EVA #: 06
Author: P.J. Marcellino
Purpose of EVA: Pokrywka quickly sampled sound from micro-organism activity using an underground contact microphone, and survey/scouted the site for Mars-like characteristics, for filming purposes.
Start time: 15:30:00 MST
End time: 16:00:00 MST
Narrative: EVA started one hour later than expected but was sufficient to scout the location as per the original intention.
Destination: Kissing Camels Ridge (Centre)
Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): between 518000 and 519000 by 4249000 and 4250000 UTM NAD27
Participants: ART Pokrywka (lead), HSO Turner
Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road
Mode of travel: Opportunity