EVA Report – April 23rd

Sol 1 Crew 193
EVA 1 Summary
Earth-Date April 23 2018

EVA Gold Crew Members – Gold001 (XO Campbell) / Gold004 (HSO Pandya) (Informally: “Team Canada”)

EVA Objectives – Summary

  1. Marble RItual – Accomplished
  2. Scouting and Mapping of Emergency Shelter Sites – Mapped, see below / Raw data here
  3. Exploration – Accomplished (See below)
  4. EVA Comfort, Well-Being, Safety and Optimization Study / Raw data here
  5. Visor Fogging Study – Data collected / Raw data here
  6. MAG Study – Not collected.

ATVs Used

  • Manual gear-shift (red)
  • Blue ATV #1
  • No issues noted

Safety Measures & Preparation

  • Sunscreen/Sun protection – Yes/Medical Exemptions for UV eye-protection provided
  • Adequate hydration – Yes
  • Adequate protection – Flightsuit/footwear/visor/glove precautions – Yes

EVA Objectives – Details

  1. Marble Ritual – Accomplished, no unforeseen events.
  2. Scouting and Mapping of Emergency Shelter Sites:
Omar’s Haven The Rock Slides
  • Far (see map below)
  • Requires moderate level climbing
  • At Marble’s Ritual
  • Immediately accessible
  • See map below (lower blue dot)
  • 4251500N, 518750E
  • See map below (top blue dot)
  • 4250600N, 518700E
  • Wind storm: Appropriate
  • Radiation event: RTB suggested
  • Incapacitated crew member: Appropriate

Wind storm: Appropriate Radiation event: RTB suggested Incapacitated crew member: Appropriate PhotodocumentationYY Next crew able to find shelters based on description/markers/photodocumentation

  1. Exploration:
  • Distance covered by foot – 6km
  • Steps – 8,000


  1. EVA Comfort, Well-Being, Safety and Optimization Study (See below)
G001 G004
Time of Day AM AM
Pre-EVA Weight N/A N/A
Post-EVA Weight 172.4lbs 126.4lbs
Pre-EVA SpO2 N/A N/A
Post-EVA SpO2 N/A N/A
Max Perceived Physical Exertion (1-10) 6-7 8
Max Perceived Mental Exertion (1 (low effort)-10 (max concentration)) 7-8 3
Max Perceived Emotional Distress (1 (no distress)-10 (very distressed)) 1 1
HR @ Max Perceived Exertion 117 108
Max HR 126 N/A
Sp02 at Max Perceived Exertion N/A 91%

Subjective Improvements for Future EVAs

  • Secure ear-pieces, long hair and sun-protection better
  • Pre-EVA blister prevention suggested prior to next EVA

Sol 1 Crew 193
EVA 2 Summary
Earth-Date April 23 2018

EVA Gold Crew Members – Gold00 (CO Patil-Sabale) / Gold03 (CE Attig)/ Gold05 (CGA Shear)

EVA Objectives – Summary

  1. Marble Ritual – Accomplished
  2. Scouting and Mapping of Emergency Shelter Sites – Mapped, see below
  3. Exploration – Accomplished (See below)
  4. EVA Comfort, Well-Being, Safety and Optimization Study
  5. Emergency rescue of stranded astronomer
  6. Repaired and set up the road sign with existing tools

ATVs Used

  • Blue ATV #1, 2, 3
  • No issues noted

Safety Measures & Preparation

  • Sunscreen/Sun protection – Yes
  • Adequate hydration – Yes
  • Adequate protection – Flightsuit/footwear/visor/glove precautions – Yes

EVA Objectives – Details

  1. Marble Ritual – Accomplished, no unforeseen events.
  2. Scouting and Mapping of Emergency Shelter Sites:
Mountain Goat Trail Galileo Road
  • Not immediately accessible, some walking from Miracle Ritual
  • Not immediately accessible, takes some driving
  • 4251000N, 520000E
  • 4252000N, 519000E
  • Wind storm: Appropriate
  • Radiation event: RTB suggested
  • Incapacitated crew member: Appropriate
· Wind storm: Appropriate
· Radiation event: RTB suggested
· Incapacitated crew member: Appropriate
Photodocumentation Y Y
Next crew able to find shelters based on description/markers/photodocumentation

3. Exploration:

  • Distance covered by foot – 6.4 km
  • Steps – 8,000

4. EVA Comfort, Well-Being, Safety and Optimization Study (See below)

G00 G03 G05
Time of Day PM PM PM
Pre-EVA Weight 140.2 lbs 222.6 lbs 145.6 lbs
Post-EVA Weight 139.4 lbs 219.4 lbs 144.2 lbs
Pre-EVA BP 126/98 162/110 120/82
Post-EVA BP 118/80 128/88 120/100
Pre-EVA SpO2 97% 93% 95%
Post-EVA SpO2 94% 91% 92%
Pre-EVA HR 84 91 89
Post-EVA HR 103 120 96
Max Perceived Physical Exertion (1-10) 7 7 5
Max Perceived Mental Exertion (1 (low effort)-10 (max concentration)) 1 3 4
Max Perceived Emotional Distress (1 (no distress)-10 (very distressed)) 1 1 1
HR @ Max Perceived Exertion 164 150 127
Max HR
Sp02 at Max Perceived Exertion 98% 98% 95%

Subjective Improvements for Future EVAs

  • Secure ear-pieces, hair and sun-protection better
  • Pre-EVA blister prevention suggested prior to next EVA
  • Secure sunglasses

EVA Report – April 20th

EVA Report

EVA #18

20 Apr 2018 – Sol 12

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi

Objectives: Exploratory reconnaissance of Cactus Road (Route 1104), continued testing of helmet fogging study and hydration pack.


Narrative: Conducted an exploratory reconnaissance of Cactus Road (Route 1104) via Galileo Road (Route 1104). Stopped at interesting geologic formations for detailed examination and to collect video and photo imagery. Conduct both mounted and dismounted EVA.

Blue ATVs #1 and #2


EVA #19

20 April 2018 – Sol 12

Crew Members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi

Objectives: Exploratory reconnaissance of Reservoir Dam, Tank Wash, and Factory Butte View. Continued testing of helmet fogging study and hydration pack.


Narrative: Conducted an exploratory reconnaissance of the Reservoir Dam, Tank Wash, and Factory Butte View regions. The EVA was conducted using a combination of ATV and dismounted scouting. Stopped to examine multiple geologic formations and collected video and photo imagery.

Blue ATVs #3 and #4

EVA Report – April 19th

EVA Report

EVA #16

19 Apr 2018 – Sol 11

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Victoria Varone

Exploratory reconnaissance of area around Habitat. Continued conducting of helmet fogging study and test of experimental hydration system.


Performed a geological survey and hike of Hab Ridge Road, which provided outstanding views from every angle. Continued testing helmet fogging study, noting intensity of fogging (if any) in helmets periodically throughout EVA, especially during periods of higher exertion. We checked the hydration prototype. Walked all the way around the ridge road, climbed down, and took in the beautiful scenery on the way back to the hab.



EVA #16

19 April 2018 – Sol 11

Crew Members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu

Objectives: Changed to engineering EVA to complete necessary tasks in the RAM and around the hab.


Narrative: Checked the water tank in the RAM and loaded it to the trailer. Cleaned the RAM area. Crew was not feeling optimal after moving heavy items. Considering the crew safety, EVA was terminated earlier than the scheduled timing


EVA Report – April 18th

EVA Report

EVA #14

18 Apr 2018 – Sol 10

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Victoria Varone
– Exploration reconnaissance of Lith Canyon Region for geology and terrain accessibility.
– Continue research on anti-fogging treatments by switching from two-piece spacesuits to one-piece spacesuits.
– Test hydration pack



Performed an exploratory reconnaissance of Lith Canyon Region (Route 1106) to conduct geologic survey and collect imagery. Additionally, evaluated spacesuit visors for fogging study as well as conducted operational field testing of an experimental hydration system. Conducted preliminary terrain reconnaissance of Murphy Canyon region to pass vital information to upcoming EVA for follow up crew.

Rovers Spirit, Deimos, and Curiosity


EVA #15

18 April 2018 – Sol 10

Crew Members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu

Objectives: Take Lowell Rd till we got to the base of 1106. We the proceeded south and walked the ridge line until the end.


Narrative: This is absolutely the most beautiful part of the exploration. We walked to the end of the ridge…made our way down to the basin…Then proceeded down the water spill way which was another 30-50 feet down. Proceeding south we followed the water spillway until it turned almost due west…then proceeded north and then proceeded NW up the water spillway. We basically encircled Murphy’s Canyon as marked on the map in total. Almost 5 miles of hiking and several hundred foot change in elevation.

Rover Opportunity with two crew in it

EVA Report – April 17th

EVA Report

EVA #12

17 Apr 2018 – Sol 8

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi

Conduct an exploratory reconnaissance of 1101 weather permitting. Additionally, continue anti-fogging experiments under varying exertions.


Narrative: We proceeded through the route 1101 and were cautiously treading the path in the ATV. We went past the ridges all the way to the fence. Enroute hiked over the ridges and did coms check across the line of sight. Evaluated ATV riding in spacesuit with incremental difficulty in driving.

Blue ATVs #1 and #3


EVA #13

17 April 2018 – Sol 8

Crew Members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu

Objectives: To explore the east ridge near white moon road 1572 and to the east. There was some indication that part of our science projects crashed there. Also we will be testing two piece vs. one piece suits for longer duration missions.


Narrative: We proceeded north on Lowell but did not see a sign for 1572….We missed it but turned around and found what we think was 1572. Explored the east side and this is the most red section similar to what Mars may look like. Great area. We also explored the area slightly south of that road and east. Need to explore north of that road because it gets more dramatic there.

Red ATV and Blue ATV #2

EVA Report – April 16th

EVA Report

EVA #10 – 16Apr2018 – Sol 8

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Abdreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone

To hike along the ridge and see the overview of the hab as well as compare fogging of suits with heavy exertion.


Narrative: Three crew members took a hike along walking path 1103. This was hard work and fogged the suits badly. We walked up the ridge and then proceeded to the far ridge to the west but we did not achieve it .



EVA #11 16 April 2018 – Sol 8
Crew Members: Richard Blakeman and Ashok Narayanamoorthi.

Objectives: Originally planned to explore south Lowell road and near route 1101. Scrubbed mission for safety and high winds.

Operations: 1500-1600

Narrative: Took Diemos Rover and put both crew in the rover to deliver the mouse to a distance far enough away so that he would not come back…

Diemos Rover

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 15Apr2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone


To simulate a medical emergency requiring evacuation while on an EVA. Additional objective is to tow an ATV using an ATV.


Narrative: Two crew members went out on EVA and called in a medical emergency. The doctor was dispatched and an extra crew member stayed IVO the HAB to support the single crew member left inside the HAB or the doctor as required given a 5 person crew.

Upon RTB we faked an ATV with a problem which could not be fixed. The crew the practiced towing the ATV into the compound.

Blue ATVs #1 and #2, Rover Spirit

EVA Report – April 15th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 15Apr2018 – Sol 7

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone


To simulate a medical emergency requiring evacuation while on an EVA. Additional objective is to tow an ATV using an ATV.


Narrative: Two crew members went out on EVA and called in a medical emergency. The doctor was dispatched and an extra crew member stayed IVO the HAB to support the single crew member left inside the HAB or the doctor as required given a 5 person crew.

Upon RTB we faked an ATV with a problem which could not be fixed. The crew the practiced towing the ATV into the compound.

Blue ATVs #1 and #3, Rover Spirit

EVA Report – April 14th

EVA Report

EVA #9 – 14Apr2018 – Sol 6

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Ashok Narayanamoorthi


To explore the Kissing Camel Ridge – West region. Conducted
reconnaissance and survey mission of the geology and communications capability with primary habitat. Continued the mission to explore Zubrin’s Head.


Two person EVA to explore a new site and further explore one already seen. Going over sites we’ve already been to always reveals something new and exciting.

Blue ATVs #1 and #3

EVA Report

EVA #10 – 14Apr2018 – Sol 6

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Andreea Radulescu, Victoria Varone
– Explore Road 1104 and the surrounding area
– Hab skirt removal upon return

1500 – 1800

Three person team explored the road and stopped several times to explore the interesting structures. Some of the hiking was difficult which assisted in the fogging study.

Red ATV, Blue ATV #2, Curiosity Rover

EVA Report – April 13th

EVA Report

EVA #7 – 12Apr2018 – Sol 5 ‒ Cancelled due to mix-up in schedule

Crew members: Joe Dituri, Ashok Narayanamoorthi, Victoria Varone





EVA Report

EVA #8 – 13Apr2018 – Sol 5

Crew members: Richard Blakeman, Andreea Radulescu

– Check out Kissing Camels site
– RAM activities upon return
– Hab survey upon return

1500 – 1800

Explored the region and confirmed ability to establish base comms when at the top of the ridge. Found evidence of missing crew member and produced for discussion with team. Proceeded into the RAM upon return to further clean the water tank and then looked at the skirt of the HAB to find out what is required to repair.

– Blue ATV #1
– Blue ATV #3

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