Mark Gee
Environmental control:
Cooling with fan, open door and vent
Shade cloth on crops
Working Hour: 06:00 PM
Inside temp at working hour: 17 C
Outside temp during working hours: -2 C
Inside temperature high: 34 C
Inside temperature low: 13 C
Inside humidity: 30 %RH
Inside humidity high: 31 %RH
Inside humidity low: 16 %RH
Hours of supplemental light:
For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM
Changes to crops: Transplanted 20 tomato plants into large, individual pots. They will need cages soon. Cold air from the fan was blowing directly across the beans and causing them to shrivel. We built a baffle out of cardboard to redirect the cold air towards the ceiling, which creates better airflow and protects the plants. I have made space and plan to plant lettuce, carrots, kale, and sprouts.
Daily water usage for crops: 15 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 09:30AM, 05:30 PM
Research observations: Microgreens sprouting in all trials. Moringa experiments still growing.
Changes to research plants: None.
Aquaponics: Not in use.
Narrative: Most of my time with the plants was spent transplanting tomatos becaus I’ve inherited over 50 tomato plants, previously planted four to a pot. It seems like someone got a tad excited when planting, but we have room for now.
My fellow crew members asked for a tour of the Green Hab, so I walked them through what we have growing, what is near harvest, how the environmental controls work, and what research projects are going on. Melanie especially liked the baby cucumbers which smaller than her fingernail. I told them about the challenges with environmental control and how the cold air from the fan was damaging the beans. Max came up with a clever idea for a baffle that directs the cold air upwards which creates better airflow and protects the plants.
The first two days after seeding an experiment I’m always worried that the plants won’t grow because the surface bleach seeped in and killed them, or there was too much water, or not enough water, or the temperature was wrong, or something else. I spend the next 48 hours checking in on my plants way too often and wondering if the lifeless brown spheres will unfold into leaves, roots, and data that can be published. Fortunately, the time of waiting is over. The seeds took their time, but now every single tray of microgreens planted has an abundance of sprouts that are growing with gusto.
Support/supplies needed: None