Crew 198 GreenHab Report – 12-NOV-2018
GreenHab Officer: Andrei
Environmental control: (Choose which of the following is appropriate and explain further if needed)
Shade cloth on
Average temperatures:
Low: 70
High 80
Hours of supplemental light: none
Daily water usage for crops: 4 gallons
Water in Blue Tank—(full) unknown number of gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 0900
Changes to crops: Note all emergence of seedlings, death of seedlings, etc (These are also mandatory to write in the GreenHab book for 2018-2019) none
Narrative: no other information at this time
Harvest: This is our research so it is important that all harvested crops are noted and also weighed and that weight recorded in the GreenHab book and here.
Support/supplies needed:none