab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers : Spirit, Perseverance

EVA Report – March 12th

Crew 223 EVA Report 12-03-2020

EVA # 11

Author: Blandine Gorce (XO)

Purpose of EVA: Change batteries of LOAC and MegaAres, and then explore a martian like area

Start time: 8:58 AM

End time: 11:25 AM

Narrative: We went out in the morning at 9:03 am after the depressurization. Florian couldn’t start the ATVs 1 so we took two ATVs and Perseverance.

We changed the batteries of LOAC and Mega Ares and left for exploration at 9:30 AM. Then we left the rovers and we were really happy to see a beautiful landscape for the last time on Mars for us so we took the most of this EVA.

We came back to the HAb around 11 :19

Destination: The plane place in front of the Hab and factory butte view

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 4250800 518500 and 12S 517850 4255150

Participants: Team red: Blandine Gorce (HSO, EVA leader), Florian Delpech (Astronomer), Luc Fortin (Engineer), Maarion Lebrun (Crew scientist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers : Perseverance, ATVs 3,2

EVA Report – March 11th

Crew 223 EVA Report 11-03-2020

EVA # 11

Author: Blandine Gorce (XO)

Purpose of EVA: Change batteries of LOAC and MegaAres, and then first exploration for the crew 223

Start time: 13:53 AM

End time: 14:52 AM

Narrative: Today it was raining so we decided to cancel the EVA we had plan. But we still needed to change the batteries of LOAC and Mega Ares.

The rain stopped at noon so we went out after that.Then we came back after changing the batteries and download the

Destination: The plane place in front of the Hab

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 4250800 518500

Participants: Team red: Blandine Gorce (HSO, EVA leader), Florian Delpech (Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Entrance Road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers : Perseverance

Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10

EVA Report – March 10th

Crew 223 EVA Report 10-03-2020

EVA # 9

Author: Valentin Bellemin Laponnaz (GreenHab Officer)

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries for MegaARES and LOAC. Exploring Candor Chasma.

Start time: 08:59 AM

End time: 11:25 PM

Narrative: The purpose of this EVA was to change batteries from MegAres and LOAC and to explore Candor Chasma. We used the ATVs 1 and 3 and the rover Perseverance. Nothing to report during the change of the batteries. The exploration was awesome, a bit tired. We walked for approx 8km, up and down the Canyon. According to the footsteps, we went further than last crew so we’re proud of it. Everyone went safe and sound.

Destination: MegaARES and LOAC base and Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S0518494-4250679 and 12S0519800-4252000.

EVA Participants: Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz (GreenHab Officer, EVA Leader), Aurelien Mure (Commander), Marion Lebrun (Crew Scientist), Clement Plagne (Journalist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Driving (2 ATVs and 1 rover) and walking

Vehicles used (If applicable): ATVs 1, 3 and Perseverance

EVA Report – March 9th

Crew 223 EVA Report 09-03-2020

EVA # 8

Author: Florian Delpech (Astronomer)

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries for MegaARES and LOAC. Exploring Copernicus Hwy

Start time: 08:52 AM

End time: 12:00 PM

Narrative: This EVA was aimed to change the batteries of LOAC and MegaARES and to explore Copernicus. We did not manage to start the Honda and the ATV 1 so we took Perseverance and two ATVs. We lost time because we went the wrong way two times but we finally arrived at our destination. The places were very beautiful to explore and everyone came back safe.

Destination: MegaARES and LOAC base as well as Copernicus Hwy 1574

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S0518494-4250679 and 12S0516200-4255000.

EVA Participants: Florian Delpech (EVA Leader, Astronomer), Blandine Gorce

(Health and Safety Officer), Luc Fortin (Engineer), Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz (GreenHab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, Brahe Hwy 1575, Copernicus Hwy 1574

Mode of travel: Driving (2 ATVs and 1 rover) and walking

Vehicles used (If applicable): ATVs 1, 2 and Perseverance

EVA Report – March 8th

Crew 223 EVA Report 08-Mar-2020

EVA # 7

Author: Florian Delpech (Astronomer)

Purpose of EVA: Change the batteries for MegaARES and LOAC.

Start time: 11:20 AM
End time: 12:08 PM

Narrative: This EVA was just aimed to change the batteries of LOAC and MegaARES. We also applied the protocol for non-verbal communication that worked another time without issue.

Destination: LOAC and MegaARES base

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518500 4250800

EVA Participants: Florian Delpech (EVA Leader, Astronomer), Valentin Bellemin-Laponnaz (GreenHab Officer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of Travel: Driving

Vehicles used (If applicable): Rovers Perseverance and Curiosity

EVA Report – March 7th

Crew 223 EVA Report 07-03-2020
EVA # 6
Author: Luc Fortin (Engineer)
Purpose of EVA: Change the batteries for MegaARES and LOAC. Install the
solar oven. Test a protocol for a soundless EVA.
Start time: 09:09 AM
End time: 11:20 AM
Narrative: This EVA was very special for us as it was a soundless one.
So I made an extensive briefing before entering in the airlock to make
sure everybody (including the Habcom of course) had the protocol
(detailed in the EVA request) in mind.
The five minutes (09:09 – 09:14 AM) of depressurization were the
opportunity for each of us to think about their upcoming actions and
tasks. We walked out of the airlock, Aurélien installed the solar oven,
while Clément and Marion checked the 3 rovers, and I checked the level
of water in the static tank. Then Marion, as communicator, was in charge
to communicate through the window all our data to Valentin, the Habcom.
She did it successfully.
Then we drove to the LOAC and MegaARES with one passing between rovers 1
and 2 that went smooth. In 5min, we change the batteries of the 2
instruments, still without a word ! We leaved the place at 09:33 AM and
arrived at Reservoir Dam 11min later. The protocol for the rover ride
was very efficient and safe for both teams.
We walked to the Reservoir which was almost empty. Then we decided to
walk East in the canyon. Landscapes were really amazing. Was also the
opportunity for us to test our communication protocol, especially the 1
to 5 scale, used to know how each EVA team member feels. It was
efficient, but we found that it can be improved. Because two members
answered 3 out of 5 for the fatigue but during the debriefing, we
noticed that they had a really different interpretation of that number
(one was about to ask to go back home, while the other one was almost
ok). So we need to clarify what does each number correspond to, to make
sure we all have the same reference scale.
We leaved Reservoir Dam at 10:57 AM, and arrived at 11:10 AM in the Hab
zone. As planned, the Habcom was waiting for us, looking through the
window with binoculars. He gave us the approval to park the rovers near
the RAM. Marion once again was in charge of communicating the rovers’
data to the Habcom. We brought back the solar oven and entered in the
airlock at 11:15 AM for the 5 last minutes of silence of the day !
It was an interesting experience for all of us, and it was the
opportunity to demonstrate that this type of protocol is efficient and
usable in case of loss of all our radios during an EVA !
Destination: Reservoir Dam.
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 12S 518500 4250800 and 12S 518350 4252800
EVA Participants: Luc Fortin (EVA Leader, Engineer), Aurélien Mure
(Commander), Marion Lebrun (Crew Scientist), Clément Plagne (Journalist)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Driving (and walking when off-road)
Vehicles used (If applicable): Rovers Perseverance and Spirit

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