EVA Report – April 1st

EVA Report
EVA #8 – 01 Apr 2018 – Sol8
Crew members: Miho Tsukishiro (EVA leader), Fumiei Morisawa, Makoto Kawamura, Wataru Okamoto

– Operational check
– Outreach EVA (Yusuke’s Project)

13:30 – Entering the airlock
13:33 – EVA start
15:08 – BACK
16:03 – Entering the Airlock
16:06 – Enter HAB

Today is another day-off, but we do EVA for the outreach project of our commander Yusuke Murakami. For his commender report, we had photo-shooting on Mars: on the Hab Ridge and around the HAB. Because of good preparing before EVA, the shooting went very well and we got satisfactory results.

– 2 Rovers (Curiosity & Spirit)

EVA Report – March 31st

EVA Report

EVA #7 – 31 Mar 2018 – Sol7
Crew members: Fumiei Morisawa (EVA leader), Kai Takeda

– Operational check
– Water moving from Sub tank to Main tank

14:05 – Entering the airlock
14:08 – EVA start
14:53 – BACK
14:54 – Entering the Airlock
14:57 – Enter HAB

Today is day-off so today’s EVA was engineering check only. As CREW191 mission reached turnaround point, we moved water from sub-tank to main tank. In the operation we found something like glue on the surface of water in sub-tank. That looks like something chemical materials rather than biological pollution. Anyway, it may be just a little unpleasant for our health.

– none

EVA Report – March 30th

Hi CapCom,

this is today’s EVA Report.


Miho XO crew191

EVA #6 – 30 Mar 2018 – Sol6

Crew members: Venzha Christ (leader), Yusuke Murakami, Makoto Kawamura, Wataru Okamoto


– Build an antenna for Analog Signal Receiver, Recording Signal from Sun Radiation (CMEs: Venzha’s Project)


13:35 – Venzha Christ, Yusuke Murakami, Makoto Kawamura, and Wataru Okamoto enter the airlock

13.38 – Exit the airlock and begin to engineering check

14:07 – EVA start (All member)

14.25 – Arrived at first site, as an alternative site for recording

14:32 – Arrived at second site, as an alternative site for recording

14:44 – Opportunity Rover suddenly overheat

14:50 – Solve the problem after wait for about 6 minute

14:58 – Back to the first place ; we switch rover

(Opportunity: Yusuke Murakami, Wataru Okamoto)

(Curiosity: Makoto Kawamura, Venzha Christ)

15:02 – EVA team stop for the moment to look at a sample of the soil

15:09 – Arrive at the first place

15:13 – Start to build an antenna by Yusuke Murakami, Makoto Kawamura, and Wataru Okamoto

15:26 – Ready for antenna #01

15:35 – Ready for antenna #02

15:49 – Ready for antenna #03

15:53 – Venzha Christ Start to Record

16:21 – Finish for recording process

16:31 – Leave the site

16:50 – Arrive

16:55 – Enter the airlock

16:58 – EVA end


EVA today was a Recording Signal from the DIY Analog Signal Receiver

We explored to White Moon area and found an amazing place for the project.

This project had a title : Space Weather Impacts On Climate,

: means that all weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle. Space Weather impacts numerous facets of everyday life, from where airplanes can safely fly, to how accurately a farmer plows his field. In addition, there are a large variety of phenomena that are driven by the variability of the sun over periods ranging from hours to years. The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself. By build an antenna we can get specific signal that will received by this Analog Signal Receiver.

As a result, we will analyze all signal and frequencies we got from today and will have a visualization from those signal.


– 2 Rovers (Curiosity: Yusuke Murakami, Wataru Okamoto, Opportunity: Makoto Kawamura, Venzha Christ)

EVA#5 Report 29th March

EVA Report

EVA #5 – 29 Mar 2018 – Sol5

Crew members: Makoto Kawamura (leader), Miho Tsukishiro, Kai Takeda, Fumiei Morisawa (switched from Yusuke Murakami)


– Scouting

– Filming Mars landscape


09:30 – Miho Tsukishiro and Kai Takeda enter the airlock

09:33 – Exit the airlock and begin to engineering check

09:54 – Makoto Kawamura and, Fumiei Morisawa enter the airlock

09:58 – EVA start (All member)

10:25 – Arrived at the Site

10:59 – Turn back to the HAB

11:25 – Enter the airlock

11:28 – EVA end


EVA today was a journalist EVA

We explored to describe MARS great scenery.

Using 360°camera and action cam, we challenged expressions that have never existed.

As a result, we think we are able to capture the dynamic figure of MARS.


– 2 Rovers (Curiosity: Makoto Kawamura, Miho Tsukishiro, Opportunity: Fumiei Morisawa, Kai Takeda)

EVA #4 Report – March 28th

EVA #4 – 28 Mar 2018 – Sol4

Crew members: Fumiei Morisawa (leader), Miho Tsukishiro, Kai Takeda


– Rubbish collections around MDRS

– Lecture about GPS device handling


13:04 – Enter the airlock

13:07 – Exit the airlock and begin to engineering check

13:42 – EVA start

15:13 – Turn back to the HAB

15:26 – Enter the airlock

15:29 – EVA end


EVA today was like a real garbage collection on real MARS planet. I imagine that the real garbage on MARS could be like amazing gift for people on Earth. So means that we were collecting the luxury things from MARS.


– 2 Rovers (Curiosity: Fumiei Morisawa, Opportunity: Kai Takeda, Miho Tsukishiro)

EVA Report – March 27th

EVA Report

EVA #3 – 27 Mar 2018 – Sol3
Crew members: Fumiei Morisawa (EVA leader), Venzha Christ, Makoto Kawamura

– Rubbish collections around MDRS
– Lecture about GPS device handling
– Scouting for Venzha’s CMEs project

9:00 – Entering the airlock
9:03 – Collecting an engineering log in EVA
9:34 – Start to garbage collecting and scouting
10:50 – Turn back to the HAB
11:26 – Enter the airlock
11:29 – EVA end

It is sunny and wind is calm today, a condition is nice for collecting rubbish. We have patrolled the foot of North Ridge and collected various rubbish. A piece of cloth, plastic beverage bottle, old glove, and so on. Some of the large object that we couldn’t carry by hand are leaved there as it was. So we need to recollect them on another EVA with a vehicles later on. All the rubbish have recorded by GPS coordinates and photos data.

– none

EVA Report – March 22nd

EVA Report

EVA #12 – 22th March 2018 – Sol 11

Crew members: Bastien Baix (EVA leader), Michael Saint-Guillain, Mario Sundic, Sophie Wuyckens

– Drone mapping and drone filming by Bastien
– Photos by Mario
– Sophie will put her detector outside of the RAM

9:43 – Entering the airlock
9:47 – Leaving the MDRS with 2 rovers
9:55 – Arriving at Zubrin’s Head
10:20 – We start climbing a high hill
10:42 – Top of the mountain
10:50 – Bastien map the mountain
11:05 – We go down of the mountain
11:40 – We leave Zubrin’s Head
11:50 – Arrival at the MDRS, Mario and Bastien go inside, Michael and Sophie install the muon detector 12:05 – Michael and Sophie enter the airlock

One of our last EVA took place on soil 12 at 9:40. I am Bastien Baix and I was EVA leader today. We decided to climb a high hill today. To do so, we went to Zubrin’s Head. Near this location, we located our objective and we start our climbing. It was particularly difficult as the slope was nearly vertical! As Sophie is relatively clumsy, we made her a safety line…

This climbing allowed us to take amazing pics and vids with the drone. Once we made it to the top, the view was amazing. We’ve seen miles around.

When we decided to go back and reach our rovers, we couldn’t find them anymore! We pass half an hour to finally find our way back to them and ride to the MDRS. It was an awesome but sweaty EVA!

Curiosity and Opportunity rovers

EVA#11 Report – 21st March

EVA Report:

EVA #11 Crew members: Martin ROUMAIN (EVA Leader), Bastien BAIX, Ariane SABLON, Maximilien RICHALD.


Along Cactus Road 1104: 521500E, 4252500N


Departure at 09:33 a.m.

End at 11:03 a.m. (instead of 12:00 p.m. as planned)


1 hour 30 minutes


We left the few Martian animals (they really just look like black cows) who were blocking the main road. After a few minutes, they decided to let us go. At 0956 we arrived on Cactus Road (which was not really easy to find). We decided to go and explore a canyon by foot. Max and Ariane took samples for their respective experiments. At 1028, we were back to our vehicles. At 1040, we saw rain in the distance. As it was very cloudy, we decided to cancel the rest of the EVA and to immediately go back to the station. We arrived near the Station at 1055. We replaced the MDRS panel which fell because of the wind. We then headed back to the Hab.


Soil sampling for Maximilien

Sampling for Ariane’s bacteriology experiment

3D Mapping with Bastien’s drone

Check for Frédéric’s and Martin’s samples

Vehicles: 2 Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity)

9:33 a.m.: All crew members in the main airlock, ready for depressurization.

9:36 a.m.: Beginning of the EVA, took the rovers towards Cactus Road.

9:42 a.m.: Saw a few Martian animals on the main road who looked like black cows.

9:56 a.m.: Stopped on Cactus Road to explore a canyon by foot and harvest samples for Ariane’s and Maximilien’s experiments.

10:28 a.m.: Back on the road, took the rovers to go further down the road.

10:40 a.m.: Saw rain in the distance, we then decided to abort the EVA and go back to the the station.

10:55 a.m.: Back at the station, replaced the MDRS panel that fell because of the wind.

11:00 a.m.: All crew members in the main airlock.

11:03 a.m.: Back in the Hab, end of the EVA.

EVA Report – March 20th

Crew members: Sophie Wuyckens (EVA leader), Frédéric Peyrusson, Mario Sundic, Michael Saint-Guillain and Martin Roumain

– Samples checking by Fred
– Samples collection + positioning of new samples by Martin

– If weather is ok, positioning of Sophie’s detector outside for data acquisition
– Michael in support

– Pictures by Mario


9:30 – Crew get dressed

9:35 – Paparazzi session by Ariane and Maximilien

9:39 – Entering the airlock

9:42 – Outing

9:43 – Burning of our rubbish by Mario and Sophie + Fuel filling of the ATV1 by Mick + Samples checking by Fred

9:50 – Discovery : rovers haven’t charged the whole night + test of a new extension cord.

10:00 – Leaving the MDRS by foot along Main Road

10:20 – Mick found a pillow and an UPS parcel (just a piece of cardboard)

10:30 – Martin positions his new samples along Main road

10:55 – Bastien sent his drone from the hab to record a video of us.

11:06 – On the way back to MDRS

11:21 – Arrival at the Hab

11:25 – Entering the airlock

11:28 – Mission finished.


Our EVA#10 took place on SOL#9 at 9:30. I am Sophie Wuyckens and I wanted to be part of this EVA in order to position my detector near a hill in our way. Unfortunately, we realized that the rovers didn’t charge the whole night. We understood that the fuses blew when we plug 2 sockets in the airlock. We have already discussed with Shannon to find a solution.

We decided together to follow our initial plan and follow the main road direction to the north. The weather was quite sunny. Our hiking was announced to be difficult. Fred, Mick and Martin climbed a hill quite high. Mario and I kept an eye on them and took pictures of them. Bastien from the Hab sent his drone to record a video of us. It was quite funny. On our way along the main road, we picked up some rubbish : a piece of cardboard, a pillow, a wooden post. We took the whole thing in our way back and put the rubbish in the burning bin outside (except the pillow). Given that we hadn’t got the rovers, I couldn’t position my detector (it is a quite heavy device). We didn’t make it to Tank Wash but it was still a good mission.We finished at 11:28.


  • No vehicles

EVA Report – March 18th

EVA #8 Report– 18th March 2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Frédéric Peyrusson (EVA leader), Maximilien Rirchald, Sophie Wuyckens, Bastien Baix, Mario Sundic


  • Soil samples for Maximilien’s experiment.
  • 3D mapping for Bastien Baix.
  • Pictures

Sample positioning for Frédéric’s experiments.

14:15 – Entering the airlock
14:21 – Samples positioning of Frédéric’s samples close to the station
14:29 – Leaving the MDRS with the 3 Rovers
14:41 – Arrival at Yellow Moon for pictures, sampling and 3D mapping with the drone. The weather was windy and the drone wasn’t stable enough for mapping
15:09 – Leaving of Yellow Moon
15:18 – Second stop in the road towards Green Valley. Some pictures in front of the beautiful Skyline Rim
15:23 – On the way back to MDRS
15:47 – Arrival at the Hab. We tried to fix the Deimos’ wheel and helped Sophie install her detector.
15:53 – Entering the airlock
15:56 – Mission finished

Our EVA#8 took place on SOL 7 at 14:15. I am Frédéric Peyrusson and I wanted to be part of this EVA in order to place samples of Bacillus subtilis in closed chamber outside. Samples were prepared during the morning.
The weather was quite windy and cold today. Fortunately it was less cloudy than in the morning. We arrived at Yellow Moon at 14:41 after a tough trip. Bastien tried to use his drone for 3D mapping but it wasn’t stable enough. We took soil samples for Maximilien’s experiments. We also saw a lot of motorbikes tracks in the hills.
We then moved towards Green Valley, made some great pictures for our website in front of Skyline Rim, and went back to MDRS. We tried to fix the Deimos rover, but the tools didn’t fit. The EVA finished at 15:56.


  • Opportunity, Curiosity and Spirit rovers
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