EVA Report – March 4th

Crew 275 EVA Report 04Mar2023

EVA # 16

Author: Adrien Tison (crew botanist and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA is to perform the photogrammetry experiments with the 3D map.

First, as it is on the way to Candor Chasma, we will change the batteries and collect the data of MegaAres, Purple Air, LOAC, and the Field Mill.

We will then go to Candor Chasma where the two subjects of the experiment will try to find some specific checkpoints, while the operators of the experiment onsite will take time measurements and draw their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects will be equipped with a step counter.

Start time: NA

End time: NA


The EVA was cancelled because four crew members were away from the MDRS, due to medical reasons.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist & Subject), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist & Subject), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist & Operator), and Corentin Senaux (HSO & Operator)

HAB COM: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: NA

Mode of travel: NA

EVA Report – March 3th

Crew 275 EVA Report 03-03-2023

EVA # 15

Author: Jeremy Rabineau (Commander and EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to perform the photogrammetry experiments with the 2D map.

First, as it was on the way to Candor Chasma, we changed the batteries and collected the data of MegaAres, Purple Air, and the Field Mill. We also reinstalled the LOAC.

We then parked at North Ridge and explored the place, so that we could be filmed there by the BBC.

We then went to Candor Chasma where the two subjects of the experiment tried to find some specific checkpoints, while the operator of the experiment onsite took time measurements and drew their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects were equipped with a step counter.

Start time: 09:01

End time: 12:49


09:01 Airlock closed.

09:06 Exiting the airlock.

09:14 The EVA Crew leaves the Hab with the rovers (Opportunity and Perseverance).

09:16 Rovers parked next to the location of the atmospheric instruments. The crew arrives onsite 3 minutes later.

09:28 Battery and SD Card of Purple Air changed.

09:29 LOAC installed and measurement launched.

09:33 Battery of the Field Mill Changed and measurement launched.

09:36 Data retrieved from MegaAres and battery changed.

09:38 Leaving with the rovers to North Ridge.

09:47 Arrival at North Ridge. Walking around the area so that the BBC can shoot beautiful videos.

10:16 The BBC crew is leaving, while the EVA crew starts walking towards Candor Chasma.

10:45 Arrival at the entrance of Candor Chasma.

11:47 All 10 checkpoints have successfully been identified by the two subjects of the experiment. Walking back towards Gateway to Candor.

12:29 EVA crew back at the rovers and driving back towards the MDRS.

12:40 Both rovers parked at the MDRS.

12:43 EVA Crew back to the main airlock.

Destination: First we stopped where the MegaAres and the METEO station are located, i.e., between the Hab and Marble Ritual; then we stopped at North Ridge; finally we went to Candor Chasma.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518000, N4252000 E519000, and N4251000 E521500

Participants: EVA Leader: Jeremy Rabineau (Crew Commander & Subject), Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer & Subject), Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer & Operator)

Hab Com: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”, we then walked close to North Ridge, and then we went eastwards until Candor Chasma for an estimated 2.5 km from the rovers. (See map attached)

Mode of travel: Driving and walking.

EVA Report – March 1th

Crew 275 EVA Report 01Mar2023

EVA # 14

Author: Adrien Tison, EVA Leader and Crew Botanist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA is to perform the photogrammetry experiments with the 3D map

First, as it is on the way to Candor Chasma, we will change the batteries and collect the data of MegaAres, LOAC, Purple Air, METEO and the Field Mill.

We will then go to Candor Chasma where the two subjects of the experiment will try to find some specific checkpoints, while the operator of the experiment onsite will take time measurements and draw their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects will be equipped with a step counter.

Due to the bad weather conditions (snow), the purpose of the EVA was modified, in agreement with Mission Support, so that very urgent operations could be conducted with our atmospheric instruments.

New purpose of the EVA: Change the batteries and retrieve data from our atmospheric instruments (LOAC, MegaAres, the Weather station, Purple air, and the Field Mill), repatriate LOAC to the Hab.

Start time: 11:26

End time: 12:14


11:26 – Airlock closed.

11:34 – Rovers Spirit and Curiosity unplugged.

11:35 – Rovers on their way to the location.

11:37 – Rovers parked near the atmospheric instruments.

11:47 – Data retrieved, and battery changed for Mega-Ares.

11:49 – LOAC has been put in a box to take it back to the Hab.

11:54 – The zip-lock in which was the Weather station device was open, the LED stopped blinking, we then decided to take it back to the Hab too.

11:54 – Data retrieved, and battery changed for Purple Air.

11:59 – Data has been successfully retrieved from the Field Mill. However, there were some issues while trying to change the battery. Measurements didn’t start as expected and the device switched off.

12:04 – It started snowing so we couldn’t stay enough time to solve the issue, we then decided to go back to the rovers.

12:07 – Rovers loaded and ready to go.

12:11 – Arrival in front of the Hab.

12:12 – Loading materials into the Airlock.

12:14 – Airlock closed.

12:19 – End of the EVA.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates: N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA Leader: Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), and Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist)

HAB COM: Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual

Mode of travel: Driving using Spirit and Curiosity and walking

EVA Report – February 27th

Crew 275 EVA Report 27Feb2023

EVA # 13

Author: Alice Chapiron, EVA Leader and Crew Scientist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to perform photogrammetry at Candor Chasma using drones.

Start time: 9:05

End time: 12:49


09:05: Airlock closed.

09:11: Rovers Opportunity and Perseverance unplugged. We then left from the Hab at 09:14.

09:16: Rovers parked near the atmospheric instruments.

09:55: Data retrieved, and batteries changed for the Purple Air, LOAC, Mega-Ares, and Weather Station. The EVA crew is about to go back to the rovers to go to their target location (Candor Chasma)

10:03: Rovers are parked at the entrance of Gateway to Candor, the EVA Leader switches to channel 2 to communicate properly with her EVA crewmates, then the EVA Crew begins to walk towards their destination.

10:25: The EVA Crew enters Candor Chasma

10:45: The EVA Crew arrived at destination (further point they will go in Candor Chasma). The wind allowing us to fly the drone in Candor Chasma, the EVA crew walks back doing photogrammetry of Candor Chasma and defining the checkpoints.

12:10: The EVA Crew is tidying up their material. They are walking back to the rovers.

12:35: EVA Crew back to the Rovers.

12:41: Arrival at the Hab.

12:49: End of the EVA.

Destination: Candor Chasma

Coordinates: N4251000 E521500

Participants: EVA Leader: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer), and Corentin Senaux (HSO)

HAB COM: Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”, we then walked eastwards until Candor Chasma for an estimated 2.5 km from the rovers.

Mode of travel: Driving using Perseverance and Opportunity and walking

EVA Report – February 25th

Crew 275 EVA Report 25Feb2023

EVA # 12

Author: Alice Chapiron, EVA Leader and Crew Scientist

Purpose of EVA: Testing the MetMet and explori0.ng the area

Start time: 9:03

End time: 11:51


09:03: Airlock closed.

09:10: Rovers Curiosity and Spirit unplugged. We then left from the Hab at 09:14.

09:16: Rovers parked near the atmospheric instruments.

09:58: Data retrieved and batteries changed for the Purple Air, LOAC, Mega-Ares, and Weather Station. The EVA crew is about to go back to the rovers to go to their target location (Kissing Camel Ridge W).

10:15: Rovers are parked at Kissing Camel Ridge, the EVA Leader pass on channel 2 in order to hear her EVA crewmates, then the EVA Crew begins to walk towards their destination for sample collection.

10:34: The EVA Crew starts drawing the area where they will take the rock samples.

10:43: The EVA Crew begins to collect samples and to do the related measurements with the MetMet.

11:04: The EVA Leader had some problems hearing the HabCom with her radio, the Crew Commander took the communications.

11:25: The EVA Crew is tidying up their material.

11:30: EVA Crew back to the Rover.

11:42: Arrival at the Hab.

11:51: End of the EVA.

Destination: Kissing Camel Ridge W

Coordinates: N4249500 E518000

Participants: EVA Leader: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), Jérémy Rabineau (Crew Commander), Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist)

HabCom: Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until Robert’s Rock Garden then we will walk to a maximum of 400m from the rovers

Mode of travel: Driving using Curiosity and Spirit and walking

EVA Report – February 24th

Crew 275 EVA Report 24Feb2023

EVA # 11

Author: Alexandre VINAS (crew astronomer and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: Repairs of the weather station, installation of the antenna of the MegaAres instrument & Maintenance of the other atmospheric instruments

Start time: 9:00

End time: 11:45


9:02 Beginning of the depressurization

9:23 EVA crew arrived at destination

10:24 Installation of the antenna of MegaAres

10:37 All tests on the antenna are validated, the installation is a success

10:55 Purple Air and LOAC instrument turned on

11:11 An helicopter flew over us twice and over the MDRS at a altitude of approximately 50-70 meters

11:18 Field mill turned on

All the instruments are installed correctly, the EVA is a success.

11:45 EVA crew back to the main hab

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA leader: Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist), Corentin Senaux (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual (see map on the attached picture)

Mode of travel: Driving, even if the destination is less than 1 km away, the crew will need to transport heavy instruments that also take up a lot of space, and then walking around the instruments.

EVA Report – February 23th

Crew 275 EVA Report 23-02-2023

EVA # 10

Author: Jeremy Rabineau (Commander and EVA Leader)

Purpose of EVA: To perform the photogrammetry experiment with the 3D map.

We went to North Ridge, where the two subjects of the experiment tried to find some specific markers while the operator of the experiment onsite took time measurements and drew their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects were equipped with a step counter.

Start time: 09:08

End time: 10:55


09:08 Airlock closed.

09:13 Exiting the airlock.

09:17 The EVA Crew leaves the Hab with the rovers (Spirit and Curiosity).

09:26 The EVA Crew arrives at North Ridge. EVA crew cannot hear EVA leader when he is on channel 1, so he switches to channel 2.

09:37 The EVA Crew has already reached the two first checkpoints.

09:49 The EVA Crew has reached the five first checkpoints.

09:54 Mission accomplished: The EVA Crew has successfully reached all the checkpoints. They will take some time for pictures and walking a bit around North Ridge.

10:22 The EVA Crew decides to go back to the rovers.

10:27 The EVA Crew is at the rovers and starts its way back to the Hab.

10:36 Both rovers are safely parked at the MDRS.

10:38 Airlock closed.

Destination: North Ridge.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4252000 E519000

Participants: EVA Leader: Jeremy Rabineau (Crew Commander & Subject), Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer & Subject), Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer & Operator)

Hab Com: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until North Ridge, near the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”, we will then walk towards North-West for an estimated 600 meters from the rover. (See map attached)

Mode of travel: Driving and walking.

EVA Report – February 22th

Crew 275 EVA Report 22Feb2023

EVA # 8

Author: Marie Delaroche, EVA Leader and Crew Journalist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to perform the photogrammetry experiment with the 2D map.

First, as we were on our way to North Ridge, we checked on the LOAC, the Purple Air instrument and the MegaAres.

We then went to North Ridge where the two subjects of the experiment tried to reach specific checkpoints while the operator of the experiment onsite took time measurements and drew their trajectory on a map. In addition, the two subjects were equipped with a step counter.

Note: Because it rained during the night and there was further risk of precipitation, we focused on retrieving the LOAC, as this device can be damaged by rain and humidity.

Start time: 9:10

End time: 10:30


09:10: Airlock closed.

09:15: EVA crew exits airlock.

09:17: All equipment stowed in Perseverance trunk, both rovers unplugged.

09:19: EVA crew is cleared for departure by HabCom.

09:21: Arrival at the MegaAres site near Marble Ritual. Due to the wind, we found that the weather station has collapsed. Sensitive equipment on the mast is secured, no attempts to put it upright are attempted. The MegaAres mast is still upright and LOAC is still functional.

09:32: Return to rovers, carrying the LOAC in its case with its battery, both loaded into Perseverance’s trunk.

09:35: Departure from the location of the instruments, between the Hab and Marble Ritual.

09:38: Arrival at North Ridge, radio contact with HabCom through Channel 1 is often cut off.

09:41: EVA crew begins exploring the area to reach pre-defined checkpoints.

10:00: Contact between EVA leader and EVA crew is partially lost, EVA leader switches to Channel 2 to hear her teammates better. The wind makes it difficult to hear each other.

10:08: Three out of the six checkpoints are reached, but the wind is becoming stronger and EVA crewmembers are cold. Decision to shorten EVA and return to the Hab for the crew’s safety.

10:18: EVA crew is back at the rovers.

10:20: Departure from North Ridge

10:24: EVA crew is back at the Hab, rovers are parked and plugged in.

10:30: EVA crew is safely inside the Hab.

Destination: North Ridge (first, we stopped where the MegaAres and the weather station are located)

Coordinates: N4252000 E519000

Participants: EVA Leader: Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist), Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), and Corentin Senaux (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until North Ridge, near the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”. we then walked North-West, up to an estimated 300 meters from the rover.

Mode of travel: Driving using Perseverance and Opportunity

Crew 275 EVA Report 22-02-2023

EVA # 9

Author: Alexandre VINAS (crew astronomer and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: Installation of the LOAC instrument & Maintenance of the other atmospheric instruments

Start time: NA (planned 14:00)

End time: NA (planned 17:00)


EVA canceled because of too high winds

Destination: /
Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): NA (planned N4251000 E518500)

Participants: EVA leader : Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist), Corentin Senaux (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: NA (planned drive Cow Dung Road 0110 to a place just before Marble Ritual (see map on the attached picture))

Mode of travel: NA (planned Spirit and Curiosity)

EVA Report – February 21th

Crew 275 EVA Report 21-02-2023

EVA # 7

Author: Alexandre VINAS (crew astronomer and EVA leader)

Purpose of EVA: Installation of the LOAC instrument & Maintenance of the other atmospheric instruments

Start time: 9:00

End time: 10:41


9:01 EVA crew entered the airlock

9:27 Installation of the LOAC. To be launched, the LOAC just requires to be connected to a battery and to be turned on. This was successfully done.

10:16 Removal of a part of the MegaAres antenna for maintenance. The spheric part of the antenna had to be removed very carefully to not damage the rest of the mast. It was a success as well.

10:29 Removal of the upper mast of the weather station. A piece of tape had to be removed to take the upper mast away carefully. All the purposes of the EVA have been accomplished.

10:34 EVA crew back in the MDRS with the material to be fixed.

10:41 End of the depressurization. EVA crew back to the Hab.

Destination: Between the Hab and Marble Ritual near the road.

Coordinates (use UTM WGS 84): N4251000 E518500

Participants: EVA leader : Alexandre Vinas (Crew Astronomer), Marie Delaroche (Crew Journalist), Corentin Senaux (HSO)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: See attached file

Mode of travel: Walking

EVA Report – February 20th

Crew 275 EVA Report 20Feb2023

EVA # 6

Author: Alice Chapiron, EVA Leader and Crew Scientist

Purpose of EVA: The purpose of the EVA was to do photogrammetry of North Ridge with drones.

Start time: 9:02

End time: 11:50


09:02: Airlock closed.

09:09: Rovers Curiosity and Spirit unplugged. We then depart from the hab at 09:12.

09:14: Rovers parked at the right location near the Mega-Ares, METEO and Purple Air instruments.

09:30: Weather Station and Purple Air data copied. Batteries changed. New recording started. Mega-Ares data copied.

09:36: Beginning of the Mega-Ares test. We didn’t have time to finish all the test, so we preferred to continue with the EVA as it was not the main purpose of today.

09:50: Departure from the Mega-Ares, METEO and Purple Air instrument.

09:58: We had to stop to conduct radio tests because the EVA Leader had her antenna inside her helmet.

10:06: Parked at the right location, near the beginning of the gateway to Candor. Walking towards the desired location.

10:10: Arrival on site for the photogrammetry experiments.

10:23: Launching the drone and starting to place the markers coupled with the sample collection.

10:37: The hat of the Crew Scientist fell off, which slightly impaired her vision. The crew botanist secured her way to a safe place and then the problem was solved by removing the hat from the helmet. It was solved in 5 minutes.

11:01: The crew Scientist microphone got off her head. She could not hear clearly the others, neither talk to them. The Crew Botanist took the head of communication. They gathered with the Crew engineer who was nearby.

11:10: The crew Scientist put back the microphone to solve the problem, so the communication could continue safely. We went back to our activities.

11:20: Loss of contact. Both the EVA Leader and the Crew Botanist couldn’t speak nor be heard. The problem was certainly coming from the fact we were all on channel 1 following the previous problem. This was solved after running some tests and being advised by both HabCom and Mission Support. Departure from North Ridge towards the rover.

11:30: Back to the Rover

11:41: Arrival at the hab

11:50: End of the EVA

We forgot one small item on the trunk of Opportunity. It will stay there for the night and be retrieved tomorrow.

Note: At around 11:00, both the Crew Engineer and the Crew Botanist saw 4 pick-ups with around 10 people. They approached around 150 m from us and took pictures. We were really impacted and stressed by this event, while we had to remain focused on our tasks at the same time.

Destination: North Ridge (first we stop where the MegaAres and the METEO station are located)

Coordinates: N4252000 E519000

Participants: EVA Leader: Alice Chapiron (Crew Scientist), Quentin Royer (Crew Engineer), and Adrien Tison (Crew Botanist)

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road until North Ridge, near the intersection with “Gateway to Candor”, we then walked towards North-West for an estimated 600 meters from the rover.

(See map on the attached picture)

Mode of travel: Driving using Curiosity and Spirit

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