Summary Title: Reaping the Benefits of Productive Anxiety
Author’s name: Sionade Robinson
Mission Status: After two years of anticipation, Crew 238 have been
getting acclimatised to MDRS and has been working hard to complete
training to support our mission.
Sol Activity Summary: Crew 238 completed training with suits, campus
map, Mars Rover care and driving practice, and living in Sim with MDRS
Mission Support.
Look Ahead Plan: Mission Control recommended two rehearsal EVAs
tomorrow to Marble Ritual – we request one at 11am and one at 2pm.
Anomalies in work: None
Weather: Crisp and clear
Crew Physical Status: Nominal
EVA: Practice drives for all crew with Spirit, Opportunity and
Curiosity to Galileo Road.
Reports to be filed: Sol, Operations, HSO and EVA Request (see above)
Support Requested: Support for two practice EVAs.