Crew 203 Greenhab Report 13-Jan-2019
Greenhab Officer: Hermes Bolivar
Environmental Control:
Cooling w/ ambient air (7 hrs)
40% Shade Cloth on
80% Shade Cloth on
Average Temperatures:
Low: 15.5°C
High: 36.3°C
Hours of Supplemental Light: 5
Daily Water Usage of Crops: 9 gallons
Water in Blue Tank (gallons): 90.6%, 272 Gallons.
Times of Watering for Crops:
Changes to crops:
* there is evidence of burning of plants due to very high temperature.
* some crops will be discarded for the bad physiology conditions.
It’s necessary to change the temperature of Greenhab and keep among 15 to 25°C and wait for a better condition of the crops during the next days. The period of supplementary light was modified from 18:00 to 23:00. Because it’s turned on during the day. The blue tank was filling with water so the final volume of the tanks is the 272 gallons.
Watered Crew 201 experiments
*3g of Carrot.
*27g of Basil
Support/Supplies Needed: n/a