Greenhab Report – February 22nd

Crew 205 Green Hab Report – 22-FEB-2019

GreenHab Officer: Nathan Hadland

Environmental control: Heating and Cooling w/ ambient air (2 hrs)

Shade Cloth (40%)

Average temperatures:

Low: 17.1°C

High: 32.2°C

Hours of supplemental light: 5 Hours

Daily water usage for crops: 6.5 gallons (an extra 6 gallons were used for cleaning rovers)

Water in Blue Tank: ~ 166.5 gallons

Crops watered at 0900 hours and 1800 hours:

1) 10.30 AM 21.3° C / 25 %
2) 12.00 PM 19.4° C / 21 %
3) 15:00 PM 32.0° C / 11 %
4) 18:00 PM 23.4° C / 54 %
Changes to crops: None.

Narrative: The A. thaliana experiments were concluded today. A full summary of the experiments is available in mission summary. Two particular simulants stood as the most successful. Approximately 500 mL of leftover Hoagland’s #2 hydroponic nutrient solution was used on the mystery greens to help in their seedling phase as well as on some of the tomato plants.

The door to the GreenHab was opened to allow for ambient airflow at 1110 hours and then closed at 1200 due to a temperature drop. The door was opened again at 1500 hours because the temperature had spiked due to the intensified sunlight reflecting off of the snow. The door was closed again at 1600 hours for the remainder of the day.

Harvest: None

Support/supplies needed: None.

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