Supplemental Operations Report – July 20th

Date: 6/20/2024
Name of person filing report: Sergii Iakymov
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-Nominal Systems: Hab wall heater, Perseverance and Spirit. EVA suit 9, Solar Power inverters slave 1&2, battery bank.

Power system:
Solar: Malfunctioning inverters still out for repairs. One battery bulged and has been removed from the battery bank. Remaining 23 batteries are connected back and currently operational. Control panel did not restart correctly multiply times and does not send SOC to web monitor.
Generator run time: 6201.6 hours. Locked for summer. Portable generator stored for summer in RAM."

Propane Readings:
Station Tank: 77%
Director Tank: 65%
Intern Tank: 76%
Generator Tank: 70%
All tank’s valves closed for summer"

Hab Static Tank – 200 gallons
GreenHab – 0 gallons
Outpost tank – 100 gallons
Science Dome – 0 gallons
Septic Tanks emptied: No"

Rovers: All rovers are shipped for repairs to Richfield. See packing slip for more information.

ATV: ATV’s Used: None. Nothing to report.

Cars: Hab Car used and why, where: Parked on campus for summer. Odometer: 173006.2 miles.
Crew Car used and why, where: Parked at the outpost for summer. Odometer: 226693 miles.
General notes and comments: Ignition problem persists in habcar. Can get it to start by resetting into park and trying to pull the shifter as high as possible.

Summary of Internet: All nominal.

EVA suits and radios:
Suits: All suits and parts are ready for a pick up.
Comms: All handheld radios brought to Science Dome for summer. Repeater inspected and pictures taken.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information.
Tunnels – all tarp removed and inspected.

Summary of Hab Operations: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information.
Upper deck: fridge emptied and unplugged; all food removed for summer; all necessary devices unplugged; all temperature sensitive devices moved to Science Dome; rat poison and mouse traps have been set up; trash emptied; south window covered; secondary light left on for safety;
Lower deck: outside outlets turned off; inventory pictures taken; toilet emptied; heater breaker is off; water pump breaker is off; pump solenoid valve moved to off position; UV filter is off; all necessary devices unplugged; all temperature sensitive devices moved to Science Dome; trash emptied; rat poison and mouse traps have been set up; all doors locked; safety lights turned on.

Summary of GreenHab Operations: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information: all necessary devices unplugged; all temperature sensitive devices moved to Science Dome; all breakers set off; new soil brought in; door closed.

Summary of SciDome Operations: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information: trash emptied; power system operational; AC set up for 75F; summer camera set up; all necessary devices unplugged; safety lights turned on; all windows covered; door locked.

Summary of Observatories Operations: All nominal. Robotic observatory transferred to starlink internet.

Summary of RAM Operations: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information: all temperature sensitive equipment moved to Science Dome; large ladders moved inside; roll door secured; outside outlets turned off; trash emptied; generator supplies inventory taken; front door and outside breakers locked.

Summary of Outpost Operations: Prepared for summer, see pictures for more information: Shed locked and all gates closed.
Intern trailer: toilet emptied; all windows covered; fridge, heater, water and water heater off; door locked.
Director trailer: toilet emptied; all windows covered; fridge, heater, water and water heater off; door locked.

Summary of Health and Safety Issues: All nominal.

Operations Report – May 23rd

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-23-2024

SOL: 11

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: Curiosity
Start hours:183.8
Start charge:100
End charge: 76
Currently charging: yes

Start hours:190.5
Start charge:100
End charge: 80
Currently charging: yes

General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 19 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 218.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: Radios 1-6 used. Suits 7,8,and 10 used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and analyzed. Radishes were watered and checked in on. Soil was further analyzed.

Summary of RAM operations: Measuring tape used.
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Operations Report – May 24th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-24-2024

SOL: 12

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: None
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 41 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 178.3 (using effective value from spreadsheet) (was also refilled today)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: No suits or radios used.

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Final soil analysis was conducted.

Summary of RAM operations: Measuring tape used.
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Supplemental Operations Report – May 19th

Date: 5/19/2024
Name of person filing report: Ben Stanley
Reason for Report: Routine
Non-Nominal Systems: Hab wall heater, solar observatory, perseverance parking brake & battery. EVA suit 9, Solar Power inverters slave 1&2, astronomy laptop dead

Power system:
Solar: Malfunctioning inverters still out for repairs.
SOC Last 24 hours: Max 100%; Min 90%; Avg 97.3%.
VDC Last 24 hours: Max 58.27V; Min 49.17V; Avg 53.86V.
Generator run time: 6139.7. Technician diagnosed problem as bad starter. They didn’t have a replacement so one was ordered. Ben installed on 5/16 and main generator is working again.

Propane Readings:
Station Tank: 77%
Director Tank: 71%
Intern Tank: 79%
Generator Tank: 74%

Hab Static Tank – 359 gallons
GreenHab – 0 gallons
Outpost tank – 370 gallons
Science Dome – 0 gallons
Septic Tanks emptied: No

Sojourner rover used: No
Hours: 200.4
Beginning Charge: 100 %
Ending Charge: 100 %
Currently Charging: No
Notes on Rovers: Perseverance is now charging only up to about 60%. Charging error appears from time to time. Rovers moved back to area in front of RAM now that the main generator is back online.

ATV: ATV’s Used: None. Nothing to report.

Hab Car used and why, where: To Hanksville for supplies.
Crew Car used and why, where: No.
General notes and comments: Ignition problem persists in habcar. Can get it to start by resetting into park and trying to pull the shifter as high as possible.

Summary of Internet: All nominal.

EVA suits and radios:
Suits: Suit 9 has damaged visor and put aside until end of the season.
Comms: Nominal.

Campus wide inspection, if action taken, what and why: Solar Power still at 4.4kW. Main generator repaired and being used to charge rovers as needed.

Summary of Hab Operations: Wall heater is not functioning. Diagnostic is pending.
Summary of GreenHab Operations: Shut down for summer.
Summary of SciDome Operations: Inverters still out for repairs.

Summary of Observatories Operations: Lower shutter is decoupled and fastened by bungee cord. Astronomy laptop is dead.

Summary of RAM Operations: All nominal
Summary of Outpost Operations: All nominal
Summary of Health and Safety Issues: One crew member had what appears to have been a cold. They have recovered and all is nominal.

Operations Report – May 13th

Crew 299 Operations Report 05-13-2024

SOL: 1

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue), Observatory Lower Deck (broken)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission. Issue with the Observatory Lower Deck was noted before our mission, will be manually opened and closed.

No Rovers used.
General notes on rovers: NA

Summary of Hab operations:
WATER USE: NA, first day of measurements
Water (static tank): 530 (estimated) first day of measurement
Static tank pipe heater: off
Static tank heater: off
Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of Internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code learning + development

Summary of suits and radios:
Radios 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were used
EVA Suits 7,8, and 10 were used (worn for suit adjustments and taken off)

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Soil exfoliation and checking on radishes

Summary of RAM operations:
The astronomy laptop had a failed boot drive, the drive was extracted and successfully booted on another Windows machine. All software from the Astronomy laptop is usable on a new interface.
Fixed missing zip ties: 4 replaced on the tunnel to the RAM, 4 replaced on the main tunnel, 3 replaced on the tunnel to ScienceDome, 3 replaced on the tunnel to Observatory
Tools Used: Multimeter (suit power check), Measuring tape: Initial water level check, Scissors to cut zip ties

Summary of observatory issues: Temporary issue with the upper deck failing to close as a result of a broken lower deck. Needed to manually press down the lower shutter limit switch in order to trigger the closing motor and mechanism for the upper deck.

Operations Report – May 14th

Crew 297 Operations Report 5-14-2024

SOL: 2

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: Curiosity, Perseverance, Opportunity, Spirit
            Hours: 280.7
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 82%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 290.3
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 74%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 187.9
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 84%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 252.4
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 72%
            Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: NA

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 10.31 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 409.2 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios:
      Radios 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were used
      EVA Suits 6,7,8, and 10 were used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Radishes were watered and notes were taken on their condition.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Operations Report – May 15th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-15-2024

SOL: 3

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: Curiosity,Opportunity, Spirit
            Hours: 280.9
            Beginning charge: 99%
            Ending charge: 56%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 188.5
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 74%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 252.6
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 43%
            Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: Spirit’s range seems to be much lower than that of other rovers, ie. battery consumption is much higher, most likely due to it having the most hours.

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 29.12 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 380 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios:
      Radios 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 were used
      EVA Suits 6,7,8, and 10 were used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Radishes were watered and notes were taken on their condition. Rock samples were delivered from EVA and were broken down for further inspection.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Operations Report – May 16th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-16-2024

SOL: 4

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used: None
General notes on rovers:

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 70.12 Gallons (septic tank cleaning might have caused this value to double from yesterday)
      Water (static tank): 309 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: None used

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: Trimmed radish leaves in an attempt to stop a potential bacterial infection. Soil was checked again. Incident with vial breaking, all glass shards were safely secured and disposed.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Operations Report – May 17th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-17-2024

SOL: 5

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used:
            Hours: 281.1
            Beginning charge: 95%
            Ending charge: 39%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 188.8
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 51%
            Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 35 Gallons, increased water usage from yesterday due to faulty spreadsheet equation
      Water (static tank): 274 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: no

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: Used Radios: 1,2,3,4,5,6, Suits: 7,8,10

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and an attempt was made to cut a rock but failed. Radishes were watered and checked in on, condition has improved.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

Operations Report – May 18th

Crew 299 Operations Report 5-18-2024

SOL: 6

Name of person filing report: Rishabh Pandey (Engineer)

Non-Nominal Systems: Suit 9 (broken visor), Suit 11 (fan issue)

Notes on non-nominal systems: Issues with both suits were noted before our mission, both will not be used during our mission.

Rovers Used:
            Hours: 281.7
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 44%
            Currently charging: yes
            Hours: 188.4
            Beginning charge: 100%
            Ending charge: 54%
            Currently charging: yes
General notes on rovers: None

Summary of Hab operations:
      WATER USE: 35 Gallons
      Water (static tank): 239 (using effective value from spreadsheet)
      Static tank pipe heater: off
      Static tank heater: off
      Toilet tank emptied: yes

Summary of internet usage: Catch up on Earthly news, email responses, code development, entertainment

Summary of suits and radios: Used Radios: 1,2,3,6, Suits: 8,10

Summary of GreenHab operations: NA, GreenHab out of operation

Summary of ScienceDome operations: More rock samples were made and analyzed. Radishes were watered and checked in on.

Summary of RAM operations: Multimeter and Measuring tape used
Summary of observatory issues: NA

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