Sol Summary – May 15th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-14-2024
Sol: 3
Summary Title: The Five Mile Success
Author’s Name: Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

Pari, Noah, Rishabh:
The three of us went on the morning EVA and drove up to Galileo Road and walked a total of five miles to get to Compass Rock, Candor Chasma, and back to where we parked. It was an exhausting EVA, but totally worth it. We were able to pick up multiple rock samples (a red rock, an igneous rock, and a stone we want to further analyze). We shot the chasma with the drone and got some great footage. We did notice that the battery for the Spirit rover depleted much faster than the others. Then, Noah crushed up some samples we got today, and we are going to spend the day analyzing that tomorrow with Aravind. Rishabh did his daily checkups and got the drone footage. Noah was on comms for the second EVA. We used Opportunity and Spirit.

Avery, Aravind, Kristina:
For Sol 3, we captured more images at the Musk Observatory. Following this, we ate shakshuka for lunch and began processing the robotic observatory FITS files. Soon after, we went on a Camel Ridge EVA to collect samples for our Crew Geologist’s project. We will soon have pizza for dinner and continue data processing. Aravind was comms for EVA 1. We used Opportunity and Curiosity.

Sol Summary – May 16th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-15-2024
Sol: 4
Summary Title: Man Down
Author’s Name: Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

We started the morning by holding a debrief for our activities today. We had an incident where we suspect the septic fix broke into our water supply.Three of us spent the entire day in the science dome today. A crew member first started by going and checking on the radishes as was informed by another crew member yesterday that there was a little bacterial infection that we suspected. So we figured out that trimming the edges might be beneficial to stop the spread. Three of us trimmed the edges and started exfoliating the samples. We exfoliated the four samples we came in with (fine martian soil, unsorted martian soil, vermicompost, and potting soil). We then analyzed and exfoliated the samples we have collected the last few days (the ones we found by the chasm, compass rock, and marble ritual). We have a few patterns we have seen and are going to be further analyzing these. We did have a little incident where a mortar and pestle broke and a vial cracked as well. We created a sharps bag (double bagged) and will be dropping it off tonight for pickup.Another crew member worked on some personal code development with respect to the drone footage in order to generate 3D models for mapping. They also checked the water levels and attempted to trace back why the usage for the day was nearly double the day prior. The preliminary estimate is that the septic tank cleaning might have used the HAB water supply. Another crew member participated in a group meeting then got straight to coding for the Robotic Observatory images and continued after lunch. Another crew member was feeling ill this morning, however their fever broke.

Sol Summary – May 17th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-17-2024
Sol: 5
Summary Title: Funky Smelling Friday
Author’s Name: Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

We had two EVAs today, one for drone mapping and the other one to test out the Geiger counter. We got some interesting samples and results by Zubrin’s head and the topological map is being made (in progress). We checked in on the science dome (the radishes, the samples, etc) and looked at the observatory and spent a considerable amount of time trying to reboot and readjust the code since it was giving us a lot of trouble due to computer issues. We also tried to power saw a previous rock we collected but it did not go according to plan. We need to figure out a new plan of action for the igneous rock.

Sol Summary – May 18th

Crew 200 Sol Summary 05-18-2024
Sol: 6
Summary Title: A Bevonaut Birthday
Author’s Name: Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

We had an EVA today starting at MDRS and heading north up Cow Dung Road. The purpose of this EVA was to get better footage for the program needed to convert the drone footage to a topographical map. Noah and Rishabh went on that and I stayed on comms to monitor their stops and coordinates where the footage was taken. Pooh’s Corner and North Ridge were two stops made. They went around the Galileo Road area as well. Then they came back and Noah, Aravind, and I got right to the material analysis. We have covered most samples and analyzed most except for the ones retrieved yesterday while testing out the Geiger counter and today’s White Mound sample. The White Mound sample showed incredibly transparent spots–I assume we can dig deeper and figure out why these potential bilayers exist (they are a good thing!). Avery and Kristina have continued processing images today from the Robotic Observatory and are continuing to work through issues with the code and downloads for the Musk Observatory. We are also in active communication with Spencer Joseph from Fox News are setting everything up for the news visit. Avery and I created a to do list and a schedule for tomorrow and run that by the rest of the crew.

Sol Summary – May 19th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-19-2024
Sol: 7
Summary Title: A Visitor Arrives on Mars
Author’s Name: Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

Today, I got the group assembled to go over today’s plan and we cleaned up the place. We also got our group headshots taken. Then, when Spencer arrived I took him around the area. We started by going to the RAM and he interviewed Rishabh and got to know his project. Then I took him to the science dome and got the three science bros (Me, Noah, and Aravind) to do some demonstrations. I showed him around the greehab and then the observatory. I stayed there and then took him back for lunch. I helped Spencer do some suit adjustments for his own EVA. Then, I was interviewed. We then prepped him for his EVA after lunch and I stayed on comms. The day is now winding down.

I woke up today and started to make the Hab neat and tidy for the journalist, doing my normal chores but a bit extra to make it presentable. The journalist came and we helped him document the first EVA we had today. I helped prepare lunch and then had to go to the science dome to explain my research to the journalist. I want back to the Hab; had lunch; talked to the journalist about a lot of interesting information about Utah. I got suited up for the next EVA and walked up the Hab Ridge with the journalist. Then I had my interview where I explained why I was part of this mission in the first place and what my goals for the future were.

For Sol 7, I prepared for the news to arrive by cleaning up the Hab with everyone. Then, I went on an EVA to collect more samples from Camel Ridge and Marble Ritual. Following this, I prepared the Musk Observatory for filming with Kristina. Lunch was served afterward (Mars Marinara) and one final EVA was done, where I monitored the weather for high wind. We are waiting on additional images to process from the Robotic Observatory, as well as instructions on how to troubleshoot issues at the Musk Observatory.

Today, I participated in the journalism event coordinated by our commander and XO. I controlled comms for the first EVA, where the reporter was able to film a driving excursion. Later in the science dome, I explained the radish project to the camera and assisted the other crew scientists in demonstrating exfoliation of geologic samples. After lunch, I participated in another EVA where the journalist was suited up alongside us and we climbed the hills directly behind the hab. This evening, I checked on the radishes’ condition and watered/trimmed where necessary. They are improving, though I still see no sign of additional bulb growth

Today I went on an EVA to camel ridge in order to get more drone footage and collect rock samples. I also displayed my work for the reporters alongside a tour of the lower deck and RAM.

Today, I woke up and cleaned the hab before the news showed up. Then, I prepped for EVA 1 and made lunch. Then I went to Musk Observatory, where the telescope was malfunctioning, and tried to fix it. After I was interviewed and showed off the astronomy research, we went to lunch. EVA two was scheduled after lunch, and we climbed the hills behind MDRS.

Sol Summary – May 20th

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-20-2024
Sol: 8
Summary Title: A Monday on Mars (Self Care Edition)
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

For Sol 8, Avery and Pari prepared samples for theScience Dome projects before heading out to the Musk Observatory. Pari, Kristina, and Avery were able to troubleshoot the issues with the Musk Observatory from yesterday. However, though it was sunny, it was also very windy. Because of this, there was not an opportunity to take suitable images. We are still waiting on additional images from the Robotic Observatory to process. Per Peter’s advice, we shortened the imaging exposure time to 240 seconds; before, it was 300 seconds. Avery was able to download AstroImageJ on her laptop and will attempt to use it with Kristina while they continue figuring out their Python script. Image processing will continue tomorrow, and we will hopefully be able to get more images from the Musk Observatory. Next, Pari, Noah and Aravind worked in the science dome to classify samples and what comparisons we must start making to come to meaningful conclusions for our research. We checked on the radishes as well. We are going to plan EVAs to get more samples from areas that are interesting for the UV detector and Geiger counter. Rishabh worked on further developing his path finding algorithm to run on the created models of the surrounding area.

Sol Summary – May 21st

Crew 299 Sol Summary 5-21-2024
Summary Title: All in a Day’s work
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

I went on an EVA to Marble Ritual and Pooh’s corner and went as far as possible with the battery as a limitation. This was in order to collect samples from previous EVAs in order to compare the structure of the samples. I helped Kristina and Avery out in the Musk Observatory taking pictures. Then I headed out to the science dome to classify all the remaining samples. I also helped prepare a few more samples that were gathered earlier today and another soil sample courtesy of Noah.

For Sol 9, I went on and EVA with Noah and Aravind to collect more samples. I then worked with Kristina at the Musk Observatory (which was finally operating correctly!) and we were able to get two sets of solar imaging completed. Following this, we practiced using AstroImageJ and began processing the images we took today. We are still awaiting Robotic Observatory images.

Rishabh worked on further developing his path finding algorithm to run on the created models of the surrounding area.

I helped the crew set up for their EVA this morning. Then, I worked with Noah and Aravind in the science dome for the rest of the morning and afternoon. I also created a document and calculated the age of the igneous rock in the area to learn more about the area with the now dormant Henry Mountains. We can apply this technique to learn about radiation levels and ability to sustain life. I also set up an overnight experiment about the chemical composition of one type of soil.

I noted changes with the radishes, processed the final geological samples we collected, and began to prepare for final analyses of our findings

Sol 9 I woke up at 8 am and did the coms for the EVA. Then I went to the solar observatory with Avery and took two more sets of data. We processed the images till dinner and then after as well.

Sol Summary – May 22nd

Crew 299 Sol Summary 05-22-2024
Sol: 10
Summary Title: Nearing the End
Mission Status: Active
Sol Activity Summary:

Noah, Aravind, and I went to the science dome to start to clean it up and to prepare some soil samples for analysis. We brought bleach from the hab in order to take care of the bioreactor in the science dome. We poured the bleach in and are waiting to see any progress on this biohazard. We also finished analyzing the samples from PDMS and discussed ways we should classify them for future use. Noah also moved the radishes out of the tent back into the sunlight. We hope to see more growth. We prepared more jars of samples and did a makeshift experiment to see the contents and composition of the unsorted, fine, white mound, and etc.

Rishabh has checked the water, tarps, and all the inspections. He also is working to finish up his map and has been programming.

For Sol 10, Kristina and Avery started the day by operating the Musk Observatory. They took two sets of images and began processing them. Every solar image is currently at the Photoshop stage; since the presets from the Astronomy Laptop cannot be saved, manual edits need to be made instead. Kristina and Avery also familiarized themselves more with AstroImageJ and reached a stopping point, since no further progress can be made with a lack of images.

Best Regards,
Prakruti "Pari" Raghunarayan

Sol Summary – April 24th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 24-04-2024

Sol: 10

Summary Title: The Martian Chronicles

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

This morning a portion of the crew woke up early to evade the impending hot weather and venture out on an EVA to Somerville Overlook. With the morning breeze assisting, the crew took the brisk walk from Opportunity to the overlook and admired the views. But of course, research was the main priority, and as such the crew went to work. Many samples and measurements were collected from the area, and on the way back Case was finally able to return to areas outside of the MDRS station.

Meanwhile, the later EVA crew, within the warming weather, was able to finally find the hidden NPS and return it safely to the Hab. The crew of two then set foot to Skyline Rim and investigated NPS digging sites along the way, testing the Martian surfaces for a qualitative assessment of ease of digging. This particular EVA broke a record for longest walking distance during Mission 297 – a Brobdingnagian 10 km!

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow will be the last day involving multiple EVAs. The morning EVA will venture out to the Gateway of Lith and take Case out for its last stroll into Martian regolith. Case is expected to now be fully functional and should reliably take imagery of the area (with some expected intervention via crew manual driving). The second EVA will venture out to Somerville Overlook to scope areas for NPS digging. Back at the MDRS station, the crew will prepare the decommissioning process of the GreenHab for the season.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 11 (fan power substantially decreased mid-EVA): Battery was replaced but the air flow is still less than nominal. Inop’d for the current mission.
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (3 mph), chilly (59F), and sunny with clear skies
Noon: moderate winds (12 mph), warm (76F), and sunny with clear skies
Afternoon (1800): moderate winds (14 mph), hot (81F), and sunny with clear skies
Crew Physical Status: Overall crew health is nominal.

EVA: There were two EVAs today. The first EVA, involving Sarah and Pawel, successfully reached the Somerville Overlook and took gamma-ray spectrometer measurements along with samples. On the way back, near Compass Rock, the crew performed the human-interaction study with Case, though had to cut short due to time constraints. The second EVA was able to (finally) successfully locate the NPS and bring it back to the Hab safely. The crew also ventured to Skyline Rim and located many potential NPS digging locations on the way.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (2 EVAs)
EVA request (2 EVAs)
EVALink Feedback Report
Support Requested: None requested.

Sol Summary – April 25th

Crew 297 Sol Summary Report 25-04-2024

Sol: 11

Summary Title: Earth Rising on the Red Horizon

Author’s name: Pawel Sawicki

Mission Status: Nominal

Sol Activity Summary:

This morning, the first of two EVAs was conducted. Drs. Storch and Sawicki ventured out far north to the Gateway to Lith this morning to locate an area suitable for Case to drive around. Although they did not find anything in the vicinity of Gateway to Lith for this purpose, they admired the views of this area. On the way back, an adequate area was indeed discovered and utilized for the human-research interaction study. Case performed well in its given task, requiring minimal human intervention. The robot was then driven manually to test its steep hill-traversing abilities. The equipment was gathered up and the crew returned home to the Hab.

The second, late afternoon EVA, involved the two Crew Engineers Storch and Laude.This EVA team journeyed to Somerville Overlook to acquire telephoto photos of the sedimentary rock layers in the walls of the escarpments. As the weather started to head south, the team headed back towards MDRS, but made a planned stop at Chandor Chasma for additional photos of stratigraphy and rocks. Terrain was also examined for NPS recovery and was found extremely difficult for such an operation.

For dinner the crew was treated to a flavorful vegetable stir fry prepared by Chef (and GHO) Marquez who used a substantial amount of harvested greens from the GreenHab.

Look Ahead Plan:

Tomorrow is unfortunately our last sol at MDRS. We will start the day with a geological expedition EVA. When we return we will have our hands full with end-of-mission tasks: finishing reports, dismantling the GreenHab for the season, taking inventory, packing for our trip back to Earth and cleaning.

Anomalies in work:

Suit 11 (fan power substantially decreased mid-EVA): Battery was replaced but the air flow is still less than nominal. Inop’d for the current mission.
Morning (data from 0900): calm winds (2 mph), chilly (59F), and scattered cloud coverage
Noon: calm winds (7 mph), warm (70F), and scattered cloud coverage
Afternoon (1800): moderate winds (16 mph), chilly (69F), and scattered cloud coverage
Crew Physical Status: Overall crew health is nominal.

EVA: There were two EVAs today. The first EVA had a successful testing effort of Case on the way back from the scenic Special Region and Gateway to Lith. The second EVA went to Somerville Overlook and Candor Chasma, collecting telephotos of the geological features in those areas for review by the crew geologist.

Reports to be filed:

Sol Summary
Journalist Report
GreenHab Report
Operations Report
EVA report (2 EVAs)
EVA request (1 EVA)
Support Requested: None requested.

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