Sol Summary – April 22nd

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 22-04-2021

Sol: 12

Summary Title: Final Steps Outside the Hab

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 08:30-09:30: Misc. breakfast and briefing

· 09:30-10:00: Prepare for EVA.

· 10:00-12:00: EVA.

· 12:00-13:30: Lunch!

· 13:30-18:00: Misc. tasks. Videos were taken of crew members explaining their experiments. Interviews were done for the post-mission mockumentary. Final soil samples were analyzed. Parts of the Hab were cleaned in preparation for checkout at the end of the mission.

· 18:00-19:00: Dinner

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we intend to spend the morning wrapping up a majority of our research tasks, while in the afternoon we intend to record some media for our mockumentary and spend several hours cleaning in preparation for the mission checkout.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #11 report coming in.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report, GreenHab Report

Support Requested: n/a

Shayna Hume, Executive Officer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 "Team Patamars"
To Mars and Beyond – For All!

Sol Summary Report Apr 21st

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 21APR2021

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Approaching the Finish Line

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 08:30-09:30: Misc. breakfast and briefing

· 09:30-10:00: Prepare for EVA.

· 10:00-14:00: EVA.

· 14:00-15:00: Lunch! Jambalaya.

· 15:00-18:00: Separate science activities & rest time.

· 18:00-18:30: Crew Photos.

· 18:30-20:00: Dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we have the final EVA of the mission – Crew #2.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #10 report coming in.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary – April 17th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 17-04-2021

Sol: 7

Summary Title: Twin EVA’s

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 07:30-08:30: Misc. breakfast with music while getting ready for EVA’s.

· 08:30-09:00: EVA Checklist.

· 09:00: Finish 5 minutes in airlock and EVA Crew #2 began EVA.

· 09:05-11:30: EVA went as planned.

· 11:30-12:00: Crew debrief.

· 12:30-12:35: Finish 5 minutes in airlock and EVA Crew #1 began EVA.

· 12:35-15:30: EVA went as planned.

· 15:30-17:30: Small science study checks and report writing.

· 17:30-18:30: Making lentil curry for dinner!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow no EVA’s, but instead a focus on science and life in the hab!

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #6-7. Reports incoming.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report

Support Requested: n/a

Shayna Hume, Executive Officer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 "Team Patamars"To Mars and Beyond – For All!
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook


Sol Summary – April 20th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 20-04-2021

Sol: 10

Summary Title: Back to the (Martian) Grind

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 08:30-09:30: Misc. breakfast and briefing

· 09:30-11:30: Science & study work in different areas.

· 11:30-11:50: Mini-lunch.

· 11:50-12:15: Preparing for EVA

· 12:15-15:45: Team out on EVA! Misc. work in Hab.

· 15:45-18:00: Separate work.

· 18:00-19:00: Dinner!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we have an EVA back to just south of Robert’s Rock Garden for Crew #1.

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #9 report coming in.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Request, EVA Report

Support Requested: n/a

Shayna Hume, Executive Officer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 "Team Patamars"To Mars and Beyond – For All!

Sol Summary #9 – April 19th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 19-04-2021

Sol: 9

Summary Title: The Day of “Rest”

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 09:00-11:00: Pancakes and hanging out while slowly briefing for what’s needed today.

· 11:30-13:30: Crew split to work on different items around the Hab.

· 13:30-14:30: Lunch together!

· 14:30-15:30: Working on separate projects around the Hab.

· 15:30-17:30: Recording all footage/photos needed for STEM outreach and for our mockumentary!

· 17:30-19:00: Dinner! We recorded dinner as we cooked it this time.

· 19:00 on: Free time? Weird…

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we have an EVA to the north region for the first time for crew #2!

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Windy! We stayed in for a good reason.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: None

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Request

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary – April 18th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 18-04-2021

Sol: 8

Summary Title: A Sol in the Life

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 08:00-09:30: Pancakes with music while getting ready for EVA’s.

· 09:30-10:30: EVA Checklist and moving into airlock.

· 10:35: Finish 5 minutes in airlock and EVA Crew #2 began EVA.

· 10:35-13:30: Crew #1 out on EVA.

· 13:30-14:00: Crew debrief.

· 14:00-15:30: Lunch and discussion over lessons learnt so far from analog astronaut missions.

· 15:30-17:30: Science and misc.

· 17:30-18:30: Cooking and recording making pizza!

· 18:30 on: Time off of working on mission items! This is our Friday since tomorrow is a day off of EVA’s and entirely to science.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow no EVA’s, but instead a focus on science and life in the hab!

Anomalies in work: None.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #8. Report incoming.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary Report

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 16-04-2021

Sol: 6

Summary Title:

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 08:30-09:30: Jamming out as a crew to Hamilton and Disney music while cooking and eating breakfast, then doing debriefing. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast!

· 09:30-10:30: Preparing gopro and science mission equipment sterilization.

· 10:30: Finish 5 minutes in airlock and EVA Crew #1 out onto Mars.

· 10:30-12:00: Crew 1 out on EVA.

· ~12:00: Crew 1 recalled from EVA.

· 12:30-13:00: Crew spoke with Outpost regarding Map usage over instruments.

· 13:00-14:30: Vegetable pot pie!

· 14:30-17:00: Misc. science.

· 17:00-6:30: Learned how to make challah!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is EVA #6 and #7, where the crew will practice map usage.

Anomalies in work: early return due to over-reliance on GPS over maps.

Weather: Nominal.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #5, with EVA crew #1. Report incoming.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Plan

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary – April 15th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 15-04-2021

Sol: 5

Summary Title: What is Nominal? / Emergency EVA Return

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 07:30-08:30: Blueberry pancakes with Nutella!

· 08:30-09:30: Prep for EVA & filming of prep.

· 09:30-11:15: Crew #2 (Hume, Hernandez, Hariharan) left for EVA #4. On this EVA we intended to visit site #2 – at GPS coordinates on the edge of an interesting geologic ridge. We not only managed to identify a possible emergency weather shelter, but sampled three different locations for soil analysis. We noticed clouds getting darker and started heading back. By the time we got to the vehicles, there was significant (~35mph) wind and we felt hurried by inclement emergency conditions. We got back about an hour ahead of schedule but safely, and felt proud of our handling of the situation.

· 12:00-14:00: Spaghetti & Soup for lunch. Hot chocolate on the side!

· 14:00-17:00: After taking an extra long lunch we separated for work. Commander and HSO went to Science Dome for work, Crew Scientist and XO began to work on soil sampling, Engineer and Botanist were working on misc in the GreenHab and on reports.

· 17:00-19:00: Fried rice for dinner! Attempting to send reports at 7p on the dot today to spend some quality time as a crew offline.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is EVA #5, where Crew #1 will go to a geographic gully location (site #3). At this time, we are beginning to maintain the botany experiments, move onto thicker gloves for the dexterity study, and begin to analyze the soil from the EVA’s.

Anomalies in work: Emergency weather conditions forced an early EVA return!

Weather: Warm in daytime, around 40 F at nighttime. Extremely high winds 11:00 am onwards.

Crew Physical Status: No issues.

EVA: EVA #4, with EVA crew #2. Report incoming.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Plan, Science Report, Commander’s Report

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary Report Apr 14th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 14APR2021

Sol: 4

Summary Title: Exploring the Unknown / First Real EVA

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· 07:30-08:30: Rehydrated strawberries over oatmeal by Sous Chef Shayna!

· 08:30-09:00: Prep for EVA.

· 09:00: Crew #1 (Ettlin, Dickstein, Coultrup) left for EVA #3 – the first real science EVA. There were significant radio problems since we did not know we would lose comms with distances we had mapped out, however we were able to come up with multiple options in the trade space of 1) new, closer location, and 2) confirmation of being able to go out of radio-distance. The EVA then went very successfully! Excellent handling of the problem.

· 09:00-12:00: Crew Botanist set up Martian regolith botany, Crew Engineer worked on several misc. problems, and XO wrote reports… as normal.

· 12:00: Working on veggie empanadas for lunch!

· 12:00-12:30: Crew Engineer emptied out the sewage tank.

· 12:30-17:00: Misc work throughout afternoon.

· 17:00-19:00: Dinner cooking and report writing. Mac and Cheese for Dinner!

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow is our second science EVA, for Crew #2 (Hernandez, Hariharan, Hume). Looking to get all botany experiments underway by tomorrow morning. May have more time for breathing finally and other crew activities.

Anomalies in work: Lost comms with EVA crew when they went at a distance. Turned out to be a non-issue.

Weather: Warm in daytime, around 40 F at nighttime. Clear weather. Heavy wind after noontime.

Crew Physical Status: No issues. Dry noses all around.

EVA: EVA #3, first science EVA with EVA crew #1. Report incoming.

Reports to be filed: Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Plan, Science Report, Commander’s Report

Support Requested: n/a

Sol Summary – April 13th

Crew 245 Sol Summary Report 13-04-2021

Sol: 3

Summary Title: First day in Sim

Author’s name: Shayna Hume

Mission Status: Executive Officer

Sol Activity Summary:

· Woke up to “Good Morning” by Kanye…. again

· Early morning hours: Strawberry, blueberry, and chocolate chip pancakes! Chef Julio is unreal.

· Late morning hours: Hurried for a 9am first EVA. From 9-12, we did our two practice EVA’s in two crews. Crew 1: Hume, Coultrup, Ettlin. Crew 2: Dickstein, Hariharan, Hernandez. First words outside: “We go to Mars together.” Second EVA ended early due to comms breakdown.

· Noon: separated for a variety of activities. Crew Scientist doing botany. HSO starting a botany kit as well. Report-writing for the rest.

· Lunch: Chef Julio preparing quesadillas! Corn tortillas from scratch! It was absolutely wonderful.

· Afternoon: Scientist & Botanist in Greenhab, HSO and Commander working on Documentary, Engineer and XO on misc.

· Late Afternoon: Scientist & Botanist in Greenhab, Engineer grabbing people for dexterity task, HSO & XO answering misc. calls for help, Commander videoing intro videos for our mockumentary.

· Dinner: Beef tacos!

Look Ahead Plan: Our first science mission is tomorrow morning. In addition, we will be completing the second day of dexterity testing in spacesuit gloves. Misc. botany will be happening, as well as the first soil sample analysis for geology and astrobiology. We are now living fully in sim and beginning to work towards making our workload each day sustainable.

Anomalies in work: Comms went dead on EVA, ended early. Dead charge only.

Weather: Warm in daytime, around 40 F at nighttime. Clear weather. Expected rain did not fall.

Crew Physical Status: No major issues. HSO Report coming in for small aid kit use.

EVA: Two practice EVA’s. First one had several equipment issues, completed as nominal however. Second had comms issue. EVA Reports incoming.

Reports to be filed: HSO Report, Operations Report, EVA Report, EVA Plan, Science Report

Support Requested: We would like to abstain from sending 8 daily photos, as it’s taking up our whole internet. We uploaded photos over lunch and it virtually drained the entire internet for the day. A single photo may be more feasible. Please confirm a single photo of the day will do for now. We are running out just by sending this.

Shayna Hume, Executive Officer
Red Planet People – MDRS Crew 245 “Team Patamars”
To Mars and Beyond – For All!

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