GreenHab Report
Mark Gee
Environmental control:
Shade Cloth On
Working Hour: 06:30 PM Inside temp at working hour: 16 C Outside temp during working hours: -4 C Inside temperature high: 29 C Inside temperature low: 14 C Inside humidity: 30 %RH
Inside humidity high: 32 %RH Inside humidity low: 16 %RH
Hours of supplemental light:
For the crops 05:00 to 11:59 PM
Changes to crops: Transplanted tomatos are growing well. Kale sprouts have grown their first leaves. Cucumbers are flowering profusely and baby cucs abound. Watered all crops with MiracleGrow at a concentration of 1tsp/gal as recommended by the supplier. Next fertilization date is 19Jan2018.
Daily water usage for crops: 8 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 06:30 PM
Research observations: Moringa experiment is growing well. Microgreens have radicles and cotyledons that are turning green.
Changes to research plants: I accidentally watered two of the tomato plants with the MiracleGrow, so I moved these plants into normal crop production.
Aquaponics: Not Functional
Narrative: Clouds obscured the sun all day and kept the Green Hab at a moderate temperature. I was on an EVA all day and did not have much time to spend inside. Tomorrow I will be seeding several vegetables for future crews to enjoy.
Support/supplies needed: None