Journalist Report – January 19th

The best cake on Mars!

Today we decided to do some Mars Home Cooking! The selected recipe: Banana cake :D, we started our cooking at 12:00pm and the idea was to get the cake ready before EVA#2 but after checking the required cooking time, it was not possible. Commander Yael, Green Hab Officer Maria Paula Bustos and Crew Scientist Felipe Torres left for EVA#2 while the cake was baking. When they returned, the cake was ready! And we were happy to have some sweet cake after today’s EVAs when we had the first bite. Oh no! D: it was salty, what a letdown! :c Maria Paula then told us that large amounts of cinnamon actually make food salty and that when she had tried a dish like that before, she got a similar result. The dish she made that time was banana cupcakes actually :O so it was like having a flashback for her. After a while, some questions aroused. Did the cookbook say it would be sweet? The answer was… no.

Alright, did the cookbook says it would taste good? The answer was… no. Alright, did the cookbook say it was a cake? The answer was… no! hahaha xD it was actually bread! Even though you can expect the banana bread to be sweet, it is likely to be salty or with very little taste being bread. The whole experience was a funny moment and we had a great laugh. Although it has its salty flavor, I think you can figure out why this is the best cake on mars. If not, think about this, what other cake is on mars right now?

Other activities done today

I got up today and I made eggs for breakfast and for all the crew, Commander Yael and I were prepared for the EVA, we did the depressurization procedure and got out, the EVA was great! I had a little problem with my earpiece, but the rest was awesome, you can see some pictures taken by us in the daily photos we walked around Marble Ritual and saw the hab from far away! When we got back we noticed that one of the ventilation ducts was loose, we’re expecting further instructions about it. And finally, I can also say that the Toilet tank is now empty, hopefully, the experience was not as terrible as I expected it to be!

Journalist Report – January 19th

Journalist Report for SOL2.

Submitted by Carlos Salazar, Crew 226 Journalist

The best cake on Mars!

Today we decided to do some Mars Home Cooking! The selected recipe: Banana cake :D, we started our cooking at 12:00 pm and the idea was to get the cake ready before EVA#2 but after checking the required cooking time, it was not possible. Commander Yael, Green Hab Officer Maria Paula Bustos, and Crew Scientist Felipe Torres left for EVA#2 while the cake was baking. When they returned, the cake was ready! And we were happy to have some sweet cake after today’s EVAs when we had the first bite.

Oh no! D: it was salty, what a letdown! :c Maria Paula then told us that large amounts of cinnamon actually make food salty and that when she had tried a dish like that before, she got a similar result. The dish she made that time was banana cupcakes actually :O so it was like having a flashback for her. After a while, some questions arose. Did the cookbook say it would be sweet? The answer was… no. Alright, did the cookbook says it would taste good? The answer was… no.

Alright, did the cookbook say it was a cake? The answer was… no! hahaha; it was actually bread!

Even though you can expect the banana bread to be sweet, it is likely to be salty or with very little taste being bread. The whole experience was a funny moment and we had a great laugh. Despite its salty flavor, I think you can figure out why this is the best cake on mars. If not, think about this, what other cake is on mars right now?

Sol Summary – January 19th

Sol: 2

Summary Title: Hello Mars 🌱🔴

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: The crew has adapted well to the routine of the station, we cooked "banana bread" and talked about the difficulties that the first humans would have on Mars.

Sol Activity Summary: SIM began. Today we had our first real encounter with Mars. We were in Marble Ritual, we explored for an hour in each EVA. There are many things to discover on this planet and it is very exciting.

Look Ahead Plan: Continue with our projects and get to know Mars in depth

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Cloudy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Two EVAs realized

Reports to be filed: Sol Summary, Operations Report, EVA Request, Daily photos, Journalist report, HSO Report Updated, and HSO Beginning of Mission Checklist.

Support Requested: None

EVA Report – January 19th

Crew 226 EVA Reports 19-01-2022

EVA # 1

Author: Carlos Salazar

Purpose of EVA: Training EVA

Start time: 9:30 am
End time: 11:00am

Narrative: We used the rovers Spirit and Curiosity to get to Marble Ritual, which is a location near the hab, we went first in curiosity and Commander Yael went second, we went north in Cow Dung Road and we got to the location using our maps. We parked the rovers and regrouped, I got a problem with my earpiece after we managed to get it working, we made an exploration walk in Marble Ritual, we could see MDRS from here and took some photos, we looked at some rocks present in the area, after walking around a little hill we decided to get back to the rovers, made a turn and returned to the hab.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518800, 4250700

Participants: Yael Méndez, Carlos Salazar

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rovers Spirit and Curiosity and by foot.

EVA # 2

Author: Felipe Torres

Purpose of EVA: Training EVA

Start time: 2:00 pm
End time: 3:30 pm

Narrative: The purpose of this EVA was to train the Crew Members on going out on an EVA while on simulation. We used Spirit (Crew Scientist) and Curiosity (Green Hab Officer/Commander) rovers which were the same ones used during the first EVA earlier.

We drove from MDRS entrance road, then made a left at Cow Dung road towards NE until Marble Ritual zone. Here we explored the area by foot, getting adapted to walking and ducking with the suit on.

The soil was very eroded and we could observe slightly horizontal layers parallel to the ground level. There were also many small rocks of different colors, and we could identify canals or drainings in the soil where we believe water could have run by in the past; reasons for which we believe this area is called Marble ritual.

With this EVA we were able to realize that these activities require a considerable amount of physical effort and that each EVA only should be done if this effort will be compensated with scientific data that will support our Mission plan.

The spacesuits and rovers functioned nominally throughout the whole EVA.

Destination: Marble Ritual

Coordinates (use UTM NAD27 CONUS): 518800, 4250700

Participants: Yael Mendez, Maria Bustos, Felipe Torres

Road(s) and routes per MDRS Map: MDRS entrance road, Cow Dung Road

Mode of travel: Rover (Spirit, Curiosity)

Felipe Torres,
Crew Scientist.

Operations Report – January 19th


Name of person filing report: Carlos Salazar

Non-nominal systems: none

Notes on non-nominal systems: none

Spirit rover used: Yes
Hours: 152.8
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 99%
Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: No
Hours: 82.9
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes
Hours: 165.1
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 90%
Currently charging: yes

Perseverance rover used: No
Hours: 226.1
Beginning charge: 100%
Ending charge: 100%
Currently charging: Yes

General notes and comments: none

Summary of Hab operations:

WATER USE: 20 gallons
Water (static tank): 445 gallons
Water (loft tank): 35 galons
Water Meter: currently 0154910.1
Static to Loft Pump used – yes
Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off) on

Toilet tank emptied: Yes

Summary of internet: nominal

Summary of suits and radios: nominal

Summary of GreenHab operations:
WATER USE: 9 gallons
Heater: On
Supplemental light: Yes
Harvest: Cherry tomatoes 131g
Mint 18g

Summary of Science Dome operations: None

Summary of RAM operations: The mousetraps in RAM were brought to the hab.

Summary of any observatory issues: none

Summary of health and safety issues: none

Questions, concerns, and requests to Mission Support: When EVA #1 was finished and we took off our spacesuits, spacesuit #4 had one of the couplers of the ventilation ducts loose, I think that would be necessary to repair it but I´d like to ask that to Mission support before taking further action. Also, about the electrical can opener, we couldn`t manage to get it to work, we would like to have some assistance with that.

sol-summary-January 18th

Sol: 1

Summary Title: "Encendiendo motores para ir a Marte" 🚀

Author’s name: Yael Méndez- Commander

Mission Status: All crew is very excited about the training and for the start of the simulation. We feel in Mars already!

Sol Activity Summary: Training begins, starting with familiarization with the station: Hab, Science dome, RAM and Green-Hab, use of spacesuits, rovers, and protocols for EVA’s.

Look Ahead Plan: Start SIM at 6 am

Anomalies in work: None

Weather: Sunny in the morning and partly cloudy in the evening

Crew Physical Status: Nominal

EVA: Training (Galileo road)

Reports to be filed: Operations report, HSO report, EVA Request, Mission plan, Daily photos, Journalist report

Support Requested: Collection and disposal of trash burnable and non-burnable

operations-report-January 18th


Name of person filing report: Carlos Salazar

Non-nominal systems: none

Notes on non-nominal systems: none

Spirit rover used: Yes

Hours: 152.5

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 98%

Currently charging: yes

Opportunity rover used: Yes

Hours: 82.9

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 96%

Currently charging: Yes

Curiosity rover used: Yes

Hours: 164.8

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 96%

Currently charging: yes

Perseverance rover used: No

Hours: 226.1

Beginning charge: 100%

Ending charge: 100%

Currently charging: Yes

CrewCar used:yes
Why and Where:It was used to get to mdrs from Grand Junction, below you can check the info of the CrewCar checked

Grand Junction – January 16•Initial Mileage: 199,958 miles•Check gas: Full tank
•Oil level: OK

Hanksville (MDRS) – January 17
•Final Mileage: 200,241 miles
•Check gas: Full tank

General notes and comments: none

Summary of Hab operations:

WATER USE: 32 galons

Water (static tank): 465 galons

Water (loft tank): 28 galons

Water Meter: currently 0154857

Static to Loft Pump used – yes

Static tank pipe heater (on or off): on

Static tank heater (on or off) on

Toilet tank emptied: No

Summary of internet: nominal

Summary of suits and radios: nominal

Summary of Hab operations: Training session: a visit was made to the structures in the campus, we tested and assigned our spacesuits and we learned how to check and use the rovers.

Summary of GreenHab operations:

WATER USE: 11 gallons

Heater: On

Supplemental light: Yes

Harvest: Cherry tomatoes 374g
Long Onion 3g
Basil: 8g
Mint 23g

Summary of Science Dome operations: None

Summary of RAM operations: none

Summary of any observatory issues: none

Summary of health and safety issues: none

Questions, concerns and requests to Mission Support: none

Journalist Report–January 18th

Journalist Report
January 18, 2022
Felipe Torres, Crew Scientist

We have successfully landed on Mars!

Landing was safe, though a little rough. The crew is excited and some are a little nervous; our Commander had a few tears of joy from having arrived to the red planet. We are all proud of each other and of our mission support team on Earth for helping us get here safe.

It’s amazing the resemblance it has with our planet Earth. Some things look familiar, it even feels like home! We are all eager to start populating this planet.

Most things are still new for us, so today we started our training led by Atila; we started getting familiarized with the different systems on our Hab, RAM, Green Hab, and Science Dome. It’s a shame our Crew Astronomist couldn’t come with us we won’t be able to use our Observatories, fortunately, we’ll still be able to get telescopic images remotely from the Earth.

Time for a break! We had our first lunch together as Martians. Never thought that our crew had such talented cooks; definitely cooking won’t be an issue during our Mission.

We all helped each other jump inside our Spacesuits. We had done it before on Earth, but doing it here in Mars is actually way different. The feeling of being far from home starts kicking in. Spacesuits are on, we turn on and make sure all the systems are operating nominally.

Now the moment to explore has arrived. Let’s go outside! Said Atila. Our first exploration of Mars soil has been thrilling. We traveled a few miles in our Rovers (Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity) just enough distance to be safe and sound during our first EVA; we reached the Route 1104, also known as Galileo Road and then headed back to our Hab as the sun was falling down and the temperature was getting lower.

To end the day, we all studied the Mars map and discussed different zones of interest, which according to our Mission plan will be the best places to explore on our next EVA’s.

Good night.

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