Crew 204 Sol Summary Report 02- FEB – 2019
Sol: 5
Summary Title: The Robotic Manipulation
Author’s name: Kunal Naik (Space_bot)
Mission Status: Nominal
Sol Activity Summary: Robots are the first thing that are sent to the unexplored territories of the planet to reveal the unknown. They are not the living things but does the work better than the living beings. The crew woke up as per the schedule assigned earlier, concluding the morning activities and breakfast with a round table discussion over today’s individual task. The crew engineer (Space Bot) started to work on his child rover’s project. The rover was dis-integrated for system check at the RAMM operations and was again assembled, integrated and tested by generating a local server. The quick test was done during the EVA. While Crew Commander (Carbon Flight) was busy working on his 3D clay printer. The printer was assembled, and Arduino was programmed but integration is yet to be done. The project was assisted by Crew Health and Safety Officer (Mars Bag). The GreenHab Officer (Cosmos) was into his daily assigned Green Hab activities. Lunch (Red Kidney beans with rice) was prepared by Cosmos after his routine Green Hab activites. Later, the crew initiated the PreEVA procedures. The EVA was carried by Cosmos and SpaceBot, the purpose of EVA was to test the child rover and Martian Photography via child rover (which was not successful). Post EVA the team started preparing for Dinner prior to the Sunset, opening the floor for personal opinions, suggestions and recreational activites.
Look Ahead Plan: The 3D clay printer will be integrated by next day, proceeding with testing and printing manually out of different soil samples. The work on the child rover will be to check the Audio/Video system plus checking the battery life for further operations. The child-rover will be operated for future EVA’s. The sprouts and mix seeds are already planted in the GreenHab, hoping to get good results.
Anomalies in work: None Encountered
Weather: Partially Cloudy
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA’s location: 517250 E, 4254300 N (The White Moon region)
Reports to be file: None
Support Requested: May require quick removal tissues.