Crew 236 EVA Report 30-DEC-2021
EVA # 11
Author: Vladimir Zeltsman
Purpose of EVA: Evaluation of soil and ground conditions for additional potential habitat locations and a geology survey of the Summerville formation/layers
Start time: 9:00 am
End time: 13:30 pm
Narrative: The EVA was originally requested for near and east of the summer view overlook, but changed to Candor Chasma. The coordinates are originally N4253000 W522800 but rescheduled for N4251000 W521000. The crew entered the airlock at 9:15 and headed towards Candor Chasma shortly after. Once both rovers were parked on Galileo, the crew headed east toward the destination. After hiking down into Candor Chasma, 1 location was measured to see if it was large enough for a habitat. The one location was open and had acceptable ground and soil conditions but significant terraforming would be required to make a road and clear the land of all fauna. This leads Vladimir (GHO) to believe that further east into Candor Chasma, there could be locations large and solid enough for a potential habitat location. At 11:15, the crew turned around and headed back to the rovers due to two suit failures. The crew arrived back at the Hab at 12:26. The EVA, although not producing the desired results, is still considered a success, since multiple sites were evaluated.
Destination: Candor Chasma/Region G
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): N4251000, W521000
Participants: Cesare (XO), Vladimir (GHO), Tyler (SCI), and Ben (JOU)
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: From the Hab, driving north on Cow Dung Rd to Galileo Rd and Galileo Rd to near area F; walking from area F east to Candor Chasma
Mode of travel: Driving and walking