EVA Report – February 7th

EVA #12
Author’s name: Dr. Sarah Jane Pell, Artist-in-Residence, Journalist

Purpose of EVA: To create a photo and video tribute to the international Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea utilizing VR education and to connect our Artist in Residence’s Performing Astronautics work with our crew’s backup Commander Dr. Soyeon Yi, South Korean Astronaut.

Location of EVA: South of Marble Ritual (walking), Pooh’s corner (vehicle)
UDM27 Coordinates: 518800 E, 4250600 N

Number of EVA Crew: 4
Participants: Zac Trolley, Sarah Jane Pell, Julia De Marines, Renee Garifi
EVA Commander: Renee Garifi

Road(s) and routes per MDRS map:
1. Take East on Entrance Road (Driving)
2. Turn Left onto Cow Dung Road (Driving)
3. Park on Cow Dung Road at Marble Ritual
4. Walk to filming location in field

Mode of Travel: Rover and Pedestrian
Vehicles you will be using (if applicable): Curiosity, Spirit, and Deimos

During the breakfast and EVA briefings, Dr. Pell prepared the crew with the design of the tasks including choreography, staging, camera set up, the sequence of required shots, and all equipment required on site. The Crew prepared themselves by taking photos with our national flags, and then Mars Flag, then playing an orchestral recording of the official Mars Anthem “Rise to Mars”. Mumbai, India-born opera singer Oscar Castellino, composed the uplifting score, with inspirational words co-written by Castellino and Mars Society President Dr. Robert Zubrin.

As the EVA #12 team arrived at the Marble Ritual site, Pell initiated a series of challenges to inform research into Performing Astronautics. The team activities included the Insta360º Pro (a.k.a. Magpie) recording from 6 camera lenses in 4K 360 Pano. The crew performed to the camera, as it represented multiple vantages for the potential audience: as if they commanded an amphitheatre or arena, on Mars, and in direct live-stream via VR to Earth.

The first task was to install a Martian “eternal flame”. After consultation with the public, José Cordeiro, Energy advisor to the Singularity University, suggested that we create a Solar Flame (of course). We achieved this by fashioning a silver survival blanket into the shape of a flaming plume and seated it aloft one of the Marble Ritual dishes. It glistened like a beacon of hope, emitting warmth and representing our symbol of eternal peace among nations, and planets.

The Crew then gathered for the Opening Ceremony tribute. First, we processed around the Insta360 Pro behind the official flag-bearer of the Martian National Flag [Zac Trolley, Engineer] and assembled in front of the Eternal Flame. Then nation-by-nation, we processed around the Magpie, to stand as the anthem played behind the Australian, Japan, Canadian, and United States flags. All of these scenes will be overlaid during post-production and editing so that in total, the four-person crew will serve simultaneously as the official 20 person delegation from many nations.

Let the games begin!

The first activity was a relay race around the arena. Each crew-member ran a leg of the race around the Magpie, and passed glowing batons between them without incident. The analogue astronauts made it through to the finals, and huddles over the Insta360 Pro to review their time trials discuss tactics and mentally prepare for the finals. Their preparation paid off. There was great jubilation as Renee Garifi crossed through the yellow ribbon finish line!

After earning an excellent score for her dark and expressive ribbon routine, United States’ Renee Garifi became the individual rhythmic gymnastics Mars Olympic champion with the perfect score of 10:10. Another memorable performance, Zac Trolley of Canada delivered a mesmerizing routine incorporating more dance elements than artistic floor exercise, only to botch the final ribbon toss, and fall to the ground gasping for air. He was quickly attended by officials and given oxygen on site. Later his coaches explained that he is fully recovered and was keen to defend his reigning title.

Given the altered gravity and range of climatic conditions on Mars, the Official Interplanetary Olympic Committee decided to include a long jump in both Mars Winter and Summer athletics. The men’s long jump has been included in Earth’s Olympic athletics since the first Summer Olympics in 1896. The women’s long jump was introduced over fifty years later in 1948 and was the second Olympic jumping event for women after the high jump, which was added in 1928.

On Mars, there is no gender divide. With a pressure-packed jump, Dr. Sarah Jane Pell representing Australia was the first to make the leap across the red regolith, and she made it straight to the finals. She ended up with the Silver medal on her penultimate jump with a mark of18.37 meters.

At the end of a great day at the Marble Ritual arena, all medal winners stood on the podium to a jubilant crowd, their hearts on their chests as the national anthem played in the afternoon sun.

While Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted up a storm in 2012 by asking his followers, "How about a Mars Olympics?, we celebrate the human spirit with our speculative fiction for a future Mars Olympiad, with the dual purpose of exploring the range of movement and performance expression with the MDRS life support suits in this analogue terrain.

By today’s technological and biological standards, all athletes would be suffocated by the Martian atmosphere and frozen by the extreme temperatures, however, the MDRS EVA-12 helped us fashion a sense of play and performance experimentation based on coming together to work collectively in the spirit of exploration. It also provided a springboard for connecting audiences with the VR outreach opportunity to explore how they might fare with 38% of gravity.

Perhaps we would finally crack the code to human flight. Until then, Crew 188 send our very best wishes to all the nations of planet Earth coming together in peaceful competition for Earth’s 2018 international Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

EVA Report – February 6th

Crew 188 EVA #10 Summary Report 06FEB2018
Author’s name: Julia DeMarines, Crew Astronomer, Green Hab Operator

Purpose of EVA: Filming of artistic Performing Astronautics and Bending Horizons projects using the Insta360 Pro Camera.

Location of EVA: RC South Site Region
UDM27 Coordinates: 12 S 518293 E 4249791 N (waypoint taken on EVA009)

Number of EVA Crew: 3
Participants: Zac Trolley, Sarah Jane Pell, Julia DeMarines
EVA Commander: Sarah Jane Pell

Road(s) and routes per MDRS map:
1. Take East on Entrance Road (Driving)
2. Turn Right onto Cow Dung Road (Driving)
3. Park on Cow Dung Road behind filming area ridge
4. Walk to filming location in field

Mode of Travel: Rover and Pedestrian
Vehicles you will be using (if applicable): Curiosity and Spirit


EVA #10 arrived at our destination to the filming location on a very windy morning. We scouted the area out making sure this is where we wanted to film and if we could find a more wind-protected area to shield the Insta360º Pro camera. After some scouting we decided that the original location was ultimately the best location for Sarah Jane’s performance art. We discussed the choreography, set up the camera and then began recording. The first take was a success!

After completing Sarah Jane’s Performing Astronautics piece recorded using the Insta360º Pro, lovingly called Magpie, EVA 10 performed a science experiment in honor of the Falcon Heavy launch today. Julia acquired two small pop-top containers (that were once used for electrolyte tablets) and several alka-seltzer tablets. When small chunks of the alka-seltzer tablets are mixed with water in a closed container, gas builds up as does pressure. It took a few tries to get the ratio of water, air, and tablets correct, but once we did, we were able to launch our “Falcon Light” mini rockets! Our landing was not as graceful as the Falcon Heavy’s boosters returning in sync but we do believe our successful launch was 100% responsible for the success of the launch today as pop-rockets are known for their good luck and scientific opulence.

We will send photos and videos tomorrow.

EVA Report – February 6th

Crew 188 EVA #11 Summary Report 6FEB2018

Author’s name: Tatsunari Tomiyama AHFP, Health & Safety Officer Purpose of EVA: Reconnaissance of “Moon” region near Brache Hwy 1572 for future 360 filming and micrometeorite samples in vicinity nears roads travelled.
Location of EVA: Copernicus Highway 1574 waypoints and Skyline Ridge as time permits.
UDM27 Coordinates: 12 S 515404E, 4253907N

Number of EVA Crew: 3
Participants: Ryan Kobrick Tatsunari Tomiyama, Renee Garifi
EVA Commander: Ryan Kobrick

Rovers used: ATV 1, 2, 3
Duration: 2hours 23minutes
EVA Departure Time: 14:03
EVA Return Time: 16:26

The objective of this EVA was to create EVA way-points for a future mission. We started to prepare EVA #11 before the EVA #10 group arrived back to the base to maximize EVA activity time because we expected that the destination point could be far away than our planning expectation. We used 3 ATVs for this reconnaissance mission. Brahe Highway was relatively easy to navigate using GPS but has many large bumps and pits in the road and required us to go slowly during this part of the route. However, once people have experience, this issue could be negligible. Overall, the objective was successfully completed in this EVA activity although our Garmin GPS unit battery was running low due to use on both EVA #10 and EVA #11.

Following our micrometeorite sample collections on a flat hilltop, we took Brahe Highway to the right on the Copernicus Highway and headed to east. We passed “Yellow Moon” indicated on the MDRS provided map. At that point, we returned back the Copernicus highway toward west. We could drive nearby Toothy Ridge on the Copernicus Highway and we decided to return to the base because of the time restriction.

On the way back to the base, we passed a grey unmarked electric rover parked about 4 minutes north of the Hab on Cow Dung Road. The vehicle was the same color and the same type which we use for MDRS. There was no person around the vehicle and no name was labeled on the vehicle. We took a photo in case mission support would like to see the vehicle. It may be the personal rover of Dr. Rupert but we would like to confirm.

EVA Report – February 5th

Crew 188 EVA #9 Summary Report 05FEB2018
Author’s name: Julia DeMarines, Crew Astronomer, Green Hab Operator

Purpose of EVA: Scouting of Crew 187’s recommended exploration area for chlorophyll sample collection and potential site for artistic Performing Astronautics and Bending Horizons projects using the Insta360 Pro Camera.

Location of EVA: “Despacito Rd” via 1101 off of Cow Dung Road UDM27 Coordinates: 519000 E, 4247500 N (the crew has mapped out several waypoints along potential path for confirmation)

Number of EVA Crew: 3
Participants: Ryan Kobrick (EVA CDR), Sarah Jane Pell, Julia DeMarines EVA Commander: Ryan Kobrick

Road(s) and routes per MDRS map:
1. Take East on Entrance Road (Driving)
2. Turn Right into Cow Dung Road (Driving)
3. Turn right on Crew 187’s “Despacito Rd” at 1101 marker (Driving) 4. Park at the end of the road near fence/gate
6. Resume walking towards West
7. Return by the same route

Mode of Travel: ATV and Pedestrian
Vehicles you will be using (if applicable): Blue ATVs 1, 2, 3, and Red ATV 4 Rovers used: None
Duration: 2 hours 41 minutes
EVA Departure Time: 10:26
EVA Return Time: 13:07


We started up our ATV’s and drove staggered to our first waypoint at the intersection of Cow Dung road and “Despacito Rd” at the 1101 marker. Despacito Rd was much rockier than Cow Dung Rd and we advanced with caution around some high slope and eroded out areas. All four of us made it to our destination safely and parked the ATV’s. Next we walked around and explored the region for suitable spots for Dr. Sarah Jane Pell’s Performing Astronautics and Bending Horizons projects. Sarah Jane found a central spot to set up her Insta360º Pro camera and we recorded about 10 minutes of footage of the crew playing with bubbles at varying distances and heights around the camera. This made an excellent test run for Sarah Jane’s project, which she hopes to begin record tomorrow. Julia DeMarines collected several green samples for her Chlorophyll project.

Once the team was satisfied with their collections, footage, and exploration, we decided to head back home. This was not a difficult decision to make, as it was the hottest day on “Mars” since we arrived, and we were all feeling the heat. Not because we are all (obviously) outstandingly attractive but because the spherical helmet has a way of amplifying the Sun’s rays and we were wearing more than one layer of clothing. On the way back on Cow Dung Rd we stopped at a site of interest that we saw on the way out which looked like another excellent area for Sarah Jane’s Performing Astronautics and Bending Horizons project. We got off of our ATV’s and explored around for 10 minutes finding an even better location for filming. We marked a waypoint on Ryan’s GPS and headed back to the base. Once we had arrived we filled up the gas tanks on the ATV’s while we were waiting for Ryan’s dust project to be ready in the airlock. At 13:07 we entered the airlock, at 13:12 we entered the Hab, and at 13:31 we officially ended EVA #9 after removing our equipment, plugging them in, and cleaning our helmets. We will consider dressing lighter underneath our flight suits on future hot days as it was 20ºC by the time we returned.

EVA Report – February 4th

Crew 188 EVA #8 Summary Report 4FEB2018

Author’s name: Tatsunari Tomiyama AHFP, Health & Safety Officer

Purpose of EVA: Collecting soil samples for the micrometeorite investigation and for chlorophyll sample collection on the Hab Ridge Road and Hab View.

Location of EVA: Hab Ridge

UDM27 Coordinates: 5175750E 54250500N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Participants: Tatsunari Tomiyama, Julia DeMarines, Renee Garifi

EVA Commander: Tatsunari Tomiyama

Rovers used: None

Duration: 2 hours 22minutes

EVA Departure Time: 10:21am

EVA Return Time: 12:43pm


For this EVA, we followed the same foot pathway used on EVA#7. We tried to get to the same locations to collect samples for our micrometeorite investigation and for chlorophyll sampling. The EVA request originally stated we would take 4 hours. However, we planned in the briefing to shorten the length because the path was previously walked. The EVA was successfully completed and we collected samples during this EVA.

The EVA started at 10:21. The weather outside the Hab was nice and windy in this morning. There was no major issue climbing to the Hab Ridge Road. One crew member reported a minor headache at the top and rested for a while because the condition was due to the exercise. After contacting to the HabCOM around the north Hab view, we decided to stay 1 hour to collect samples for research which was a shorter time then we planned in our request. We performed the bubble experiment at both Hab view locations (south and north). On the way back to the Hab, we collected some trash nearby the Hab. Overall, we succeeded in our planned objectives.

EVA Report – February 3rd

EVA #7

Author’s name: Tatsunari Tomiyama AHFP, Health & Safety Officer

Number of EVA crew: 3

Participants: Sarah Jane Pell, Zac Trolley, and Tatsunari Tomiyama
EVA Commander: Sarah Jane Pell

Purpose of EVA: To get dirty and gather data for the dust study. (Primary Objective) To scout the rim for future EVA missions and observe the area from a high vantage point. (Secondary Objective)

Location of EVA: Hab Ridge, Skyline Rim
UDM27 Coordinates: 5175750E 54250500N

Rovers used: None
Duration: 2 hours 11minutes
EVA Departure Time: 13:30
EVA Return Time: 16:19


There were two objectives for this EVA. Primary objective was to collect data for dust study for NASA and secondary objective was to make more waypoints for future EVA studies. Both objectives were successfully completed.

We had difficulty to find 11:03 road on the way to get Skyline Rim. However, we climbed slopes to get the road while carefully monitoring each other. While climbing, residence-in-artist, Sarah Jane Pell, filmed our activity using bubble.

I am assuming this report will be in journalist report today. After arrived on the Hab Ridge Road, we walked to the South Hab viewpoint and found some animal footprints.

After HABCOM confirmed that we arrived at the objective points and took some photos, we returned to the Hab Ridge Road. We tried to search for the original pathway which is 11:03 and we could found the road.

Then we safely returned.

On the way back to the Hab, we collected some garbage on the past river prints and saw an unknown vehicle as mentioned in the report before.

Dust data collection was performed when we returned to the Hab.

EVA Report – February 3rd

EVA #6

Author’s name: Renee Garifi, Executive Officer

Number of EVA Crew: 3
Participants: Ryan Kobrick, Renee Garifi, Julia De Marines
EVA Commander: Renee Garifi

Location: Lith Canyon and Goblins
UDM27 Coordinates: 519500E, 4256500N

Rovers used: Deimos and Curiosity
Duration: 3 hours, 11 minutes
EVA Departure Time: 10:18
EVA Return Time: 13:29


We drove north on Cow Dung Road to Lith Canyon where we collected hilltop soil samples for the astrobiological micrometeorite investigation and hunted the lower areas for chlorophyll samples to collect. Along the way, we mapped our route using Garmin GPS waypoint drops for archive and analysis of sample collection spots. Both objectives were successfully completed. The final waypoint took the crew to the Goblins site to investigate the area for potential future sampling and video.

We left the airlock at 10:18 and departed for our driving route with Renee and Ryan riding in the Deimos rover and Julia following in Curiosity. At 10:33, we passed Cowboy’s Corner and reached the out-of-range point for the long-range radios. Once in the target area of Lith Canyon, we parked the rovers and proceeded by foot to the Goblins site.

We took photos and videos and collected some scientific samples of rock, soil and small green leaves and rocks for chlorophyll analysis. We also shot some photos and videos for our documentary and enjoyed the breathtaking view from the higher points.

We worked as a team to carefully navigate the rough terrain and slowed our pace when the team was showing signs of fatigue. We opted to skip the Marble Ceremony stop on the way back to the Hab in order to save time and departed Lith Canyon to return to the Hab.

We checked back in with HABCOM at 13:04 when we were back in radio range. We completed the EVA at 13:29.

EVA was a success.

EVA Report – February 2nd

Crew 188 EVA #5 Report 2FEB2018

Author’s name: Tatsunari Tomiyama AHFP, Health & Safety Officer

Purpose of EVA: To perform waypoint data collection of North to Galileo road and scout for future EVA sights

Location of EVA: Galileo Road, and Cactus Road

UDM27 Coordinates: 518800 E, 4250600 N and 519200 E, 4252000 N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Participants: Julia De Marines, *Sarah Jane Pell, and Tatsunari Tomiyama

*Sarah Jane subbed in for Renee due to assessing her fatigue level in the morning and determining she needed to rest and postpone her EVA to tomorrow.

EVA Commander: Tatsunari Tomiyama

Rovers used: Spirit and Curiosity

Duration: 2 hours

EVA Departure Time: 10:50am

EVA Return Time: 12:45pm


We were delayed in our start time for this EVA due to having to re-suit Julia in an alternate EVA suit due to suit #2 having a broken switch. The EVA objective was to collect waypoint data for future EVA sights. This EVA expected and planned to collect waypoints for Galileo Road, and several points on the Cactus Road. Overall, we successfully completed the waypoint data collection on the Cactus Road and Galileo Road.

There were 4 check points on the Cactus Road on the planning. However, we made 6 waypoints on the data collection in this EVA due to the clear visualization. We spent more time than we planned to return to the Hab due to the sample collection being performed at the waypoints.

We made 4 waypoints during this EVA. One is at Galileo Road with the Cow Dung Road as we were trained on driving ATV and rovers. Second waypoint was the intersection with Cactus Road on Galileo Road. This waypoint was relatively difficult to recognize the road visually. We went to the East on cactus Road first and made a waypoint at 11:04. Then, we turned back to the north on the Cactus Road. We stopped and made a waypoint at the entrance of Candor Chasma on Cactus road. We kept driving on Cactus Road to the north. We made a final planned waypoint to the Yellow Zebra Rd. Finally, we visited to the north end of the Cactus Road before reversing our route and returning to the Hab.

EVA Report – February 1st

Crew 188 EVA #4 Summary Report 1FEB2018

Author’s name: Ryan L. Kobrick, Ph.D., MDRS Crew 188 Commander

Purpose of EVA: To test human endurance on a pedestrian EVA to Phobos Peak and test the 360 video capture in the field.

Location of EVA: Phobos Peak Rock
UDM27 Coordinates: 519260 E, 4250260 N
Number of EVA Crew: 3
Participants: Julia DeMarines (EVA CDR), Sarah Jane Pell, and Ryan Kobrick EVA Commander: Julia DeMarines Rovers used: none

Duration: 4 hours 14 minutes
EVA Departure Time: 10:44am
EVA Return Time: 14:12pm


The EVA had three primary objectives that were all completed today by the crew:
1 – sample potential “green” samples for Julia’s chlorophyll detection project with NASA Ames
2 – shoot Insta-360 Pro high definition footage for Sarah Jane’s Monash Immersive Visualization Platform project
3 – summit Phobos peak while collecting biometric data for Ryan’s EVA metrics study funded by Florida Space Research Program

The crew faced equipment challenges (see Sol 4 Summary Report) but was able to overcome and persevere to meet the mission goals. The investigators have high hopes for the data collected, but regardless experienced a true Martian adventure.

The crew walked to Phobos Peak with two stops to set up the 360 camera, one stop for sampling, and several stops for interesting formations. We summitted the mountain by scrambling up the West face (the side you can see form the Hab) with several safety stops to combat fogging and shoe repair issues. The international trio waved their 3 flags from the summit for a mini photoshoot from the Hab. On the walk back from the successful mission, the crew stopped for a rare opportunity to toss around a bouncy ball on Mars testing their reflexes, spacesuit glove dexterity and coordination. A radio was dropped near the end of the EVA, but using the GPS track the crew quickly recovered the valuable asset. [end]

EVA Report – January 30th

Crew 188 EVA #3 Summary Report 30 January 2018
EVA Date: 30 Jan 2018
Author: Tatsunari Tomiyama

Purpose of EVA: Ground truthing to establish way points for more accurate future missions, as well as to capture “B roll” of the terrain and us walking for use in video productions. A tertiary goal is to put hours on the rover batteries.

Location of EVA: Lith Canyon
UDM27 Coordinates: 518800 E, 4256500 N
Number of EVA Crew: 3
Crew Members Going on EVA: Ryan Kobrick (Commander), Zac Trolley (Crew Engineer) and Tatsunari Tomiyama (Health & Safety Officer)
EVA Commander: Tatsunari Tomiyama
Rovers used: SPIRIT and CURIOSITY
Rover usage: 2
EVA Duration: 3 hour 27 minutes
EVA Departure Time: 10:24am
EVA Return Time: 13:15pm

Time Check:
09:48 Prep Start + Simulation Start
10:16 Airlock
10:21 EVA Start
10:24 ATV Leave
12:30 Arrived Parking Lot
12:41 Additional near-hab duties, photos and videos
13:01 Airlock
13:15 EVA End

Summary: Our ground truthing reconnaissance was planned to explore the “Goblins” near Lith Canyon. However, we had some difficulty finding our GPS waypoints goals and spent a little more time than planned looking for checkpoints. The planned EVA route was to reach the “Goblins” by way of Cow Dung Road passing Pooh’s Corner and all the way to Lith Canyon Rd 1106. We reached the end of Lith Canyon Rd 1106, took photo and video documentation and began our return to the Hab. Additionally, data was collected for Dr. Kobrick’s EVA for a metrics study on human performance physiology and exploration metrics. We set up checkpoints on this EVA at the following locations: Cowboy Corner, Tank Wash, Intersection to Brahe Hwy 1572, intersection to the Quarry Rd, and the intersection to the Lith Canyon 1106.
On the return trip to the Hab, we collected samples of Gypsum between the intersection to the Brahe Hwy 1572 on the Pooh’s Corner and Tank Wash. We will consult with our crew scientist and mission support team to analyze the sample in the science lab. Once the rovers were parked, we walked around the Hab to get more photos before heading back into the airlock.

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