Sol Summary – December 28th

Sol 10

Long EVA

David Murray

Mission Status: Everything is going well

Sol Activity Summary: We woke up at 0800, had breakfast, and switched off the generator. Today, the EVA crew got a chance to gain experience on the ATV’s and to explore Lith Canyon. Then, they completed the navigation exercise and returned to the hab. After lunch, I planted Moringa oleifera seeds in the greenhab and watered the plants, Tibo and Ilaria participated in John’s nerve block experience, and Arno checked our state of charge. The crew plans to eat dinner and finish the rest of the movie that we started last night before going to bed.

Look Ahead Plan: Record our answers to questions from children around the world

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny, warm

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: Exploration, sample collection

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, Sol Summary, EVA report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 27th

Sol 9

Ninth Day on Mars

David Murray

Mission Status: Everything is going well

Sol Activity Summary: The crew checked the generator, ate breakfast, and prepared for EVA. The EVA crew returned to the airlock to address complications with the radios. Once that was taken care of we completed the next half of the exercise. While we were finishing our EVA, we noticed a scratch in the helmet. We finished our task before returning to the airlock. After EVA, we completed our list of group tasks, wrote reports, and had dinner.

Look Ahead Plan: Record our answers to questions from children around the world

Anomalies in work: Scratch noticed on helmet during EVA

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: Navigation

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, Sol Summary, EVA report

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 25th

Sol 7

Merry Christmas!

David Murray

Mission Status: The crew is clean and well fed.

Sol Activity Summary: In the spirit of Christmas, Crew 185 rewarded ourselves with an extra hour of sleep and our first showers of the simulation. After a light breakfast, Arno and Ilaria left the hab to conduct an engineering check. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew prepared Christmas dinner, cleaned, and readied the hab to accommodate our guests. Shannon and her daughter arrived to share Christmas dinner with us. We had a first-rate feast of prime rib, candied yams, veggies, biscuits, soup, and baked potatoes. As much as we enjoyed the meal, we all miss our loved ones and wish that we were able to spend this holiday season with them. On behalf of Crew 185, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Look Ahead Plan: The EVA for tomorrow focuses on GPS and drone control functionality in the X-1 spacesuit.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy, clean, and well fed

EVA: X-1 tests: Drone Control & GPS

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 23rd

Crew 185 Sol Summary Report 23 Dec 2017

Sol 5

Beginning of a Navigation Exercise

David Murray

Mission Status: We had slight generator problems but everything is under control and we still have charge.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew ate breakfast and disbanded for individual tasks before meeting back up to do the EVA prep. Ilaria, John, and Arno made up the EVA crew today. They placed objects that the next EVA crew will have to locate in the field based on instructions from CapComm. After the EVA Arno and I participated in John’s medical training.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow we’re planning to do a split EVA to test the X-1 and to locate the items that today’s EVA crew put in the field.

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny

Crew Physical Status: Healthy

EVA: 3 person EVA to use ATV’s and hide objects for a navigation study.

Reports to be filed: Journalist Report, Greenhab Report, EVA Request, EVA Report, Sol Summary

Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 20th

Crew 185 Sol Summary Report  20 Dec 2017
Sol 2
Crew 185’s First EVA
David Murray
Mission Status:
Sol Activity Summary: The crew woke up, ate breakfast together, and attached our patches to our flight suits. Then, with the help of the entire crew, Tibo donned the X-1 space suit and headed out with Arno and I, in EVA suits, to complete the daily engineering check. Immediately following this, Tibo changed into the EVA suit to join Ilaria and I for our first EVA. We walked for about 3 km and explored the surrounding terrain. When we returned, we continued our custom of eating meals as a team and sat down for lunch. Following our meal, I gave the crew a quick tour and summary of my research and work in the Greenhab. We then returned to the Hab to take part in John’s anesthesia training where we learned how to identify and anesthetize the sciatic nerve on a gel block with the help of ultrasound imaging.
Look Ahead Plan: We plan to go on our second EVA tomorrow. It should be the same as the first EVA but with different crew members.
Anomalies in work:  None
Weather: Sunny, warm
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: 3 km EVA with no vehicles to explore the surrounding terrain and get used to the EVA suits.
Reports to be file: None
Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 19th

Crew 185 Daily Summary Report  19/12/2017
MDRS Daily Summary Report for Sol 1
First Day of Sim
Mission Status:  Things are running smoothly.
Sol Activity Summary: We started our simulation this morning. We began our day by eating breakfast as a team and followed our meal with a mindfulness meditation session. After that, three of us put on our simulation space suits for the first time and left the hab to do an engineering check. Two crew members stayed behind for communication. When the crew returned to the hab, we ate lunch, assigned daily tasks for each crew member, and had time to work on individual projects.
Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we will have our first EVA and test the X-1 space suit for the first time.
Anomalies in work:  The simulation space suit helmet fogs up easily and can drastically limit your field of vision.
David Murray crew greenhab officer and biologist
Weather: Sunny, warm
Crew Physical Status: Healthy
EVA: No EVA today
Reports to be file: EVA request
Support Requested: None

Sol Summary – December 18th

Today has been a busy day for the Crew 185. As it was our last day before entering simulation, we needed to prepare the hab in the best possible way and to fix as many things as possible before closing our doors.

We decided to work in two groups. Ilaria and David took the car to buy a new battery for the generator, soil for the greenhab and food. Arno, Thibault and John set the laboratory with the 3D printer, the medical supplies, the X-1 spacesuit prototype, etc…

This afternoon, we repaired the generator by replacing the battery and changing a part of the cooling liquid and the oil. It is working better at the moment when I write these lines! Hopefully, it will keep being in a good shape.

We decided that we would begin the simulation tomorrow morning when waking up. Mars, here we come!

The Crew 185

Sol Summary – December 15th

MDRS Sol Summary Report for Sol 14

Summary Title: Signing off!

Mission Status:

It’s been a please working with all of you, and thanks for your help.

It was a fitting send off to our team that our day started with a
generator failure. Upon our morning rounds after waking up it was
noticed the Generator had failed with an ‘Underspeed’ Fault. We were
happy to see that SOC was holding steady at 100% (thank you solar
arrays!) but this was a worrying sign, especially as we didn’t want to
hand over a crippled ship to the oncoming crew.

Investigation into the generator showed that the loose connections
that were repaired previously were still holding strong, so there was
no immediate cause of the generator fault. After attempting to
restart the generator a low battery voltage was observed (reading
7.6volts, supposed to be 9.6 volts). It appears that after the
generator failed it drained the battery down displaying the fault
message on its status plate. After a jumpstart from our friendly
neighbors we were able to get the generator back up and running. This
issue is likely to re-occur as we are still not sure of the original
cause. Our next step will be to Remove and Replace the generator
batteries, fingers crossed this fixes the problem. Best of luck to
future crews in continuing to troubleshoot this issue.

Besides that morning excitement the day was one of cleaning and
packing, with a short break in the afternoon to do a short EVA around
the HAB for some last minute filming to get the shots we’ve missed so
far this mission. We hope to leave this place better than we found

This report comes to you with the assistance of Mission Support as our
Internet allowance has run out. Sometime today the same laptop that
killed our bandwidth before had WiFi turned On, after which it sucked
our bandwidth dry again. Still don’t know why this particular laptop
uses bandwidth at such a prodigious rate, but we’ve turned it off
again and comms should be returned to normal.

Hope to work with you all again in the future.

Ad Astra Per Ardua,

Crew 184.

Sol Activity Summary:

1. Filming EVA

2. Cleaning / Packing

4. Reports and general HAB maintenance / checks

6. Generator Failure and Jumpstart

Look Ahead Plan:

1. Crew Handover Training

Anomalies in work:

1. HAB Leak from under EVA door continuing (per Mission Control
leak is expected and has been present for months, presumed to be from
Kitchen piping)

2. Generator Underspeed Fault

Weather: Cold, but temps are above freezing in mid-day

Crew Physical Status: All crew in good physical health.

EVA: None today.

Reports to be filed:





Sol Summary

Mission Summary

Support Requested:

1. None

Sol Summary – December 14th

Summary Title:  Wrapping Up!

Mission Status:

Today marks the end of our scientific mission and the completion of our three remaining scientific objectives.

Our martian day sleep study ends tonight with a 4am bedtime, 12pm wake up.  Our team prepped extensively for this and arranged numerous protocols to handle crew fatigue and performance drop off due to tiredness.  Luckily we haven’t had to use any!  Our team has remained in good spirits and been able to keep to our sleep schedule well throughout our mission, with the occasional controlled nap being used to support a flagging crewmember!  We’ve focused on mentally demanding activities and music to keep the crew focused and alert in the evenings to allow us to hit our sleep targets.

Today we successfully completed our last Matryoshka objective!  This was the farthest we’ve had to travel for an EVA, which is why we left it till last to capitalize on the experience we’ve gained in the past two weeks.  We took the Deimos Rover and an ATV to ensure we had sufficient range to meet our objectives and departed from the HAB at around 1pm, arriving at our objective at around 2pm in the Blue Hills area.  Our goal was to get samples from the ridgeline as it washed out into the plane of dirt to try to identify different materials in the mixing area between the cliffs and plains.  We successfully took samples from this area and several isolated hilltops in the area and packed up from or last EVA to return home.

We weren’t going to get off easy however, as that hasn’t been our type of mission.  Due to user error when we started home the parking break was left on for ~ 5 minutes, which resulted in a precipitous power drop off from ~ 80% to 40%.  After the problem was noticed and corrected we discussed options.  The Blue Hills area is actually a fairly close walking distance from the HAB, but a long driving distance, so the decision was weather to leave the rover and walk back to the HAB or to take the long way around on the roads and trust the Rover to make it.  After assessing the fact that the Rover utilized ~ 20% battery to get to this location, had 40% remaining, and that we had a functioning ATV to get help if we broke down on the way we decided we had high confidence in getting the Rover back to the HAB and started the long drive back.  It made for an anxious drive back and frequent map checks to ensure we were going the right way but we managed to successfully coax Deimos back to the HAB just as the low battery light turned on at 20% SOC.  Another successful, and exciting, EVA!

Today we completed our Anesthesia runs ‘for score’.  Under the supervision and evaluation of our resident doctor two crewmembers at a time formed a team and had to evaluate a test mold he has created to mimic a human leg.  Inside the mold the team must use the instructional videos and procedures provided to identify various components inside the mold (veins / arteries / nerves / etc. . .), identify the proper spot to apply anesthesia, then go through the process of delivering anesthesia to the leg.  Hopefully this research and experimentation makes good progress towards developing medical trainers that can be used with astronauts on a long duration mission that may not have anyone on board with medical expertise.

Unfortunately cloud cover prevented any viewing of the Geminid meteor shower last night (of course the only cloudy night was the one with the meteor shower!)  It is currently clear and we intend to try again tonight to see if we can catch the tail end of the meteor shower.

Tomorrow we focus on MDRS cleaning, packing, and transition to the next crew.  We will also be doing an EVA strictly in the environs of MDRS to get some last filming done as requested by our journalist.

Sol Activity Summary:

  1. Matryoshka EVA Site #7a
  2. Exercise
  3. General HAB Cleaning / Maintenance / Reports
  4. Anesthesia Experiment
  5. Beginning of cleanup / packing
  6. (Hopefully)  Telescope / Geminid Observation tonight due to clouds last night!

Look Ahead Plan:

  1. EVA Filming around the HAB
  2. Solar Observation / Observatory Shutdown
  3. MDRS Cleaning
  4. Lessons Learned Compilation
  5. End of Mission Food Inventory
  6. Mission Summary
  7. Exercise
  8. General HAB Cleaning / Maintenance / Reports

Anomalies in work:

1.    HAB Water Leak continues from under EVA door.  It appears to be getting worse.

2.  Power System Misconfiguration ongoing.

Weather: Warm (above freezing)

Crew Physical Status: All crew in good physical health.

EVA: See Above

Reports to be filed:



Sol Summary


Support Requested:  None

Sol Summary – December 13th

Summary Title:  In the final stretch (and clouds)

Mission Status:

We are getting close to the end of our mission, and the focus of the crew is maximizing the time we have left to complete our science objectives.

Today in the Matryoshka EVA series. Crewmembers Trisha Randazzo, Joshua Hunt, and Willie Schumann traveled to “Matrysoshka Site 6” which was located in the far north at the begging of Lith Canyon. After a long drive to the site with

We attempted to do solar observation tonight but were unfortunately stymied by extensive cloud cover all day long today.

This evening our team will focus on Anesthesia Experiment runs.  Once complete our team is currently hoping the clouds clear to allow us to watch the Geminid meteor shower which peaks tonight.  Shannon also allowed us to assemble her old telescope for use tonight.  Fingers crossed the clouds clear!

We preparing for our last ‘science day’ on Thursday, as we finish up both Matryoshka, Bricks, and Anesthesia experiments.  Friday is being held in reserve and is also allocated to cleaning the HAB and writing up lessons learned for the next crew.  The end is fast approaching!

Thanks for your help!

Sol Activity Summary:

  1. Matryoshka EVA Site #6
  2. ‘Bricks’ communication experiment
  3. Exercise
  4. General HAB Cleaning / Maintenance / Reports
  5. Telescope Assembly
  6. Anesthesia Experiment Runs this evening
  7. (Hopefully)  Geminid Observation!

Look Ahead Plan:

  1. Matryoshka EVA Site #7a
  2. ‘Bricks’ communication experiment
  3. Solar Observation
  4. Anesthesia Experiment Runs
  5. Exercise
  6. General HAB Cleaning / Maintenance / Reports

Anomalies in work:

1.    HAB Leak from under EVA door.  No crew has showered yet today and a significant leak was observed by returning EVA crew.  It is likely this leak is coming from the Kitchen as the dishes were washed immediately prior to the crew returning.

2.  Power System Misconfiguration ongoing.

Weather: Mild and Cloudy

Crew Physical Status: All crew in good physical health.

EVA: See Above

Reports to be filed:



EVA Request

Sol Summary



Support Requested:

1.  We have an extra CO detector that is marked ‘For Greenhab’.  The current detector in Greenhab is both a Smoke Alarm / CO Sensor.  Please advise whether you would like us to install a redundant CO Sensor in the Greenhab or return it to the HAB and mark it as a replacement part.

2.     Food Re-Supply

    1. 1 Box Raisin Bran
    2. 1 Box Powdered Milk
    3. 24 packs Instant Ramen
    4. 3 Boxes Pasta (any type)
    5. 2 Box Granola Bars
    6. 1 Box Saltine Cracker
    7. 1 Box Cracker (any type)
    8. 1 Box Hot Chocolate
    9. 1 Box Red Lobster Biscuits
    10. 1 Box Earl Grey Tea
    11. 1 Pack Chocolate Chips
    12. 1 Pack Tortillas
    13. 1 Pack Sour Cream\
    14. 1 Can SPAM
    15. 2 Can Chicken
    16. 1 Can Strawberries
    17. 1 Box Granola
    18. 1 Bottle Soy Sauce
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