GreenHab Officer: Cheyenne Chamart
Environmental control:
Average temperatures: 85.2° F for the day (106° F around midday/in the afternoon)
Hours of supplemental light: N/A
Daily water usage for crops: N/A
Daily water usage for research and/or other purposes: N/A
Water in Blue Tank (full – not used) gallons
Time(s) of watering for crops: N/A
Changes to crops: N/A
Narrative: Today I stayed in the GreenHab for some time to water my plants (I used the tap water of the Hab as I only need 900 mL). I checked its, as well as the Science Dome, environmental parameters (t°, humidity, PAR,…) multiple times during the day. The GreenHab has a constant humidity of 9% during the day but is higher in the evening (18%).
Harvest: N/A
Support/supplies needed: Nothing