EVA Report – March 11th

Crew 293 EVA Report 11-03-2024

EVA 15

Author: Leo Tokaryev

Purpose of EVA: Photogrammetry EVA

Start time: 08:55

End time:11:27


Suits 1,6 and 8 : 13.6,13.6,13.1

08:55 beginning of depressurization

09:00 end of depressurization

Curiosity: 272.2 100%

Opportunity: 167.2 100%

09:06 arrival at atmospheric site

09:17 instruments running and battery changed

09:20 back at the rovers and heading to photogrammetry site

09:25 switching to channel 1

09:27 arriving at site(->should leave site at 12h40 at the latest)

09:45 everything is going well

10:05 everything is going well

10:15 everything is going alright

10:41 everything is okay

11:02 all done with photogrammetry, taking pictures and preparing to leave the site

11:12 3 minutes away from the rovers

11:13 leaving the site

11:18 back on channel 2

11:19 arriving at campus



11:22 start pressurization

11:27 end pressurization and end of EVA

Suits 1,6 and 8: 12.78; 12.87; 12.7

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518000,4249500

Participants: Yves(EVA Leader), Mathurin and Lise

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: rover on Cow Dung Road, South direction

Mode of travel: Rovers and walking

EVA Report – March 6th

Crew 293 EVA Report 06Mar2024

EVA #012

Author: Yves Bejach (EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Going back to Candor Chasma to create a better 3D map. As usual, we’ll go through the atmospheric site for data retrieval and changing batteries

Start time: 10:00

End time: 13:36

Narrative: We quickly changed the batteries and retrieved the data of the atmospheric instruments then went back to Candor Chasma. We scanned the area again, with a new strategy.

Suit 8 – 13,18V

Suit 6 – 13,36V 2,5 LPM

Suit 1 – 13,37V – 2,6 LPM

9:55 Start of the EVA

10:00 Out on Mars

10:04 Opportunity 165.3 100%

10:04 Curiosity 269.9 100%

10:06 Atmospheric instrument’s site, unloading the rovers

10:18 Data retrieved, battery switched, instruments turned on, going back to the rovers

10:19 Leaving the site with the rovers

10:21 Switching to channel 1

10:29 Galileo Road

10:36 Compass Rock, leaving the rovers, walking to Candor Chasma

10:48 Arrived at the entrance of Candor Chasma

11:08 end of the canyon, starting photogrammetry soon (15min of walk to go back to rovers)

11:25 to 12:41 Everything is okay. Contacting every 15min

12:47 Photogrammetry finished, soon leaving Candor Chasma

13:03 Out of Candor Chasma, walking back to the rovers

13:13 Back to the rovers, leaving the site

13:19 Stopped to take pictures, leaving the picture’s site

13:24 Passing in front of North Ridge

13:29 Opportunity 52%, Curiosity 42%

13:31 Pressurization start

13:36 End of EVA, back into the Hab

Suit 8: 12,76V

Suit 6: 12,88V 2,2

Suit 1: 12,91V 2,3

Destination: Atmospheric site: between the Hab and Marble Ritual and then Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Atmospheric Site: 518500,4251000 ; Candor Chasma: 520500,4251000

Participants: Yves Bejach, Leo Tokaryev, Mathurin Franck

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction by rover then walking through Gateway to Candor.

Modes of travel: Curiosity Rover and Opportunity Rover and walking

EVA Report – March 8th

Crew 293 EVA Report 08-03-2024

EVA 13

Author: Leo Tokaryev

Purpose of EVA: 3D Photogrammetry EVA at Candor Chasma

Start time: 08:48

End time:12:34


08:35 all suits are tested and are above 13V

08:48 beginning of depressurization

08:53 end of depressurization

08:55 rovers are loaded, drone is deployed

08:56 drone taking off

Curiosity: 100%, 270.3(Yves)

Opportunity: 100%, 165.9(Marie and Lise)

08:59 leaving to atmospheric instruments site

09:01: arriving at site

09:16 data retrieved

09:19 drone landed

09:26 drone taking off second time

09:30 leaving the site and heading to candor chasma

09:33 switching to channel 1

09:45 parked, start to walking towards candor chasma

09:47 the drone has landed

10:00 entrance to candor chasma

10:20 tentative of contact, can’t hear very well

10:34 halfway through finding

10:50 everything is ok

11:16 done searching, taking pictures and getting ready to go back

11:44 walking towards the rovers

12:06 back at the rovers

12:09 leaving candor chasma

12:25 back at campus

Curiosity 38%

Opportunity 48%

12:29 beginning of pressurization

12:34 end of pressurization and successful end of EVA

Suits 1,2 and 3 respectively: 12.82, 12.56, 12.57

Destination: Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 520500, 4251000

Participants: Marie(EVA Leader), Yves and Lise

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction, then Galileo Road to Compass Rock

Mode of travel: Rovers and walking

EVA Report – March 4th

Crew 293 EVA Report 04Mar2024

EVA #011

Author: Yves Bejach (EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries of the atmospheric instruments + retrieval of data, creation of a 3D map by photogrammetry, choosing checkpoints to be reached during the next EVAs.

Start time: 13:30

End time: 12:32

Narrative: The EVA objectives were to first reinstall the instruments we brought back to the station because of the weather, then retrieve data from the atmospheric instruments that remained on site, change the batteries, then go to Candor Chasma to create a 3D map of the area and choose checkpoints.

Suit 8 – 13,78V

Suit 6 – 13,68V 2,6 LPM

Suit 1 – 13,70V – 2,5 LPM

Radio 4 – 7,98V

Radio 7 – 8,16V

Radio 5 – 8,17V

Radio 3 – 8,16V

13:25 – start depressurization.

13:30 Depressurization over

13:32 Rovers loaded.

13:36 Resupply in airlock – airlock door closed – start of pressurization.


Opportunity hours 165.1 H

Opportunity battery 100%

Curiosity hours 269.7H

Curiosity battery 100%

13:39 Leaving site.

13:41 Arrived at atmospheric instrument site.

13:53 Mega Ares copying, LOAC back on, Unwrapping field mill.

13:56 Field mill unwrapped.

14:02 Data retrieved.

14:12 Instruments all on, going back to rovers.

14:13 Leaving site.

14:18 Rovers parked near North Ridge

14:22 Still at rovers

14:23 Leaving site.

14:34 Following river’s bed

14:43 Getting near

14:47 At the start of Candor Chasma

15:06 No response

15:11 At Candor Chasma – chose the first checkpoints, photogrammetry started.

15:33 Everything great, still doing photogrammetry.

15:45 Doing great – 2nd battery for the drone.

16:01 Everything great

16:13 everything ok

16:29 everything ok, nearly done.

16:51 Leaving site.

16:58 Out of Candor chasma, on the way back to the rovers

17:08 Still walking

17:14 Arrived at rovers

17:16 Leaving rovers parking

17:18 Switched back to channel 2


Curiosity 56%

Opportunity 60%

17:24 Pressurization starting

17:29 Pressurization over

Suit 8 12,22

Suit 6 12,65. 2,2

Suit 1 12,81. 2,2

Destination: Atmospheric site: between the Hab and Marble Ritual and then Candor Chasma

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Atmospheric Site: 518500,4251000 ; Candor Chasma: 502500,4251000

Participants: Yves Bejach, Leo Tokaryev, Mathurin Franck

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction by rover then walking through Gateway to Candor.

Modes of travel: Curiosity Rover and Opportunity Rover and walking

EVA Report – March 2nd

Crew 293 EVA Report 02Mar2024

EVA #010

Author: Erin Pougheon (Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Changing batteries of the atmospheric instruments and protecting them from the wind

Start time: 7:58

End time: 09:23

Narrative: The goal for this EVA was to change batteries of the atmospheric instruments near Marble Ritual. We had difficulties retrieving some data from the instruments but in the end, we succeeded. We turned off LOAC to bring it back to the station due to the weather. We turned off and protected the field mill with protective foams. The wind started to blow hard when we decided to go back to the station because our goals were achieved.

07:53 Beginning pressurization

07:58 End pressurization

Perseverance: 284.7h, 75%

Curiosity: 269.6h, 100%

08:00 Rovers loaded

08:03 Leaving campus

08:05 Arriving on site

08:07 Beginning data retrieval

08:11 LOAC data and LOAC itself retrieved

08:15 Issues with Mega Ares not recognizing USB

08:21 Turning Mega Ares ON/OFF: no result

08:30 Retrieving Windmill data

08:36 Windmill data dumped, safely turned off

08:40 Protecting the instruments

08:43 Changing the batteries

08:44 Mega Ares working again

08:45 Retrieving data, second try

08:46 Data dump is working

08:47 Protecting the instrument

09:01 Mega Ares data successfully downloaded and measuring again

09:12 Rovers loaded

09:14 Leaving site

09:17 Back on campus

Perseverance: 55%

Curiosity: 76%

09:18 Pressurization starting

09:23 Everyone is back safely. End of EVA

Destination: Between Marble ritual and the HAB

Coordinates (use UTM WSG 84): 518500,4251000

Participants: Erin Pougheon (EVA leader), Marie Delaroche, Lise Lefauconnier

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel: Curiosity Rover and Perseverance Rover and walking

Additional notes: None

EVA Report – February 28th

Crew 293 EVA Report 28Feb2024

EVA #007

Author: Lise Lefauconnier (Habcom)

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries of the atmospheric instruments, searching for checkpoints at NorthRidge with a 3D map generated by photogrammetry. Taking pictures with a drone controlled by a Crew member in the Science Dome for our “Proximars” experiment.

Start time: 8:59

End time: 12:52

Narrative: The EVA team first retrieved data from the atmospheric instruments and changed the batteries. They discovered problems on the atmospheric instruments that they will try to solve in the following EVA. Then they went to North Ridge where the team had to try and find checkpoints with a 3D map generated by photogrammetry, thanks to the previous EVA. The EVA team also set down a drone in front of the Science Dome, it was piloted during the first 30 min of the EVA by a Crew member inside the Science Dome.

8:59 Depressurization starts.

9:04 Depressurization over

9:06 Drone set down.

9:07 Drone taking off

9:09 Rovers loaded

Spirit hours : 246.1H

Spirit battery: 82%

Perseverance: 73% battery, too low, changed (Next time, we will either not take Perseverance or check battery before loading the rovers)

Curiosity hours: 269.2H

Curiosity battery: 100%

9:15 Rovers leave campus.

9:18 Arrived on atmospheric instruments site.

9:25 Drone update: Pictures for Proximars ok – Now taking pictures of EVA Crew

9:30 Data retrieved from all instruments.

9:33 Leaving atmospheric instruments site.

9:33 Drone has landed

9:37 Rovers leaving site, heading to North Ridge

9:42 Arrived at North Ridge

9:45 Leaving rovers, starting to search for checkpoints.

9:58 Exploring North ridge, searching for checkpoints.

Check up every 15min, everything went right

12:31 Walking back to rover – problem with Erin’s radio: weird sounds and red light instead of green

12:34 Yves’s radio switched to channel 1 in case Erin’s one dies

12:35 Rovers leaving site

12:44 Rovers parked

Curiosity battery 49%

Spirit battery 36%

Rovers plugged

12:47 Entering airlock, Erin’s radio dies

12:52 Pressurization over, entering HAB

Destination: Atmospheric site: between the Hab and Marble Ritual and then East flank of North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Atmospheric Site: 518500,4251000 ; North Ridge: 518750,4251750

Participants: Erin Pougheon (EVA leader), Yves Bejach, Léa Bourgély

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel: Curiosity Rover and Opportunity Rover and walking

Additional notes: Perseverance’s battery was again low so we decided not to take it. Spirit was not at 100% either. Erin’s radio (number 2) died at the end of the EVA (in the airlock). We will check it to see if there is a problem with the radio or if it was just a charging mistake on our side. The team came back at 12:45 and it was sunny outside, so we decided to plug the rovers.

EVA Report – February 29th

Crew 293 EVA Report 29-02-2024

EVA #008

Author: Léa Bourgély (EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Fixing Atmospheric Instruments

Start time: 8:55

End time: 10:30

Narrative: The EVA objectives were to fix some issues with the atmospheric instruments, and retrieve data from them.

8:55 Depressurization starts

9:00 End of depressurization

Curiosity hours 269.5H

Curiosity battery 100%

Perseverance hours 284.6H

Perseverance battery 78%

9:04 Leaving site

9:09 Arrived at atmospheric instruments site

9:20 Loac and Field Mill data retrieved

9:23 Data being retrieved from MegaAres

9:30 First fix : Settings of voltage on relaying device

9:34 Instruments turning on

9:37 All data good

9:50 Instruments turned off

9:51 relaying device at 12.5V with instruments off

9:55 Turning on MegaAres, boitier relais at 12,8V, Field Mill and LOAC.

10:09 All instruments on and working

10:09 Drone videos taken

10:15 Leaving site

10:18 81% curiosity, perseverance 56%

10:20 Pressurization starts

10:26 Pressurization over

Destination: Location between the Hab and Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518500, 4251000

Participants : Léa Bourgély, Leo Tokaryev, Mathurin Franck

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel : Curiosity Rover and Perseverance Rover, and walk

EVA Report – March 1st

Crew 293 EVA Report 01Mar2024

EVA #009

Author: Lise Lefauconnier (Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Searching for checkpoints at NorthRidge with a 2D map generated by photogrammetry.

Start time: 8:58

End time: 11:45

Narrative: The goal for this EVA was for a team (Lise and Marie), supervised by Mathurin, to search for checkpoints at North Ridge with a 2D map. The goal was to do it under 3h00, they were done in 1h40. They spent some time taking pictures at the end, and stopped near the atmospheric instruments’ site to put back up the sign that had fallen because of the wind. The wind was higher than expected during the EVA but conditions were still stable to go on with the EVA.

8 :58 start of EVA

9 :03 End of depressurization

SPIRIT hours 246.8

SPIRIT battery 98%

OPPORTUNITY hours 164.8

OPPORTUNITY battery 100%

9 :07 switch on channel 1 for LISE and Habcom (Léa)

9 :08 Leaving campus

9 :09 Sign of atmospheric instruments is down, going to fix it at the end of the EVA if the team has time.

9 : 14 Parking the rovers, arrived at North Ridge

9:16 Starting to search for checkpoints

9 :26 Lot of wind, a map flew away but was caught up quickly a few meters away

Checkups with Habcom every 15 minutes to make sure everything was okay.

10 : 57 Search finished

11 : 00 All good, Taking pictures

11 : 20 Leaving site with the rovers, plan on putting the sign back up at Marble Ritual.

11 : 26 Stopping at marble ritual

11 : 28 Switching on channel 2 for Lise and Léa

11 :32 Sign is up. Coming back to campus.

11 : 36

OPPORTUNITY battery 60%

SPIRIT battery 48%

11: 40 Airlock

11 :45 END OF EVA

Destination: East flank of North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518750,4251750

Participants: Lise Lefauconnier (EVA leader), Marie Delaroche, Mathurin Franck

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel: Spirit Rover and Opportunity Rover and walking

Additional notes: None

EVA Report – February 24th

Crew 293 EVA Report 24-02-2024

EVA #005

Author: Lise Lefauconnier (EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Data retrieval from Atmospheric Instruments

Start time: 8:52

End time: 10:38

Narrative: The EVA objectives were to retrieve data from the atmospheric instruments, fix a problem on the third instrument, plant a sign to signal tourists not to approach the site, and film some images with a drone.

Depressurization until 8 :57

8 :58 : Drone ready to fly. Not managed by the EVA team during the EVA but by another member in the Science Dome. This was allowed by Mission Support on the radio, before the EVA.

9 :00 : Rovers loaded

Curiosity hours : 268.8h

Curiosity batteries: 98%

Spirit hours : 246.0h

Spirit batteries: 86%

9:06 : Leaving campus

9:09 : Arrived on site.

9:17 : Data retrieved from the 1st atmospheric instrument.

9:25 : Data retrieved from 2nd instrument

9:27 : Batteries OFF

9:44 : Cables from 3rd instrument fixed

9:46: Batteries ON

9:57 : 3rd instrument is not starting again.

9:58: Batteries OFF

9:59 : Unplugged two cables from 3rd instrument

10:03 : Sign installed successfully by Yves

10:05 : Cables from 3rd instrument plugged back in

10:10 : 1st and 2nd instruments back ON

10:18: 3rd instrument still not working. Shutting down and not starting again.

10:26 : Leaving site

Curiosity batteries: 64%

Spirit batteries: 59%

10:29 : Opening Airlock to load it

10:38 : Back in the Hab

Destination: Location between the Hab and Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): 518500, 4251000

Participants : Lise Lefauconnier, Yves Bejach, Marie Delaroche

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel :Curiosity Rover and Spirit Rover, and walk

Additional notes: A car passed by at some point during the EVA and someone went out of it to take pictures of us from approximately 50 meters. It bothered us a bit.

EVA Report – February 26th

Crew 293 EVA Report 26Feb2024

EVA #006

Author: Yves Bejach (EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: Changing the batteries of the atmospheric instruments, creation of a 3D map by photogrammetry, choosing checkpoints to be reached during the next EVAs.

Start time: 9:14

End time: 12:32

Narrative: The EVA objectives were to first retrieve data from the atmospheric instruments, change the batteries and hopefully start the third instrument that was silent until then, then go to North Ridge to create a 3D map of the area and choose checkpoints.

9:14: Depressurization started

9:19: Out on Mars

9:21: Rovers are loaded

9:22: Opportunity: 164.4h, 100%

9:23: Perseverance: 284.6h, 75% -> change rover to Curiosity

9:25: Curiosity: 269.0h, 100%

9:27: Leaving the station

9:30: Arrived to atmospheric instruments’ site

9:43: Data collected, change batteries and try to troubleshoot the field mill

9:45: Field mill started measurements

9:52: Back to the rovers

9:54: Leaving the atmospheric site

9:59: Arrived at North Ridge, leaving the rovers

10:04: Setting up the drone

10:20: Start Scan Photogrammetry, mark checkpoints

10:33: Drone has landed, go to another hill

10:40: Drone flight again

11:04: Drone landed, change battery and will fly one more time

11:13: Moving to final destination

11:20: Beginning of the last flight of the drone

11:31: End of checkpoints, waiting for the end of photogrammetry

11:47: Drone has landed, going back to the rovers and taking pictures

11:58: Leave North Ridge with the rovers

12:02: Stop to take photos

12:13: Going back to the rovers

12:16: Leave the photo site with the rovers

12:22: Curiosity end charge: 57%, Opportunity end charge: 50%

12:23: Rovers plugged, unloading them

12:27: Pressurization started in the airlock

12:32: Pressurization over, Crew members back in the Hab

Destination: Atmospheric site: between the Hab and Marble Ritual and then East flank of North Ridge

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): Atmospheric Site: 518500,4251000 ; North Ridge: 518750,4251750

Participants: Yves Bejach, Leo Tokaryev, Mathurin Franck

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road, North direction

Modes of travel: Curiosity Rover and Opportunity Rover and walking

Additional notes: A car parked near our rovers at some point during the EVA and someone went out of it to take pictures of North Ridge. He was quite far and left before we came back to the rovers so not a problem.

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