Crew 211 GreenHab Report – 22-APR-2019
GreenHab Officer: Chloé Peduzzi
Environmental control: Ambient with door open + fan turned up to 2
Shade cloth: 80%
Average temperatures:
Low: 13°C
High: 42°C
Hours of supplemental light: 0
Daily water usage for crops: 2 gallons + 2 gallons
Water in Blue Tank: 115 gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: 9:00 + 18:00
Changes to crops: Still hot today. Some spinaches were stressed by the heat, but all the other plants still look healthy. 5 flowers are visible on the tomato plant and there are some flowers on Basil too. Romaine lettuce grow well.
Narrative: Still hot today despite the fan was turned up to 2. We have harvested 17,6g of Basil and 12g of Radish for the dinner.
Harvest: 17,6g Basil + 12g Radish
Support/supplies needed: None